Stapling ... just saw a few pictures

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I just ran across, while looking for something else, pictures of sexual stapling.

It's surprising to see pictures of cocks that have staples around the head of the penis and well, other pictures of body parts being stapled.

So anyone have any experience with using this type of play? Seems as if it's fairly extreme. Would appreciate some input!

savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 02-16-2014, 12:14 PM

that is pretty extreme. i remember watching steve o get his ass stapled on jackass and though omgwtf.

but your cock? fuck that. sounds bloody(pulling them out) and blood is where i draw the line.

ewwww ughhhh....fuck.

more power to the person who pushes the boundaries, but jesus christ...
Lhornbk's Avatar
@savak +10000000000
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
This topic may push a lot of boundaries for some but I'm betting there are members out there that have experience with this sort of thing.

So I would adore hearing from someone who has indulged or doesn't have some of the same negativity that I, and a few others, have shown.

I promise to keep an open mind, and won't allow any bashing, if someone would like to add something more personal than what's been posting thus far.

Stapling as you mentioned is often seen as a rather "Extreme" kink but it doesn't have to be. Hook suspensions and things of that sort are what I consider extreme and draw the line at but that's just my personal preference.

Medical play especially mixed with fear play is one of my favorite fetishes! One of the most interesting things is electrical mixed with needles and staples.... the sensations and reactions are pure joy if the submissive is in the right head space and can really heighten a scene and draw the submissive deeper into subspace. (I would advise against this type of play if you haven't done it before because you can hurt someone though)

Some fetishes are not fit for everyone so staples and needles are not going to be for someone who doesn't like pain WHATSOEVER but the pain is nothing near the intensity of a corporal caning or whipping scene, it's all in the head. The mind plays the biggest part in recognizing and evaluating pain and the sheer thought of needles entering the body or staples being attached without a medical reason is a total MIND FUCK.

BDSM is about a controlled sense of fear and sensations..... that's why you visit a Dominatrix isn't it ; )

Don't be afraid to try new things... you just might like them!
Maitresse Renee
MLisaRIP's Avatar
Oh Fkn Yes. Been on both sides of this! Hehe. Stories stories, I warned you Bastards! Lol. & of course a little electricity does a Girl Good. Hehe. Mmm my dream.---Violent Wand stapled boy & Moi---makes me tingle just imagining it!
Oh but back to MY stapling---experience---��
I was blessed at one time w a wonderful Sadist whom I trusted not just w my intimate girlie parts to but my vulnerable neck- but that is another story with a different bottle of wine.
I had my tender "lips" stapled tightly to only have the staples asunder via a deep, hard, thrusting motion---
So yes staples can be fun& entertaining especially when coupled w safe, insane, & consensual
BTW We don't need no fckn safe words- w the right audience
loveitdou's Avatar
I'm too young for this thread-aaaaaaaarrrrrrghh
spice-is-nice's Avatar
I tried having play piercing on my nipples once. My nipples are big for a guy and always erect The Domme put 4 small gauge disposable sterile needles through each nipple after carefully cleaning the area. I was well into subspace beforehand and it actually felt pretty good, but not good enough to want to repeat this kind of play. No negative after effects.

You really need to be with someone who knows what she's doing for this and other extreme play. Someone whom you know and trust for play like this. You can get deep enough in subspace that you could be seriously injured and not know it immediately, so she needs to know when to back off.
DO NOT "try" to do something with someone unless you know what you are doing.
Could I afford two hours with a double with Maitresse Renee and Dallas? Perhaps I could afford it but could I survive it? I am fascinated and curious but I don't have the intestinal fortitude.
DallasRain's Avatar
a double with you would be mind blowing matter who else was there! And Maitresse Renee is HOT!

as for stapling....not sure its for me...but each to his own