Question for the Team on Club OTC?

phmzee's Avatar
What is the deal with these dancers wanting so much for OTC? I have plenty of independent ladies that are 2x cheaper and much better IOP. I keep getting these crazy quotes of 8 bills- 15 bills. I have got them down to 5 or 6 bills. One at 4 but she is sub par in my mind! Are guys really paying this amount of money? Is it because in a club environment they sit and get to know the girls first and feel like they are dating? I am not a poor man but the reason I have money is I spend it wisely. This is not to judge anyone of how they spend their money. I just want to understand am I missing out on this great pussy by not paying this amount?
trey32's Avatar
Most of us have some kind of obsession(s). Many years ago a business associate and I stopped in a strip club. While having a beer and enjoying the view a dancer came up on the stage that was overweight. I like slim petite women. He saw the overweight dancer and said "OMG she is great!!!" He was 5'9 and slim and I realized that every many has his goals in a woman, and many want good sex from their favorite dancer or porn star. Money factors in only to the extent of how much they have to spend.
TomCollins's Avatar
In my experience, dancers do OTC for various reasons. Some are covering their bills in the club and other jobs and don’t need to do otc. For them it’s a “luxury” and they will only do it if it’s enough to make them “want to”.

Others need to do it to actually cover expenses. I find those to be much more reasonable. I’ve had success with girls that are either too lazy or too busy to make it to the club for a full shift but need some cash flow.

If one actually needs the money but is sticking to an unrealistic level, I assume the market will sort that out for her one way or another.
4-5 bills is about the average I've experienced. The selling point is ya get to be with a gal that's exactly what ya want. You may be settling on the first one that agrees to go OTC with you which is why it may not seem worth it. Hold out and be patient until ya find one that you think is actually worth the price tag. If your goal is budget fun then online independent girls may be what you're looking for. But the draw back with those is taking a gamble on what their attitude is like. And of course the pictures that seem to always be a little misleading.
You do bring up a good point of the "dating" simulation. In my experience if ya get OTC it's because I've developed a friendly relationship. The bonus IMO is the sessions are more of a hang and less of an appointment. Which means I don't deal with the HF/HR limits.
Do be careful with the outlandish price tags. There's a lot of gals that just swing for the fences to see if you're crazy enough to pay.
Also, the clubs you may be frequenting does affect the prices you'll see. Going OTC with a gal from spearmint is crazy compared to going OTC with a girl from CB.
Also, the clubs you may be frequenting does affect the prices you'll see. Going OTC with a gal from spearmint is crazy compared to going OTC with a girl from CB. Originally Posted by Ohthatguy
phmzee's Avatar
Great points and good discussion.
I have independents I see that are on the high end and worth every penny! I can justify trying a new one for 5-6 bills and finding out she is not for me! I just cannot justify spending 8-10 bills on a try run. Again this is me and no judgement to others. The way you spend your money is your business. I just sold my Cadillac Escalade cause I only drove my 2007 Dodge Ram 4x4. It was a waste to have both. Sure the Escalade was a chick magnet but so was their prices! LOL
We all know " supply and demand" will determine the price of goods. If I have a product for sell and I am getting that price and selling out on a weekly basics then why sell to others for a cheaper price. I get it! I have plenty experience with OTC and know the different clubs of what the girls think they are worth by which club they work. If they are asking this crazy prices they must be getting it to keep asking! Maybe your statement on "luxury" is the answer for some. I do not need the $$ and I have other "guys" throwing it in my lap so make it worth my time. And on the other hand one sit's on her phone all day long in the club and then needs to make it up by some OTC action! It all comes down to being in the right place at the right time with the right situation. Best OTC I have had has not been planned but a spare of the moment deal from a good time in the club moving to an offsite location. Happy hunting team and thanks for the insite to this "game" we all play!
Had a dancer at BFW. Would do FS in the club for 3… on slow days 2.5 or even 2. I wanted to get her OTC because of the obvious limitations ITC. Her initial ask was 10 bills. I asked her why so much? She responded “it’s a lot more fun for you” with my replying “more fun for you as well”. About 6 months later, I casually inquired again and she just smiled as she walked away to go on stage. After her rotation she walked by, leaned down and said “my place tomorrow morning, I’ll send you the address”. I gave her 3 bills that time and the 2 bills every time after. Saw her once a week through all of 2020.
Todays rates are higher of course but the point is, once they get comfortable with you, the rate comes way down.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I have been with many strippers OTC and did not pay an exorbitant amount either. They always start out high for the old schmucks who they do have throw up and take long hot showers after seeing them when they get back home.

Approach is everything!
phmzee's Avatar
I was at BDD this past week talking to one regular for a good 45 minutes just chilling out talking about her future plans in life! She got a text and said when this guy shows up she will need to work for about an hour! But to wait cause she wanted to finish our conversation . I told her I go eat late lunch! Came back about 1.5 hours later and she was all excited! This guy paid for VIP and paid her the first amount she quoted! Open up the purse and count it out! Asked her if that was common and her reply answered my question!
  • mb60
  • 01-18-2025, 08:29 AM
Was at BDD last Saturday and ran into a little cutie I have known for 8 years. She started out at BDFW and we used to go OTC for fun and I would always give her 300-350 and she was 19-20 at the time. She was waiting to see if she could get VIP while we had a drink. I asked her if she was single and she said yes and wanted to know if I would like to meet again OTC. She said 1k for the hour and I said I would consider. These girls at BDD always seem to be 800-1000 OTC or $ 500 ITC.
phmzee's Avatar
I have found over time you can get it lower! Have to be at the right place at the right time! But is it really worth my time and effort when the demand is so high for these high priced guys who will pay this amount! Good discussion thanks for the input
I hooked up with girl from Bucks Ft Worth for OTC it was about 3 plus the hotel room
We got together several times then she dropped me, guess she found someone with
more $$$$. This was last yr, it’s always abut tv $$$$$
phmzee's Avatar
I hooked up with girl from Bucks Ft Worth for OTC it was about 3 plus the hotel room
We got together several times then she dropped me, guess she found someone with
more $$$$. This was last yr, it’s always abut tv $$$$$ Originally Posted by Financeman22
You are correct! The higher bids get the goods! Be prepared to get a text message later saying “ hey baby. I miss you and love to see you!” Translates to “ hey sucker I need some money, love for you to give me some “ Like I said play your game not their game and you be fine! Think with your mind and not with your dick! Then in the end you will not feel like you’re a loser! Learned this the hard way many moons ago and have to keep reminding myself all the time!