Plain English is plain English.
The courts will have no choice.
But, they are stuck having to listen to a court filing.
Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
What about "Shall not be infringed"?
Clear english, yet some still interpret it as subjective.
I think it has a chance at the SCOTUS to be restricted, now, but not when you have justices who look at politics first, and not the constitution.
Its why ROE was overturned, you just can't find anything in the C to justify it.
Now, there are good points on each side, Trump actions did exactly what he wanted, a chance to go right to the SCOTUS.
AND IF ITS Affirmed, the immigration picture will flip overnight in this country.
No more tourism babies, no more pregnant illegals breaking water on this side of the Rio Grande to make US citizens.
The law makes no sense at all.
Why should people here illegally be give the right to make a citizen, STUPID.