Gas Prices Have Never Been Higher

I didn't say they did. My point is that when Bush was in office all the libs blamed him for the price of gas and now it's just the opposite. Originally Posted by Budman

when Bush was president you all said a president doesn't control fuel prices. now a president does? Make up your mind...
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  • 10-07-2012, 07:15 AM
It's damn near doubled since this idiot has been president Originally Posted by Budman
would you like to go back to 2009 whrn credit was locked up and demand was low? A barrel of oil dropped to the mid thirty range.

Pull your head out of your ass and quit parroting stupid talking points.
I B Hankering's Avatar
On July 7, 2008, Speaker of the House Pelosi said. "The price of oil is... is attributed to two oil men in the White House and their protectors in the United States Senate."

The speaker blames what she labels the Bush-Cheney big oil agenda, using graphics to point out gasoline prices have more than doubled in the Bush administration.
"This is a scam of the greatest magnitude," says Speaker Pelosi.
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  • 10-07-2012, 11:03 AM
The Dims claim the president can and does control the price of gas.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I'm talking about reality, not political theater.

Do you believe either side on this matter?

If so, you need your head examined by ekim!

The stock market has doubled, is that Obama's fault too? People pick and choose as to what to blame or credit the President. Right now , it looks like he will be re elected unless there is some kinda economic hiccup...
LexusLover's Avatar
The stock market has doubled, ... Originally Posted by WTF
... do you suppose that benefits the retirement accounts of .... labor unions, teachers, government employees, old folks who are currently retired, and those "rich people" who spend money, hire people to work for them, travel, and stash money in bank accounts to that banks can loan it other people to buy things?

It's incredible how evil the corporations are.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I'm talking about reality, not political theater.

Do you believe either side on this matter?

If so, you need your head examined by ekim!

The stock market has doubled, is that Obama's fault too? People pick and choose as to what to blame or credit the President. Right now , it looks like he will be re elected unless there is some kinda economic hiccup... Originally Posted by WTF
That damn shoe hurts when it gets put on the other foot though, doesn't it?

Yes, to large degree it is political theater, but the politicians can and do influence the price of gas with taxes and regulations. Note California prices are $1 per gallon higher than the rest of the nation because of regulatory requirements. Then there are the speculators who finagle prices to their advantage. They react to political decisions.

Odumbo and Bernanke are to "blame" for the speculative stock bubble currently inflating its way to bursting point. Bernanke has engineered an economy where capital is guaranteed to lose value in anything other than the stock market. So investors are gambling in the stock market rather than taking a guaranteed loss in traditionally less risky ventures.
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  • 10-07-2012, 11:30 AM

Odumbo and Bernanke are to "blame" for the speculative stock bubble currently inflating its way to bursting point. Bernanke has engineered an economy where capital is guaranteed to lose value in anything other than the stock market. So investors are gambling in the stock market rather than taking a guaranteed loss in traditionally less risky ventures. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
While I do not disagree, the shoe was on the other foot when Greenspan did the exact same thing in the housing bubble. It is what it is but we only like to bitch about the other side. I will defend niether but will not blame just one side either. Plenty of blame to go around.

The bankers really run this country IMHO.
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  • 10-07-2012, 11:33 AM
... do you suppose that benefits the retirement accounts of .... labor unions, teachers, government employees, old folks who are currently retired, and those "rich people" who spend money, hire people to work for them, travel, and stash money in bank accounts to that banks can loan it other people to buy things?

It's incredible how evil the corporations are. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You do not have a Obama to get credit for that?, ''Stock Market doubles on Obama's watch!'' are those the headlines you want? The title of the thread was gas doubles since Obama's election. If he is to blame for double gas prices does he get credit for double the stock market?

Learn to read the jest of my posts. You then might not fire off asinine comebacks.
I B Hankering's Avatar
While I do not disagree, the shoe was on the other foot when Greenspan did the exact same thing in the housing bubble. It is what it is but we only like to bitch about the other side. I will defend niether but will not blame just one side either. Plenty of blame to go around.

The bankers really run this country IMHO. Originally Posted by WTF
QE3 is the THIRD iteration of a failed policy! And, unlike 1 and 2, Bernanke announced it would be indefinite. Bernanke is going to destroy the U.S. economy -- and it's happening on Odumbo's watch.
joe bloe's Avatar
QE3 is the THIRD iteration of a failed policy! And, unlike 1 and 2, Bernanke announced it would be indefinite. Bernanke is going to destroy the U.S. economy -- and it's happening on Odumbo's watch. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Trying to cure our faltering economy, with quantitative easing is like a doctor injecting a critically ill patient with methamphetamines; any benefit is temporary, and the patient dies.

Bernanke and Obama are quack doctors. We need to take away their license to practice.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Trying to cure our faltering economy, with quantitative easing is like a doctor injecting a critically ill patient with methamphetamines; any benefit is temporary, and the patient dies.

Bernanke and Obama are quack doctors. We need to take away their license to practice. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Too true! They're transfusing money from accounts belonging to American citizens to accounts belonging to Wall Street Banks leaving the patient anemic and bordering on mortal shock.
LexusLover's Avatar
Learn to read the jest of my posts. Originally Posted by WTF
Oh, you were jesting ... apparently I read better than thou!

Is this thread about your posts .... ?

There is always some explanation as to why gasoline prices go up and down. I don't think the President has much control over markets, oil, futures, stocks, or jobs.

But when one is arrogant and dumb enough to say he will .... and beats his chest when it happens while he takes credit for it, with his dumb-ass VP cheerleading off the bench, ... then it is worthy of mention ..

.. like taking credit for killing of OBL, but not the ambassador!

Now, I realize those concepts are difficult for you, but that's what ...

affirmative action will get you.
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  • 10-07-2012, 06:17 PM
QE3 is the THIRD iteration of a failed policy! And, unlike 1 and 2, Bernanke announced it would be indefinite. Bernanke is going to destroy the U.S. economy -- and it's happening on Odumbo's watch. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Well then prepare for 2008 all over again.

I seem to have done fine since then, I bet you will too.
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  • 10-07-2012, 06:23 PM

Now, I realize those concepts are difficult for you, but that's what ...

affirmative action will get you. Originally Posted by LexusLover
affirmative action....WTF are you talking about?

Oh, you were jesting ... apparently I read better than thou!

. Originally Posted by LexusLover

My point was reality, not spin. Were you to stop spinng for one single second, you would have seen that. The President does get credit or blame for many things he has no control over, gas prices being one of many.