
Taking a trip to Brazil. Anyone know what sites have the best / most information about hobbying in Brazil?
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Where will you be in Brazil?

For general information on the kinds of things available I suggest googling "Bubba Boy Rio Guide" as well as "Bwana Dik's Rio Guide" they will give a ton of useful information though many of the specific establishments they reference are no longer in business. The options they mention will be available all over Brazil also and not specific to Rio.

As for up to date review sites, it's difficult if you don't speak the language and none of them are in English, and google translate only takes you so far. You'll have to piece together information from several international sex boards like worldsexguide, internationalsexguide, insearchofchicas, worldsexinfo, cityxguide, etc..

I've written some reviews here on Eccie of my unforgettable experiences in some of the high end "termas" in Rio but I'm by no means an expert. Feel free to read them if you want to know more about termas from a first timers perspective. My other trips to Brazil I've always used agencies.
BigLouie's Avatar
I have been so many times the Termas know me by first name! Best web site is Club Hombre. As mentioned the BWana Dick guide is the best and can be found on that web site. And it is totally different than in the US. More later
BigLouie's Avatar
Doing this from cell phone so have to be brief. I skyway tell people to go with a friend if possible. You maybe going on business making that not possible but you can still have fun. The next most important thing is to know if where you are staying is "girl friendly " meaning they will let you bring in a guest for the night. The Marriott is. But some are not. More later
sharkman29's Avatar
Anything in Recife or Natal? I will be in both cities for the World Cup.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Here's a link to some portuguese hobbying phrases I put together.

I don't speak Portuguese so the grammar is often wrong and the words are not quite right but it's what I used with great success to communicate with Braxilian providers and had no problems being understood.

You won't be picking chicks up at bars with my list but it's good enough for basic communication purposes.
Belo Horizonte is fun.

São Paulo is okay, I know the area well but it's not for tourists.

The sites biglouie and spice mentioned are fine, but I never picked many girls that way. But since you aren't fluent in Portuguese, I would stick to those sites, but just for fun, try and pick up a local girl. Your dick won't regret it.

Just don't go anywhere in brazil being a dbag in affliction shirts. Haha. Buy some linen shirts, dress casual - it gets hot as balls down there
Like Sharkman, Im going to those cities, plus Manaus and Rio for world cup.
BigLouie's Avatar
For info on Manaus, Recife and Natal Club Hombre maybe your only hope. There is sure to be post about the cities in the Brazil discussion area. As for Rio, B'Wana Dick's guide is excellent. Of the places talked about the disco Help is closed and the Termas L'Uomo is closed also, the rest if pretty spot on. My only exception is that he is too harsh on Centaruous.