Smart judge...that hates trumpy

That's what smart educated people do...and they hate trumpy
Corrupt judge and family.
What was the fifteen bucks for, so Biden can buy a few Ice Cream Cones while he's on the campaign trail, lol.
Precious_b's Avatar
Corrupt judge and family. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Clarence and Ginni?
Warning: Thread hijack attempt!
biomed1's Avatar
To Return to the Original Topic . . .
#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I wonder how the OP concluded the Judge was "smart" from the article.
Kind of like how a "dumb" person marvels on how a "smart" person can pour piss out of their boot. TS is incredulous about the brainpower of a corrupt judge.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
so is marchan ethically challenged when he made those small donations?

seems to me that he should have recused considering hes presided over 2 trump trials.
Just don't ever ever forget that the dems are large and in charge of everything. They want trumpy, they get trumpy for political reasons

Trumpy is so fucked. Stupid people need to keep sending him money
Just don't ever ever forget that the dems are large and in charge of everything. They want trumpy, they get trumpy for political reasons

Trumpy is so fucked. Stupid people need to keep sending him money
Originally Posted by Tsmokies

And they do...probably automatic donations from multiple emails and aren't smart enough to figure out why the don't have as much money.
Just don't ever ever forget that the dems are large and in charge of everything. They want trumpy, they get trumpy for political reasons

Trumpy is so fucked. Stupid people need to keep sending him money
Originally Posted by Tsmokies
A statement like the above shows the brainpower and/or honestly of TS. The GOP controls the House and if you must say so, there are more conservatives on the SCOTUS. Too bad, you guys didn't fix a damn thing when you had total control.
The "dems" got trumpy indicted with many more indictments to come

The "dems" are protecting hunter

The fucked up gop committees are looking more stupid everyday and can't do shit

So who is the smart large and in charge party...I gave out three facts and clueless megas will still get the answer wrong

If you don't believe just watch
Jacuzzme's Avatar
So worthless indictments and protecting criminals is some sort of achievement? You go girl.
ManSlut's Avatar
The $15 donation to China Joe’s 2020 Presidential Campaign isn’t the one that gives the Judge Merchan a bad look, it’s the $10 one to the Stop Republicans organization.