what happened to North Korea ?

VitaMan's Avatar
Only 9 months ago, there was a huge crisis developing. Mr. Trump had to go to North Korea to see Mr. Kim and sign some papers. Every day, the news organizations were printing huge headlines about the nuclear program crisis.

But......in the last 9 months, news organizations don't even mention a crisis and North Korea. Guess it went away.
  • Tiny
  • 01-01-2021, 07:11 PM
Only 9 months ago, there was a huge crisis developing. Mr. Trump had to go to North Korea to see Mr. Kim and sign some papers. Every day, the news organizations were printing huge headlines about the nuclear program crisis.

But......in the last 9 months, news organizations don't even mention a crisis and North Korea. Guess it went away. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Covid and Trump are just so much more entertaining. If you're a media outlet you go with what sells advertisements, and North Korea just doesn't stack up.
Ripmany's Avatar
Not sure about the pspers
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
NK is having covid crisis thanx to chinese tourists. lol.

oh yeah, his cute sister is now #2 to Jong Un Kim.
Same reason the media has yet to mention the agreements between Morocco and Israel, UAE and Israel, and Egypt and Israel.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Same reason the media has yet to mention the agreements between Morocco and Israel, UAE and Israel, and Egypt and Israel. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I never saw a report about Morocco (I understand there is negative aspect to this agreement regarding Tunisia and Morocco claims over western sahara).

UAE/Israel was reported.

egypt/Israel????? what agreement would be on that one? they have peace treaty between the two.
LexusLover's Avatar
NK is having covid crisis thanx to chinese tourists. lol.

..... his cute sister is now #2 to Jong Un Kim. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Rumor is that she makes him look like a wimp.
  • oeb11
  • 01-02-2021, 06:35 AM
harris is planning a Cabinet position for Kim
Secretary of nuclear give-away to NK!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
harris is planning a Cabinet position for Kim
Secretary of nuclear give-away to NK! Originally Posted by oeb11
My God, oeb, you are so delusional, you don’t even count as a real poster anymore.

I never saw a report about Morocco (I understand there is negative aspect to this agreement regarding Tunisia and Morocco claims over western sahara).

UAE/Israel was reported.

egypt/Israel????? what agreement would be on that one? they have peace treaty between the two. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Reported? Should have have celebrated. Yeah, Egypt was not true. Trolling munchie there. However, Bahrain and Sudan are true and make the point of how much Trump accomplished despite the deep state interference.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I thought this thread was about North Korea... Trump’s greatest foreign policy victory!

Conveniently, you boys have hijacked yet another thread because you can’t manage the truth.

Remember this?

They need check marks for

Met with dictator without extracting anything in return. Trump can get 2 checks there. Allowed development of ICBM. I think Trump can take credit for that one as well.
Maybe n Korea was a bit smarter than Putin this election