Raul Castro Drops Out Of Presidential Race

HoeHummer's Avatar
LOLLING! But Putin is still in, eh!
LOLLING! But Putin is still in, eh! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Yep! He's the Democratic Front Runner!

Hillary/Putin 2020
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
LOLLING! But Putin is still in, eh! Originally Posted by HoeHummer

if you say so, Yssup Rider
TheDaliLama's Avatar
With a name Iike Castro...i just can't understand why?
Failure<<<<<see Julian Castro
the castro campaign searched high and low for symbolism of his childhoods mistreatment at the hands of America

the best they could come up with was he and his brother rode a school bus to elementary school, his version of a woolworth's lunch counter

so his campaign held its kick off from a school bus in san antonio,

no mention of their free ride to stanford
He got to thinking about what voters would think of his Bat Shit Crazy old mother who believes Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California should be given back to Mexico.
Chung Tran's Avatar
He got to thinking about what voters would think of his Bat Shit Crazy old mother who believes Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California should be given back to Mexico. Originally Posted by Jackie S

if Trump keeps delaying that Wall, you won't have to give Mexico back anything, they'll have it anyway, come 2040..
  • oeb11
  • 01-02-2020, 11:03 AM
Far as my opinion - Mexico can have Kalifornia and all it's DPST nut cases.

Kalifornia is a state people are leaving due to the DPST (non) governance.

Texas will pick up a 2-3 House seats, and Kalifornia lose at least one in the census - which is why the DPST's are so set on not having a citizenship question - so they can count the illegals as "Voters"!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Far as my opinion - Mexico can have Kalifornia and all it's DPST nut cases.

Kalifornia is a state people are leaving due to the DPST (non) governance.

Texas will pick up a 2-3 House seats, and Kalifornia lose at least one in the census - which is why the DPST's are so set on not having a citizenship question - so they can count the illegals as "Voters"! Originally Posted by oeb11

are you sure? I saw an article they expect the census to give them 10 more seats.
Chung Tran's Avatar
no, 2-3 seats is accurate.

10 more seats? that is beyond ridiculous.. the Rio Grande Valley would be as population-squeezed as Houston, if Texas gained 10 seats!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
there are going to be a number of states that lose seats and those lost seats will go to the big states. I think that is where the 10 count estimate came from.

I will have to find the article in question.
  • oeb11
  • 01-02-2020, 12:31 PM
The DPST dominated states of Kalifornia, NY and Illinois are projected to lose seats.

About darn Time!!!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
are you sure? I saw an article they expect the census to give them 10 more seats. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The Dallas Morning News says projections are for Texas to gain 2 or 3 House seats after the 2020 census. Florida gains 2 and several other states gain 1. No state loses more than 1.


Right now Texas has 36 House seats, 23 held by Republicans and 13 by Democrats. Democrats picked up 2 House seats in 2018 and it is possible that Democrats will pick up more in 2020. Texas is becoming more blue each year. It will be interesting to see how the additional 2-3 seats will change the political scene in Texas. But there is little to support any belief that the additional 2-3 seats will be added to the Republican column.