Donations and The Amount of Providers in Austin
I’m not sure we’re allowed to discuss one of the above mentioned, but I noticed on one advertising board there were over 500 profiles! I know Austin has grown and is continuing to grow rapidly, but my jaw dropped scrolling the ads seeing what my colleagues younger, older, bigger and smaller are asking for donations these days. To each their own, but are there really that many ladies here now and if so, how does one go about pricing themselves, in your opinion?
The cost of housing and living has gone up for everyone, but last time I checked 65k is the absolute average yearly wage for most Austinites. I’m just scratching my head at some of these rates vs the average gentleman’s salary.
I think how you gals choose your rates is a really interesting economics problem. On the simple end gals should raise or lower their rates until you find the optimal rate for both your income and work/life balance. But it’s not a closed environment. There’s always new girls entering the business. For clients this is a luxury. So if the market is down or it feels like layoffs are coming we are going to be more careful with our discretionary income.
I also suspect as income disparity continues to increase and the middle class shrinks we will see the same for SW. The super rich guys who are seeing the $1K plus an hour gals are still going to be super rich and see those gals. And the guys currently making $40,$50,$60K are already likely using all of their income just to pay the bills and can’t afford to see a SW. But if/when AI comes for those guys making in the $100K range. The ones who I assume make up the bulk of the customers here. It’s going to be tough.
SW is a difficult line of work (I’m talking strictly financial here) unless the economy is doing well. It’s obviously never going away. When the economy tanks you gals get hit double. You get the same cost increases and job losses that society as a whole gets. But then your customer base also dries up. Sorry for the meandering post. I find the economics of this really interesting
Although your analysis is good, you've left out the concept of how much discretionary income folks may have that can be spent on the fantasy world. Thus, the avg income for guys spending their discretionary income will be higher than the 65.
Also note that what we all see on this board, or some of the other commonly used blatant ad boards is just a small percentage of the actual hobby.
As Illini mentions, yes there are high rollers that drop heavy change on gals that they find elsewhere.
Reread Illini's 1st paragraph, that is very very close to what my fav and I explain to some of her friends on a frequent basis.
Last, sometimes the interesting rates reflect a gals menu, where some gals do not wish to go, which gets back to Illini's 1st paragraph, 1st two sentences.
What UC said. I knew a provider in San Jose (excellent real nuru, soapy shower, great oral, nice girl in general) who didn't want to do FS but people kept pestering her about it, not surprisingly, so eventually she put it on the menu. At a $1000 surcharge. Which was expensive even for the Bay Area. So technically there was ann FS provider, and a $1000+ price tag. But in practice it never happened.
I certainly have no real way of knowing, but a lot of people would say that a significant percentage of those ads are fake, i.e., scammers.
I think one factor that enters into rate-setting is how diversified a providers income may be. Is she relying on SW income entirely? Or does she have a full-time job and SW is just a way of making ends meet and paying down various debts? Also is she single and living alone, or have a partner and not worried about paying 100% of an exorbitant rent?
I had one ATF who had a full-time job and was using SW income to help pay down student debt. Another I saw said she also worked catering gigs. I imagine some supplement with Uber/Amazon income.
I get the impression that providers who are moderate- to high-volume and relying on SW income tend to be the ones in the $300-$400 range. The ones asking double that or more probably have a partner paying rent so they can afford to be very low-volume. And are perhaps doing a fair amount of negotiating as well.
I could, of course, be wrong about a lot of this. lol
I certainly have no real way of knowing, but a lot of people would say that a significant percentage of those ads are fake, i.e., scammers.
I think one factor that enters into rate-setting is how diversified a providers income may be. Is she relying on SW income entirely? Or does she have a full-time job and SW is just a way of making ends meet and paying down various debts? Also is she single and living alone, or have a partner and not worried about paying 100% of an exorbitant rent?
I had one ATF who had a full-time job and was using SW income to help pay down student debt. Another I saw said she also worked catering gigs. I imagine some supplement with Uber/Amazon income.
I get the impression that providers who are moderate- to high-volume and relying on SW income tend to be the ones in the $300-$400 range. The ones asking double that or more probably have a partner paying rent so they can afford to be very low-volume. And are perhaps doing a fair amount of negotiating as well.
I could, of course, be wrong about a lot of this. lol
Originally Posted by Greented
I think this is mostly right. The HDHs I see on P4 and Tryst, who I assume are legit, are very doubtfully doing this full time. Which is why I almost never see reviews of them. They might get 2-3 clients a week at those rates. The reason I think so is based on what hardlegs are paying for “arrangements.” Why would you pay $800 an hour when you can have a lot more fun for significantly less? But we’re all just guessing.
Lol . I pick up better looking ladies at the bar but then I have to kick them out
The bottom line here for the past few years is the providers post their ads with their menu and rates and hobbyist either respond to the ad and pay asking price or try to negotiate a lower price. Then the providers have a choice either to except or decline the negotiated price.
Then you have the hobbyist that will pay any price that the providers ask for.
I agree with all the responses but the bottom line is that providers needs to find their sweet spot for donations.
I will say this, the last few years the quality of sessions have gone down hill and the asking donations do not match and have become ridiculously high and if a provider really enjoys this hobby and gives quality sessions her customer base will grow along with her income.
I’m not sure we’re allowed to discuss one of the above mentioned, but I noticed on one advertising board there were over 500 profiles! I know Austin has grown and is continuing to grow rapidly, but my jaw dropped scrolling the ads seeing what my colleagues younger, older, bigger and smaller are asking for donations these days. To each their own, but are there really that many ladies here now and if so, how does one go about pricing themselves, in your opinion?
The cost of housing and living has gone up for everyone, but last time I checked 65k is the absolute average yearly wage for most Austinites. I’m just scratching my head at some of these rates vs the average gentleman’s salary.
Originally Posted by Amy Adams Atx
And this is why I sugar date instead of seeing Providers.
I get way more bang for my buck. I get what I want in looks, personality and style. I am in it for the relationship as well.
EScorts in Austin have out priced themselves and are basically only for certain sex acts and convenience.
As of late, Ive found better gems on LV than on here and OH2.
I've also since being single decided to branch put and meet new ladies I never thought about on OH2 and it has worked out great. does one go about pricing themselves?
Your garage, your tools, your rules - that is how.
Discussion about donation has always provoked demand for lower rates by guys and girls do whatever they are big enough to do. You are in charge of your body and soul. Stop worrying about other people income and expenses. Do you.
Alexandra has the thread winning post.
I think all the ladies should charge $10,000 per hour.