In the hands of the jury

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-14-2013, 05:04 AM
Martin is right where he should be, DEAD. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Comments like this make me truly hope i'm wrong about heaven and hell.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-14-2013, 05:25 AM
when Roderick Scott killed one of the 3. Car break ins went way down in the area where it happen.

with Zimmerman, the area had a high home break in rate. Bet the drive by news will never tell if home break ins go down in the area. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
And you've yet to tell anyone who Martin was planning to rob. Where was he planning a "break-in", OSD? Come on, you seem so convinced that he was a bad apple who deserved to freakin' die. Unless you think someone deserves to die for simply confronting someone who is following them around, then you must know something we all don't.

Do tell. Because until you do, your comments and analogies are nothing but racist trash.
cowboy8055's Avatar
You have to keep in mind Florida is a red Republican State. We all know how Republicans take great pride and are always bragging how important 'Law & Order' is for them. So take this strange Zimmerman verdict as another peculiar example of how conservative folks in Florida interpret their version of Law & Order......ijs Originally Posted by Celso
Florida can't be that red if Obama managed to win it twice. You can always count on libs fabricating racism whenever possible. If a black youth, or any black, is gunned down in this country it is far more likely done by another black. But you rarely hear the media or people like Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson comment on black on black violence. But a white guy shoots a black, which is uncommon compared to blacks shooting blacks, and they're all over it. The circus surrounding this trial was pathetic. Had Zimmerman been black we would have heard nothing about this. Just another case of race baiting. But I guess that makes for better news.
cowboy8055's Avatar
While I view that as just another example of the USA going backwards into the days of the Wild Wild West.....ijs Originally Posted by Celso
Well blacks are playing wild wild west against other blacks in many of our major cities but that gets far less national attention than it should. Instead we make a circus out of something like the Zimmerman trial.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Well getting BACK on topic, Martin was killed by the actions of that wannabe cop Zimmerman who kept following/stalking him in spite of real cops telling Zimmerman to STOP his stalking! Originally Posted by Celso
your opinion, Mind is still Martin was killed by his own actions.
Comments like this make me truly hope i'm wrong about heaven and hell. Originally Posted by Doove
If you believe as I do that Zimmerman defended self. Its cheaper this way for the tax payers

And you've yet to tell anyone who Martin was planning to rob. Where was he planning a "break-in", OSD? Come on, you seem so convinced that he was a bad apple who deserved to freakin' die. Unless you think someone deserves to die for simply confronting someone who is following them around, then you must know something we all don't.

Do tell. Because until you do, your comments and analogies are nothing but racist trash. Originally Posted by Doove
I have no idea if Martin was doing more than walking home. But if home break ins goes down in the area, I bet it will not be in the news. As it will not fit the story line that Martin was a good kid. Martins mother did say that moving him to fathers was in hope to keep him out of trouble. Sometimes that works, other times it does not.
yankee13's Avatar
well the jury said it was self defense that's why he was found not guilty but they have odd laws in florida anyway
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-14-2013, 07:49 AM
Had Zimmerman been black we would have heard nothing about this. Just another case of race baiting. But I guess that makes for better news. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
If Zimmerman were black, this wouldn't have happened.

I have no idea if Martin was doing more than walking home. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Then where do you get off claiming he deserves to be dead?

Oh wait, i know.
malonely's Avatar
So if I read this right any case of law breaking should be treated as a capital offense and they should be shot in the street as a deterrent. It doesn't even have to be the actual criminal, it could be just a 17 year old black kid coming back from the store with a bag of skittle. As long as someone dies for the crime it will be a proper deterrent and it is okay to kill anyone for the offense.

This of course goes for breaking and entering in Florida, or car vandalism in Rochester. No matter what the crime if we just kill a couple of people in the act, or possibly ready preparing to be in the act then it is okay to kill them, as a deterrent.

I hope your ATF or your latest backpage experiment has a nice secure incall because last I knew everyone active in this hobby was breaking the law and are criminals. We may not be causing personal injury to others but given the takeover of the American Taliban as evidenced in NC, and TX, and their new draconian laws it seems moral turpitude is as important a consideration as personal and property security. Obviously according to them a couple of john or hookers shot in the street would do wonders to curb the prostitution trade and would be a wonderful deterrent. Or maybe stoned instead of shot, as long as our civilization is receding to the stone age lets go all the way.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
If Zimmerman were black, this wouldn't have happened.

no it would have never made national news or got the play it did

Then where do you get off claiming he deserves to be dead?
Zimmerman defended self is my opinion
Oh wait, i know. Originally Posted by Doove
Roderick Scott did make national news. But did not get pushed as it did not fit the racing agenda. Locally it was full of race baiting.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-14-2013, 08:40 AM
RZimmerman defended self is my opinion Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
A 28 year old, 200lb guy with a gun confronts a 160lb 17 year old kid without a gun and minding his own business.

By what leap of logic do you think the 17 year old kid started the fight?

Even if Martin was ultimately on top, kicking Zimmerman's ass, that doesn't mean he started the fight. And doesn't he (Martin) have the right to defend himself?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
by what logic do you think he did not????

back to Roderick Scott, you have a 17 year old going after a large well built guy with a gun that said cops are on the way.

So back Zimmerman and Martin. we both do not know who started, and we both have are own opinion. Only living person that knows who started that fight is Zimmerman.

In both cases, I am happy the fuck ups are dead. You are not, life goes on.
quiver4me's Avatar
fuck up? because he didn't have a gun on him he's labeled a fuck up? really? ohhhh,how silly of me. I get it now. he's a fuckup because you don't know who started the fight.
malonely's Avatar
Zimmerman started it by getting out of his truck when told not to by the 911 operator. Anything that happens after that is his fault because an armed racist decided it was time to go hunt down a 17 year old black kid coming back from the store. The fact that the kid being stalked by an armed psycho felt he might have to fight back and defend himself should be applauded by you he-man conservatives, you die hard law and order conservatives who are all on this site whose foundation is that of breaking the law.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
fuck up? because he didn't have a gun on him he's labeled a fuck up? really? ohhhh,how silly of me. I get it now. he's a fuckup because you don't know who started the fight. Originally Posted by quiver4me
well I going by something his mother said

Zimmerman started it by getting out of his truck when told not to by the 911 operator. Anything that happens after that is his fault because an armed racist decided it was time to go hunt down a 17 year old black kid coming back from the store. The fact that the kid being stalked by an armed psycho felt he might have to fight back and defend himself should be applauded by you he-man conservatives, you die hard law and order conservatives who are all on this site whose foundation is that of breaking the law. Originally Posted by malonely
your armed psycho was the one that called 911
offshoredrilling's Avatar
A lawyer for Martin's family said Saturday the petition showed support for the idea that "a black 17-year-old child should be able to walk home from the store and not be shot.
a racists statement,
how about, a 17 year old should be.................. if doing nothing wrong.