Did skip the games replace back page.

Ripmany's Avatar
It used to be creag list them back page
Is skip the game the replacement, or is list crawler. What do use if into the right nows?.
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 01-11-2025, 11:10 PM
I don't know if you can say STG replaced BP but they're similar. LC also is similar. I use both. If you're careful and use good judgement, you can find good ladies there. Just about all my appointments these days come from STG and LC. I'm in KC though. I don't know what it's like elsewhere.
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
I wouldn't do it but if you take extra precautions, you could be ok. My pics were stolen and used on lc.
In so much as they are the bottom end of sites for this purpose, then yes. Also that it's nearly impossible to actually screen a lady who pops up there, and for her to screen potential clients without gathering real life information, then yes. Much like the old backpage days it's much more a crap shoot as to the desired outcome then sites where you have way more information available. It's the bargain hunters paradise regardless of the potential outcome.
What’s hard to beat about STG is the posted menu on offer. A lot of providers on other sites will block you or not respond if you ask about such things no matter how coded.
What’s hard to beat about STG is the posted menu on offer. A lot of providers on other sites will block you or not respond if you ask about such things no matter how coded. Originally Posted by finnmcool
So you have an idea what they offer, IF they are real, since you have NO way to screen them unless someone has done a review on another site? Cool....