Licker License has Changed his Ways

Invisible1's Avatar
Vendetta against Licker License is right. A few more facts against his position and I would enjoy seeing his licker license taken away after his short leathery tongue is properly stretched, dried and tied in a double knot around his balls while he is bent over touching his toes.
I think you missed the point..........

Jindo was banned because he made a personal attack that had absolutely nothing to do with anything licker has done. It was crass and uncalled for. Its one thing to make others aware of issues with a member. But the post is this thread was totally uncalled for and the mods did the right thing.

Licker has been around for a long time under at least one other banned handle I know of. Established members here most likely know who he is already. If a provider has problems with him they need to report it to a mod. While they cannot stop behavior off the board they can and will consider all information given them when deciding what to do here.

In this case, it appears that information was never given despite several requests
I think you missed the point..........
Originally Posted by DarkeyKong
At least the point I was trying to make in posts 6 & 9, but I think a few may have gotten it.

As DarkeyKong said, there is very little if anything the mods of this site can do about what goes on outside the communication content of this board, either in a forum or in a PM. If you want the mods to do something about someone, then they need proof of the wrongdoing by sending the messages to them via RTM or PM a link of the post in question. I will bet that this thread was RTMed to the mods and that is one of if not the reason the OP was banned.

Most of the posts on this site are the opinion of the poster posting, and in no way can they prove what they say is fact unless they were there as a witness, it is documented somewhere or it is verified by the other person admitting that they are right. Some will still believe it without actual proof, but that just goes to show that they do not know how to think for themselves. IMO, when you know that someone has an agenda against another person, any posts they make about them either looking for a reaction or for others to jump on their bandwagon, it is a good idea to ignore their posts of that nature and not respond to it so as to not feed their trolling ways.
Grace Preston's Avatar
There are multiple people who have a long history of being problem children who are allowed to continue to post.


Because its easier to watch and spot a problem child if you don't give them the opportunity to repeatedly change names. Simple as that.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Mods asked for proof in the first thread, none given. People then expect shit to be done when that happens?
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Really he is just smart enough to do all of his bullying off of eccie therefore the mods here can't do anything about it.
  • jindo
  • 04-03-2016, 10:57 AM
Ok, so now Jindo is banned because he posted, among other things, an off color joke about Licker License wanting some AA TS meat. On the other hand, Licker License appears to habitually make threats against ladies who see, in his opinion, "off color" AA men. Ladies have posted about his threats in Alerts and other places. What gives?

Have you wondered why very active Melannie Star mysteriously stopped posting, and all but closed her ECCIE account and her P411 account as of the end of May - beginning of alluded to by Jindo in a few of his recent posts? Melannie Star is an awesome lady. As a matter a fact, almost any lady is awesome compared to Licker License and his southern stench predjudice.

Hello??? Some wack job killed then burned a call girl this past Saturday early morning in Richardson/Dallas.

Another wack job went into a black church last week and killed 9 innocent people because he didn't like blacks and wanted to restart a race war. I am not saying Licker License is similarly capable, but he is known to really scare providers for months on end if they see AA men.

Seems like the wrong lying-scum-bag-fuck-tard....(who has already been banned once and came back as Licker License)...... is getting another break. WHY? Originally Posted by Invisible1
I just Noticed that LickerLicense has FINALY BEEN BANNED

Eccie Mods
Thank you
I just Noticed that LickerLicense has FINALY BEEN BANNED

Eccie Mods
Thank you Originally Posted by jindo

Jesus Christ the immaturity and dumb-ass-shit level has gone to an all time high on here. Smh
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
This! ECCIE will not be the venue to host anyones personal feuds. Originally Posted by Mojojo this a new thing? If so, good to know...thanks!

I agree, OP. It's flat out wrong wrong, dirty and wrong, to slam someone's reputation on this board, just because you have some kind of personal vendetta or simply didn't like what they had to say, if that's what you did. pfft...we ain't puttin' up with that for one minute! Are we guys?
How about banning people for digging up old threads for one last jab? Sheesh.
Tx Noob's Avatar

I think he just wanted to be under Jules...
Boltfan's Avatar this a new thing? If so, good to know...thanks!

I agree, OP. It's flat out wrong wrong, dirty and wrong, to slam someone's reputation on this board, just because you have some kind of personal vendetta or simply didn't like what they had to say, if that's what you did. pfft...we ain't puttin' up with that for one minute! Are we guys? Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
Curious, are you defending licker license?
  • jindo
  • 04-05-2016, 09:32 AM
Jesus Christ the immaturity and dumb-ass-shit level has gone to an all time high on here. Smh Originally Posted by sweet.treat69
Curious, are you defending licker license?
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Curious, are you defending licker license? Originally Posted by Boltfan
You might be the first person ever to induce feelings of paranoia in me. Are you OK? Either way, thanks for the laugh...and I mean that!

I absolutely abhor when people do things of this nature, not that any mod ever told an a**hat to not do this to me or other ladies, and despite it wasn't the actual topic of the thread. Admittedly, I have been guilty too, although I have asked a gazillion times not to be dragged into the muck of this kinda thing. Sometimes, you just gotta speak the language to get your point across, or because it's all some seem to understand...not sure how else to handle such, but not from lack of trying other ways. ijs