Ruh Roh

bambino's Avatar
Seems like Kerry lied. Put him on the treason list. There’s a long line.
the real problem is the deep state committed entirely to the dimocrats

nothing will be done
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
When I check out at the grocery store I look at the headlines of the National Enquirer and similar tabloid newspapers and they always bring a smile to my face due to their totally ridiculous statements. You can put Parler on that list. If there was ever an example of "Fake News", Parler would be it.
bambino's Avatar
the real problem is the deep state committed entirely to the dimocrats

nothing will be done Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
The DS won’t be around forever. Maybe not much longer.
bambino's Avatar
When I check out at the grocery store I look at the headlines of the National Enquirer and similar tabloid newspapers and they always bring a smile to my face due to their totally ridiculous statements. You can put Parler on that list. If there was ever an example of "Fake News", Parler would be it. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The NYT leaked the tapes Speedy. And get something straight. Parler is a social media site. They don’t create content. TGP wrote the piece based on the NYT article. But hey, you believe Snopes. A washed up hooker.

But that’s besides the point. Of which you have none. Do you think an Ex SOS should carry out shadow diplomacy? Against a duly elected administration? Especially when it harms one of our strongest allies? And puts are own troops in harms way against Iran? I can’t wait to see how you try to rationalize that. Look Soeedy, there are bad politicians on both sides. What Kerry did is inexcusable.
The NYT leaked the tapes Speedy. And get something straight. Parler is a social media site. They don’t create content. TGP wrote the piece based on the NYT article. But hey, you believe Snopes. A washed up hooker. Originally Posted by bambino
its the refuge of these people, even when it makes no sense

close their eyes and proclaim the source, any source, the issue

then they feel better, but the gnawing kernel of knowledge they work to suppress agitates

every once in a while someone will throw off the chains and proclaim they are finally free from the oppression caused by the fear of not fitting in or losing their job or submission to the people they know

many times its the old emperor has no clothes syndrome, they all act and say they believe a way due to everyone else that controls or supports their world is acting to believe a way or its just plain ol' selfishness that creates a leftist
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yes the excuse is always the messenger not the message ,
Clinton 101

Now a standard Dimocratic Socialist tactic. They don't even realize the fallacy, the double standard or the hypocrisy of using it.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Well Isreal is done with this group , ketchup boy is the worst
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Seriously though, the deep state is rather shallow. All their stuff spills quickly.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The DS won’t be around forever. Maybe not much longer. Originally Posted by bambino

the deep state is making their play. because Trump was the wildcard they didn't expect and he forced them to, perhaps sooner than they planned.

now the shit is hitting the fan. and they are getting exposed for it. before they were really ready.

if Trump winning the presidency as an outlier to the deep state political cabal did one thing only .. then he becomes the greatest president in US history including Reagan, Abe and G Washington.

now all we have to do is get "woke" to the global cabal .. and end them.

by any means necessary
bambino's Avatar
the deep state is making their play. because Trump was the wildcard they didn't expect and he forced them to, perhaps sooner than they planned.

now the shit is hitting fan. and they are getting exposed for it. before they were really ready.

if Trump winning the presidency as an outlier to the deep state political cabal did one thing only .. then he becomes the greatest president in US history including Reagan, Abe and G Washington.

now all we have to do is get "woke" to the global cabal .. and end them.

by any means necessary Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The NYT leaked the tapes Speedy. And get something straight. Parler is a social media site. They don’t create content. TGP wrote the piece based on the NYT article. But hey, you believe Snopes. A washed up hooker.

But that’s besides the point. Of which you have none. Do you think an Ex SOS should carry out shadow diplomacy? Against a duly elected administration? Especially when it harms one of our strongest allies? And puts are own troops in harms way against Iran? I can’t wait to see how you try to rationalize that. Look Soeedy, there are bad politicians on both sides. What Kerry did is inexcusable. Originally Posted by bambino
Parler is a social media site started by Trump supporters who were unhappy with media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

"Parler (/ˈpɑːrlər/) is an American alt-tech microblogging and social networking service. It has a significant user base of Donald Trump supporters, conservatives, conspiracy theorists, and far-right extremists. Posts on the service often contain far-right content, antisemitism, and conspiracy theories such as QAnon. Journalists have described Parler as an alternative to Twitter, and users include those banned from mainstream social networks or opposing their moderation policies."

And your claims against Kerry are unproven.

Since your return from exile, you've been on quite a roll. Odds are that eventually you will get something correct. Stick to golf where you might have a little bit of expertise. It sure ain't politics.
bambino's Avatar
Parler is a social media site started by Trump supporters who were unhappy with media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

"Parler (/ˈpɑːrlər/) is an American alt-tech microblogging and social networking service. It has a significant user base of Donald Trump supporters, conservatives, conspiracy theorists, and far-right extremists. Posts on the service often contain far-right content, antisemitism, and conspiracy theories such as QAnon. Journalists have described Parler as an alternative to Twitter, and users include those banned from mainstream social networks or opposing their moderation policies."

And your claims against Kerry are unproven.

Since your return from exile, you've been on quite a roll. Odds are that eventually you will get something correct. Stick to golf where you might have a little bit of expertise. It sure ain't politics. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Getting a little prickly Speedy? You never get anything right. Because you gobble up MSM propaganda. You’re not alone. Do you dispute the NYT tapes?
When I check out at the grocery store I look at the headlines of the National Enquirer and similar tabloid newspapers and they always bring a smile to my face due to their totally ridiculous statements. You can put Parler on that list. If there was ever an example of "Fake News", Parler would be it. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
And so it begins...Parler is not a news service. They don't advertise as a news service. They are a social media outlet where people can share. Don't like the share then don't look. As for tabloids, didn't the Enquirer break the Monica story first. Didn't they talk about Hunter when twitter tried to stop the story from the Post? Maybe Agent K is right.