Assup, as usual, missed the point. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
the point is youre showing your support for the POTUS.
It`s always about Obama and a salary thats a drop in the bucket in when you look at the big picture. Stop all the tax breaks to corporation, oil companies and these outrageous subsidies to farmers. Stop fretting about a dog walker or whatever we have bigger fish to fry. Originally Posted by willdooit@yahoo.comI agree (o the 'enth degree. I think what pisses off so much is the Hope and Change bullshit. He expects others to change and he gets the SOP lap of luxury.
boo fuckin hooUm, that was my point. Thank you.
pick a potus in recent history that hasnt taken advantage of his position..
Barney got to go play at the ranch for 490 days and the seceret service boys took him on walks. Originally Posted by CJ7
Um, that was my point. Thank you.
In the interest of saving a four or more back-and-forth you, I'll add the followong:
They all get sucked into the trappings of power. Where is the Hope and Change in the daddy Obama senerio?
Feel free to misunderstand the above explaination also. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
assuming I was addressing you ?Whatever. You posted right under me, and you always jump on my posts. Okay, here's a test. Prove you don't jump on my posts. Ready. Set. Go.
dont flatter yourself. Originally Posted by CJ7
Whatever. You posted right under me, and you always jump on my posts. Okay, here's a test. Prove you don't jump on my posts. Ready. Set. Go.
BTW, I listened to the video this time of Jeb's son. I guess it's genetic with those Bushes to sound dumb. He said hun'erd instead of hundred. Pfft, fucking Bushes! Oh, and when are they going to quit ridding the Papi and Barbara gravy train? Originally Posted by OliviaHoward