Hey! My name is Kay! lol

Sooooo... I got a msg from my favorite mod who shall remain nameless... so eloquently titled WTF... lol. Sorry I haven't been posting much lately but im still alive and licking hehehe. Im still out of town but I will be back soon.

Just wanted to let my favorite gents know I haven't forgot you and I'll be back soon. I miss you guys and You know you are more than welcome to txt or pm whenever you want even if its just to say hey. Id love to hear from you!!

Cant wait to see you guys soon!
Gladiator69's Avatar
you know I miss you baby
livn2do's Avatar
Its cause I retired. That's why you stopped coming around. I understand.

jk...I'm really not that stupid. Hope you're having fun in the sun. I'll let you buy me dinner next time you're in town.
Gladiator u know I miss you baby. You better be ready for some good lovin when I get back .. im not taking no for an answer this time. You're going to get it whether you like it or not lmao

And livn2do baby I was just thinking about you. I heard a song on the radio the other day that fits u to a t. Retirement shretirement. Im always up for a new challenge . Don't tempt me with an awesome time. Lol
DallasRain's Avatar
Originally Posted by DallasRain
How's my favorite ass reaper doing u sexy thing u lol
DallasRain's Avatar
i am awesome...missing Iowa though! Hope to see ya in spring baby!
I think I'm long overdue with a conversation with Ms
Kay here in central Iowa