Raa - how ironic. you want a stright answer and not to go off on some tangent. Seems like that is all the democraps know.Oh...i agree speculators bear much of the blame...and requiring speculators to "settle up" on contract at end of business and not being able to use a elaborate system of credit...would help end that little game...
And didn't you read the article today by former senator Dorgan (D) that the reason for high gas prices is because of the speculators. Supply and demand does not play as much a role in gas prices as the uncontrolled speculators. Originally Posted by satexasguy
But it gets tiring to see the neo-cons act to smug in their saying what they "will do" to help the average American...and..then go and defend a loophole that if closed would help lower debt...
Please...waiting for the neo-cons....tell us why "big oil" needs the help...