Fact is mine went from $350 a month with a 2K deductible for a family of 3 before obamacre, it had been pretty stable for years, now it costs $1,250 a month with a 7K deductible for the same family of 3. It never skyrocketed like that before Obama care.
Originally Posted by goodolboy
Exactly why we need BOTH parties to work on healthcare reform.
But the swamp was drained of alligators and refilled with crocidiles....so do not expect much change to come forth.
Trump could have actually been an agent of change but the dumb SOB got caught up in a bromance with Putin and that is all the silly SOB can think of. He did not take the time to learn the nuances of healthcare and hammer BOTH parties to make a deal. In fact he should have had the deal ready....he said his deal was going to be better than anything we had ever seen....and he did not propose shit.
Trump outta to have his ass whipped for lying like that.