Conservative Case for Universal Healthcare

cptjohnstone's Avatar
Asswipe and SnitchFuck are the dumbest motherfuckerrs in the forum. And the biggest liars. The Canadian and U.K. Systems are going broke. Plus rationing. Does France have a great system? It's a combination of private insurance and government insurance. And the taxes are high. And the Government sets the prices for HC providers. It's a socialistic society. Wouldn't work here. Originally Posted by bambino
are you forgetting buttlick ie Ekim?
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  • 07-29-2017, 07:37 AM
Our companies are being hamstrung by the highest corporate tax rate among industrial countrys you imbecile!!!!!! And please, don't pass yourself off as an expert on Frances HC system you assclown. Originally Posted by bambino
Have you ever heard of the effective tax rate....
Of course you havent.
bambino's Avatar
Have you ever heard of the effective tax rate....
Of course you havent. Originally Posted by WTF
Wrong again asshole:

Why do think US corporations are fleeing to Ireland? Could it be their 12.5% corporate tax rate you idiot.

Are you trying to be wrong and stupid or were you born that way? My money is on the latter! Captain Tranny, the limp dicked snitch of Eccie!
Wrong again asshole:

Why do think US corporations are fleeing to Ireland? Could it be their 12.5% corporate tax rate you idiot. Originally Posted by bambino
I thought it was for all the guiness!
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  • 07-29-2017, 09:55 AM
Wrong again asshole:

Why do think US corporations are fleeing to Ireland? Could it be their 12.5% corporate tax rate you idiot.

Are you trying to be wrong and stupid or were you born that way? My money is on the latter! Captain Tranny, the limp dicked snitch of Eccie! Originally Posted by bambino

You still do not understand wtf "effective tax rate" is.

From your article... corporations used to pay about 40% of Federal revenue In 1945 it was 40%. The burden has shifted to individuals.

Think about that tiny dick.

The Irish are who we want to emulate

bambino's Avatar
You still do not understand wtf "effective tax rate" is.

From your article... corporations used to pay about 40% of Federal revenue In 1945 it was 40%. The burden has shifted to individuals.

Think about that tiny dick.

The Irish are who we want to emulate

. Originally Posted by WTF
No shit, are you against lowering the corporate tax rate to 15% ? That would be emulating Ireland you dipshit. In your own link it states that US corporations are hiding 2.3 trillion offshore. Why do you think they're doing it dipshit? Because our corporate tax structure is soooo great here!!!! You simpleton.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Maybe you should read this: Originally Posted by bambino
So what the fuck does that have to do with garkhal's thoroughly debunked claim?

Not all countries' healthcare delivery system is great. You're a total idiot. But that goes without saying.

So go shit in the ocean!

NiceGuy53's Avatar
are you forgetting buttlick ie Ekim? Originally Posted by cptjohnstone

Buttlick (Ekim), Asswipe and Snitchfuck are the Three Stooges of the Political Forum.

That's Asswipe on the left, Snitchfuck on the right and Ekim (Buttlick) in the middle getting his ears pinched by Asswipe and Snitchfuck.
goodolboy's Avatar
When our government has the VA and Indian hospitals running like a Swiss watch I will listen to them about single payer. If .gov can't handle running healthcare for such a small segment of our population without fucking it up, why would you want them to run healthcare for everyone?

On paper single payer could work, but in reality with our vastly larger population and crooked politicians it would end up as fucked up as our VA system is now or worse. Every thing these fuckers touch turns to shit, look at obummer care.
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  • 07-29-2017, 02:57 PM
When our government has the VA and Indian hospitals running like a Swiss watch I will listen to them about single payer. If .gov can't handle running healthcare for such a small segment of our population without fucking it up, why would you want them to run healthcare for everyone?

On paper single payer could work, but in reality with our vastly larger population and crooked politicians it would end up as fucked up as our VA system is now or worse. Every thing these fuckers touch turns to shit, look at obummer care. Originally Posted by goodolboy
Healthcare was fucked before Obamacare...
goodolboy's Avatar
Healthcare was fucked before Obamacare... Originally Posted by WTF

My wallet tells me otherwise. Obamacare is a disaster that is collapsing under it's own weight, just like it was designed to do.
bambino's Avatar
So what the fuck does that have to do with garkhal's thoroughly debunked claim?

Not all countries' healthcare delivery system is great. You're a total idiot. But that goes without saying.

So go shit in the ocean!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Of course nothing of substance from you. Just moronic, immature pictures. Now go stick your pig snout in the cooler and get yourself a mouthful you stupid pig.
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  • 07-29-2017, 03:23 PM
My wallet tells me otherwise. Obamacare is a disaster that is collapsing under it's own weight, just like it was designed to do. Originally Posted by goodolboy
LOL....if it does as you design, it that a disaster?

What happened to healthcare costs in the 1980 that zoomed it by inflation so far?

Under Reagan and GWB
goodolboy's Avatar
LOL....if it does as you design, it that a disaster?

What happened to healthcare costs in the 1980 that zoomed it by inflation so far?

Under Reagan and GWB Originally Posted by WTF
Fact is mine went from $350 a month with a 2K deductible for a family of 3 before obamacre, it had been pretty stable for years, now it costs $1,250 a month with a 7K deductible for the same family of 3. It never skyrocketed like that before Obama care.

"Manhattan estimated that the average state individual market premium increased 41% between 2013 and 2014. A county-level analysis suggested that premiums increased by 49%."
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  • 07-29-2017, 03:37 PM
Fact is mine went from $350 a month with a 2K deductible for a family of 3 before obamacre, it had been pretty stable for years, now it costs $1,250 a month with a 7K deductible for the same family of 3. It never skyrocketed like that before Obama care. Originally Posted by goodolboy
Exactly why we need BOTH parties to work on healthcare reform.

But the swamp was drained of alligators and refilled with do not expect much change to come forth.

Trump could have actually been an agent of change but the dumb SOB got caught up in a bromance with Putin and that is all the silly SOB can think of. He did not take the time to learn the nuances of healthcare and hammer BOTH parties to make a deal. In fact he should have had the deal ready....he said his deal was going to be better than anything we had ever seen....and he did not propose shit.

Trump outta to have his ass whipped for lying like that.