Hello All

I don't care for the idea of sending out a mass email, so I thank you for this brief moment of self indulgence.
Admittedly, I have been the absolute worst communicator, and business woman over the past 4 or 5 weeks. For those of you who do not know, I had a horrible, horrible, bout with Sciatica. This ungodly pain, and burning sensations from my lower back, down my right leg, into my knee and toes. I lost my mobility and was stranded in my bed for about 36 hours until I was rescued and could get a bit of relief. Then, it took a full week for me to make it down my stairs and to my Doctor. An additional week with stretches, rest, icky stuff and I could make it to my car, and over to HEB, where I could walk from the handicapped parking into the produce section, before I was looking for the zipper to remove my leg....in tears when I reached the checkout, one step at a time. I've never felt pain like that before, and I have no intention of ever feeling like that again.
I'm now happily released from my doctors care, back to my regular routine, and able to see clients again! Thank the Universe! I was tired of sleeping all day and all night!
I wanted to send my heart filled apologies to my regular clients, as I had to block off my schedule, without giving a reason, inconveniencing them as they couldn't make an appointment to see me. Also, to those who were new to my work, who wanted to make an appointment, but I did not respond. It was just all so hit or miss, and that's not how I run my business. It was just necessary, as a side effect, for me to sleep, 24/7.
I also send my heart filled thank you to those to came running when I needed help. I'm so overwhelmed by your kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity. I have made some truly wonderful friends in our little community, and I am grateful.
Good health and wellbeing to all of you in this new year!