Home ownership is something Americans consider almost universally as a good thing. A government program to help low income people achieve the goal of home ownership is a laudible idea. How many of the WWII generation wouldn't have been able to buy a home, or go to college, without government help( loans). What wasn't an intention of the repeal- of the glass steagall act was for financial institution to create instruments so complex that no one knew who owned and was owed what. Consumers expecting 10 to 20% appreciation in the value of their homes while putting nothing down certainly made the situation worse. The collusion between the lending and appraisal industry alone had more of a negative effect on the housing market than the loans made to low income people.
Do you think it's fair we tax work at a higher rate than investment?
If a better deal isn't reached, the expiration of bush tax cuts will bring in about $500 billion in new tax revenue and the agreed to spending cuts would be $130 billion. This would cut the deficit in half without considering the benefits of an improving economy. The tax rates would be back to the clinton era, When we ran a surplus. Seems like a pretty good Idea to me, what do you think?
Originally Posted by drluv1
I wish I knew how to duplicate quotes. But here goes.
First point regarding the housing market collapse, it has been debated what happened to cause it. Best info shows low income earners buying houses with bidding wars driving up prices because it was the same as paying their rent so why not. It was a crazy time. When the bubble burst and rent was lower due to less demand people left causing the massive decline and correction. having rental property out of state this is what happened to me.
I do think it's ok for earned vs unearned income to be taxed at different rates. Some Liberals want the rates to be the same. For Romney who has no earned income to pay 35% of investment income. His investments are from after tax dollars and help make this country grow. he takes the investment risk. When they lose money it's limited to a net 3000 / year deduction with the balance of the net losses carried forward. If you bought your house for 50,000 and sold it years later for 150,000 should you pay 35,000 in federal taxes? I do believe in Obamacare there is a home sale federal sales tax that goes into effect if not this January 1st then 2014
On this last point I have said to quite a few people let them expire. Let the social security reduction expire. (that one never made sense to me). Lets see that fiscal cliff. We would be a stronger nation. Maybe not with the defense cuts but they will survive. For me to agree with your idea must have you rethinking that.
But I do have a question. Last time the Bush cuts were discussed and Obama kept them as is, he stated the recovery and economy were too slow to increase taxes. The economy data is worse now than it was back then but now it's ok to raise rates on the wealthy. Interesting.