Traffic cams, safety or scam?

I received a ticket in the mail (how convenient!) and paid it like a good schmuck.
I have heard conflicting reports in the news about whether or not they are legal and with all the back and forth, I did some research. They ARE legal, at the moment. But many are challenging the legality and purpose. Are they for the safety of others, or is it another way to pad the city governments pockets(who's pockets? Too many to name!)?
The photo was taken at 3 am, there was not a soul in sight. Yes, I was speeding, but I wasn't trying to break a 1/4 mile record! And everyone knows there are hot, freshly glazed donuts served up at 3 am!
From what I have read, tourists (who are the life's blood for the city) have gotten tickets in the same manner. A woman had gotten one 3 weeks after she visited here and what WAS a pleasant memory of a fun and unique city is now an unpleasant one. She was going 5 miles over the limit! Some "thanks for visiting our city" that must be! How many others have received the same thank you note?
justinator's Avatar
I hear nothing happens if you do not pay. The company that owns the contract can't even report you to a credit agency..
Karrine_Kream's Avatar
I know I F%(*&& got one in the mail and I NEVER SPEED. Not sure about this instance since it was during my first trip ever inside the city of Lafayette and they mailed a ticket to my permanent address.

It was kind of weird to me. Needless to say by the time I recieved it, it had occurred a small late fee, I haven't paid it yet. IDK, how I even fee about it. I suppose I'll pay it but thought it was quite strange.
I got one in 2005 or so I think and I paid it. It was when the cameras first started popping up in town. I got one again a couple of years ago, and I did not pay it. I got harassing phone calls from a collection agency. And each time they called I told them the same. That it was not a legal ticket. There was no person to witness the violation. And that I was not paying. They eventually left me alone. It is not on my credit nor on my driving record.

They are not legal. When you get a ticket from an officer you are still considered innocent. You are given the option to pay, or to go to court and fight it. The officer that issues the ticket is required to show up to court to "witness" or testify.

The camera is not a legal witness.
But arent those really bright flashes pretty! lol, Ive never paid one, and they have never shown up on my record. What April said....

I even got popped by one in Memphis, right in front of a cop, he didnt pull me over--guess it makes their life easier too.
TiCobra's Avatar
Got on in the mail a couple years ago...wasn't sure what it was at first,imagine the look on my face once I found out lol. I thought it was BS because I "never" run a red light,until I saw the video...I didn't run the light in the typical sense,I failed to come to a complete stop before I made my turn (a right turn). Cost me $150,I was actually amazed at the quality of the pics and could see my license plate so clearly lol
Arverni's Avatar
What April Cox wrote is amazing! I don't know if the law views her as correct here - but what she says makes complete sense.
TiCobra's Avatar
What April Cox wrote is amazing! I don't know if the law views her as correct here - but what she says makes complete sense. Originally Posted by Arverni
Can they suspend your drivers license in NOLA if you don't pay?? I was told that and would like to know if it so.
Gentleman10's Avatar
Escort 9500ci with Laser Interceptor Jammers = no tickets (speeding, red-light, etc.) in 5+ years.

Countermeasures. . .is there any other way?

runkle's Avatar
i dont know about the cameras and the mail-in tickets, but i do know that if you dont pay so much as a seat-belt ticket from an officer they can and will suspend your license. I got a seat-belt ticket about 18 yrs ago in Anacoco near Leesville. I said hell i aint paying a $25 ticket to some lil ole hick town, well that hick town turned me in and got my license suspended. So not paying $25, cost me $200, the 25 + $50 late fee, + $125 to have my license reinstated. I sure showed
Agreeing with what April Cox said, they will bother you and bother you, but in the end, nothing will come of it. They may say they're legal, but technically they're not. For instance, sometimes those red light tickets are incorrect. I once got one and it wasn't even my fault!! I went into the intersection before the light was even YELLOW, but the person before me stopped, making me have to do the same, and sped up right before the light turned red, causing ME to get the ticket(jackass.) So who was not paying that ticket was me, feeling like it wasn't my fault. I REFUSED! And nothing happened. But things like that happen all the time. Had it been a regular ticket, I definitely would have gone to court to protest it. And that's exactly why those tickets are NOT legal, regardless of what they say, because people don't get the chance to tell their side of the story. It's our legal right to be able to question authority. Just because some asshole puts on a uniform and a badge absolutely does NOT make him right all the time. In fact, they abuse their privileges and lie more times than they tell the truth. And cameras are definitely not an authority anyway. So fuck those cameras. I wouldn't pay any of those tickets, never have and never will. The city needs to find a new way to make money. And maybe if they would actually do what they were hired for instead of sitting on their fat lazy asses thinking of more ways to scam more money out of us, I would be more inclined to help them. But that's a little off subject, destined for another post. SORRY
I got a speeding ticket from a camera and did nothing at all. I got letters from the city for about 18 months. Then they stopped. I did not pay it and don't intend to.
nolatribalwarfare's Avatar
I know New Orleans will boot and impound your car if you have multiple unpaid camera fines. I know people who operate their tow trucks. To them it is just like an over due parking violation.