I think you missed the point..........
Originally Posted by DarkeyKong
At least the point I was trying to make in posts 6 & 9, but I think a few may have gotten it.
As DarkeyKong said, there is very little if anything the mods of this site can do about what goes on outside the communication content of this board, either in a forum or in a PM. If you want the mods to do something about someone, then they need proof of the wrongdoing by sending the messages to them via RTM or PM a link of the post in question. I will bet that this thread was RTMed to the mods and that is one of if not the reason the OP was banned.
Most of the posts on this site are the opinion of the poster posting, and in no way can they prove what they say is fact unless they were there as a witness, it is documented somewhere or it is verified by the other person admitting that they are right. Some will still believe it without actual proof, but that just goes to show that they do not know how to think for themselves. IMO, when you know that someone has an agenda against another person, any posts they make about them either looking for a reaction or for others to jump on their bandwagon, it is a good idea to ignore their posts of that nature and not respond to it so as to not feed their trolling ways.