Benefits of being in the "hobby".

Ashi's Avatar
  • Ashi
  • 07-29-2015, 10:58 PM
I was reading the thread on "importance or lack thereof of being fit".
It made me think the issue of fitness is not to make a "good impression". There is some of that, of course since we all want to be liked, but the main benefits are about our own health. For example, since I started to frequent AMPS and partake in the hobby, I felt more motivation in taking care of myself. I lost 15 or more lbs, and more to go. I am performing and feeling better. The life expectation increases the closer to the target weight you are. It is not just physical. Being part of the hobby I think will make a person more open minded, tolerant and nicer, better attitude and less exposed to depression or frustrations. I believe the benefits are great for older folks who start being more aware of their general well being but do not want to accept that the sexual chapter is closed... Young hobbyists get self confidence and skills that will help in future relationships and be more accepting of others. What do y'all think?
You're breaking the law and therefore exposing yourself to the risk of legal issues and also exposing yourself to sexually communicable diseases. But yeah, I hear ya. LOL.

Seriously too, I think it's good to find positive aspects, other than the obvious ones, in the hobby. Attitude, physical fitness, discretion and open mindedness are great as well! It's supposed to be fun. I wish this forum existed in the 80's.
Maintaining an active lifestyle, becoming healthy & fit, and gaining self confidence is always a plus no matter what you do.

Also, any hobbyist that goes back into the real world will generally have high expectations. IMHO, younger hobbyists might have a problem with adjusting back into reality.

Remember, civiee those women aren't getting paid to make you feel like George Clooney and/or Denzel Washington.

Long, live, the Hobby. ❤️
smokeater's Avatar

Remember, civiee those women aren't getting paid to make you feel like George Clooney and/or Denzel Washington.

Long, live, the Hobby. ❤️ Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
You hit the nail right on the effing head. Ive had enough civie woman and close to 70 providers in my life, (yes don't ask me why but I counted them) and it is so hard to expect woman in the real world to have the passion for sex we see in the hobby. Even if it is an illusion.
The benefits of the hobby that I would like to have are:

1). Being able to have a GFE experience with a lady who will make me glad I chose her to see as opposed to the 750+ other providers out there.

2). Being intimate and passionate (IOP) with a lady who otherwise probably would not look at me twice in RL

3). That provider will leave her drama and other bullshit out of the bedroom as we all have personal issues, but I am paying to escape those problems, even for just the hour.

4.) My signature says it all.

Being a part of and in the hobby does not make you a better person, to some, it does just the opposite. I could name a few names, but what good would that do?
FunInDFW's Avatar
Being part of the hobby I think will make a person more open minded, tolerant and nicer, better attitude and less exposed to depression or frustrations. Originally Posted by Ashi
No. The hobby doesn't cure being an idiot, or, I'd highly speculate, have a correlation to the latter two. Just like life, who you chose to associate with can help that; but certainly not a blanket to everyone in this hobby. Let's not be naive now .

There are people here that won't see a smoking hot girl because she's fucked a black dude. I'm sure those people were totally against girls that had seen both black and Hispanic guys, and thanks to the hobby have taken their standards to more reasonable position of black guys only.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I was reading the thread on "importance or lack thereof of being fit".
It made me think the issue of fitness is not to make a "good impression". There is some of that, of course since we all want to be liked, but the main benefits are about our own health. For example, since I started to frequent AMPS and partake in the hobby, I felt more motivation in taking care of myself. I lost 15 or more lbs, and more to go. I am performing and feeling better. The life expectation increases the closer to the target weight you are. It is not just physical. Being part of the hobby I think will make a person more open minded, tolerant and nicer, better attitude and less exposed to depression or frustrations. I believe the benefits are great for older folks who start being more aware of their general well being but do not want to accept that the sexual chapter is closed... Young hobbyists get self confidence and skills that will help in future relationships and be more accepting of others. What do y'all think? Originally Posted by Ashi
The HOBBY, doesn't make anyone nice, hon. You either are and you don't allow others to infringe and pull you into the muck, or you are not and that may be the main reason you hobby. ijs If you want to meet open minded accepting individuals, you could try the swing lifestyle. I was kinda shocked to discover the lack of open minded folks when I came from one to the other. Talk about a judgmental group of individuals. I'm afraid this is where most of them land or where they begin to become just that. Many are more jaded and frustrated with the opposite sex than when they began.

Many here view participation as us against them. Some actually have to hide under different handles and whatnot, otherwise the ladies wouldn't see them, and they know it. The games people play in this hobby will astound you, just as they have astounded me. I was hard pressed to believe some of these attitudes still existed in a world that screams for more tolerance, but it does.

I'm really happy you have been having fun in the hobby, but try to maintain your positive attitude and choose your friends here, even more cautiously than ya normally would. Illusion is one thing, and the reality could possibly be another. Not that everyone is unpleasant, that's hardly the case. However, there are several snakes in this illusionary garden, so keep a look out.

And while it's a nice thought about "older" folks, many have no intention of ever giving up sex. I hate to think anyone would consider such a notion, or some believe that older folks are faced with such as that......LOL Could be different for gents, as I speak from a female point of view. I have no intention of accepting there will come a time when I don't want to feel the touch of another, and not sure why some even go there. There are plenty of ways to be intimate and enjoy the opposite sex in a sensual manner, and believe it or not, performing intercourse as if a porn star, is only one. Many mature individuals discover this eventually, if they don't cling to the notion they must give it up.

Congrats on losing weight! Hobby safe and continue to have fun! I believe that's as it was meant to be.
C@r@m3lTWIX's Avatar
You hit the nail right on the effing head. Ive had enough civie woman and close to 70 providers in my life, (yes don't ask me why but I counted them) and it is so hard to expect woman in the real world to have the passion for sex we see in the hobby. Even if it is an illusion. Originally Posted by smokeater
....nail on the head for me for sure. The ONLY reason I've hobbied at all is because I realize in one of my other lives, I probably wanted to be a porn star LOL.

The real tease is when in civie life, you've had some of the same sexual experiences you can buy in the hobby.....then you realize when you lose them how much WORK that is.....
With anything in life, discipline is the key. In it's right capacity and perspective, the hobby can be a blessing. However, too much over-hobbying can be curse. The hobby affords us the ability to have the pleasure of a complete social/sexual interaction with the lady of our choosing. Adversely, the over utilization of it can lead to obsessive/stalker tendencies, illusions of a real, substantive relationship, the egregious expenditure of resources for momentary thrills (waste), also the aforementioned illegalities and health risks involved. Plus, it can make you lazy and useless in the real world because you no longer have a desire for true companionship as it is now readily available to you at a moments notice. You no longer have to rough it and "stick it out" through those hard times in a real relationship. Therefore, discipline is the key control to mitigate such risks in being involved in the hobby.

So in the words of the most interesting man in the world, "I don't hobby often, but when I do, I make sure it's with a great lady of my choosing." Hobby on sir, and be safe!
....nail on the head for me for sure. The ONLY reason I've hobbied at all is because I realize in one of my other lives, I probably wanted to be a porn star LOL.

The real tease is when in civie life, you've had some of the same sexual experiences you can buy in the hobby.....then you realize when you lose them how much WORK that is..... Originally Posted by C@r@m3lTWIX
And that is the way is needs to be in the hobby, a guy has good hygiene, is respectful and has the proper donation, everything else about getting the provider bring her A game, giving you ultimate GFE experience with no drama and getting laid should be easy, right?

If you agree with that, you are in the majority, if not all the male members of this site. Does it happen like that? The frequent posters/reviewers that reportedly get the best out of every provider they see aside, for the rest of us, sometimes yes, but mostly no, it does not, but guess what, you still gotta pay!
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
With anything in life, discipline is the key. In it's right capacity and perspective, the hobby can be a blessing. However, too much over-hobbying can be curse. The hobby affords us the ability to have the pleasure of a complete social/sexual interaction with the lady of our choosing. Adversely, the over utilization of it can lead to obsessive/stalker tendencies, illusions of a real, substantive relationship, the egregious expenditure of resources for momentary thrills (waste), also the aforementioned illegalities and health risks involved. Plus, it can make you lazy and useless in the real world because you no longer have a desire for true companionship as it is now readily available to you at a moments notice. You no longer have to rough it and "stick it out" through those hard times in a real relationship. Therefore, discipline is the key control to mitigate such risks in being involved in the hobby.

So in the words of the most interesting man in the world, "I don't hobby often, but when I do, I make sure it's with a great lady of my choosing." Hobby on sir, and be safe! Originally Posted by DarkeyKong
I really like your post.

When gentlemen begin to realize that gratitude for their relationships, just as the gratuitous fee provided for our encounters here, is tantamount and maybe the key that is needed in order to be successful in most relationships, just as their female counterparts should be aware, it might make having relationships of any nature more pleasant than ever. However, when you view treating your partner with consideration and compassion, as work, too much trouble, or a many splendored, yet now boring conquest, along with having jealousy, control, or other negative issues and traits you have been unable to see in yourself much less conquer, you may still live with and have love for your partner, but those things combined are enough to kill any libido. Marriage and long term relations are not for the faint of heart, those who have issues, and those who have no compassion for others, especially the opposite sex.
C@r@m3lTWIX's Avatar
And that is the way is needs to be in the hobby, a guy has good hygiene, is respectful and has the proper donation, everything else about getting the provider bring her A game, giving you ultimate GFE experience with no drama and getting laid should be easy, right?

If you agree with that, you are in the majority, if not all the male members of this site. Does it happen like that? The frequent posters/reviewers that reportedly get the best out of every provider they see aside, for the rest of us, sometimes yes, but mostly no, it does not, but guess what, you still gotta pay! Originally Posted by davidfree986
Mr. free, 100% agreed.

It's been touched on, but the fact is sex in itself IS a relationship all on its own. Sure, we can act like it isn't, we make choices about it on all sides, but like any personal interaction, you put your best foot forward.

We can come here and talk dirty, etc., but it changes when "dirt" becomes part of the treatment on either side. That, in part, opens the door to what DarkeyKong & Max have touched on.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
And that is the way is needs to be in the hobby, a guy has good hygiene, is respectful and has the proper donation, everything else about getting the provider bring her A game, giving you ultimate GFE experience with no drama and getting laid should be easy, right?

If you agree with that, you are in the majority, if not all the male members of this site. Does it happen like that? The frequent posters/reviewers that reportedly get the best out of every provider they see aside, for the rest of us, sometimes yes, but mostly no, it does not, but guess what, you still gotta pay! Originally Posted by davidfree986

It is too personal of a service and everyone, clients included, has an off day. No way anyone will get 100% satisfaction if they hobby long at all. Please realize, if a gent is not specific about desires or intent, most ladies can not read your mind, even if some are good at responding to body language. If you mostly are not getting satisfaction, you might wish to re-think the choices you make and consider why you made them. Then ya may wanna change one or both. Eventually you'll start getting more of what it is you seek. I've always said, if what you do isn't getting the outcome you expect, change what it is you are doing, and if that doesn't work either, change it again.

Mr. free, 100% agreed.

It's been touched on, but the fact is sex in itself IS a relationship all on its own. Sure, we can act like it isn't, we make choices about it on all sides, but like any personal interaction, you put your best foot forward.

We can come here and talk dirty, etc., but it changes when "dirt" becomes part of the treatment on either side. That, in part, opens the door to what DarkeyKong & Max have touched on. Originally Posted by C@r@m3lTWIX

The person one agrees to participate in the act with, is probably what ya meant. I almost thought ya meant the act of sex is a relationship, but I understand what you meant, or I believe I do.

Don't make me think so hard! It hurts my "pretty little head". LOL (before your time, inside joke)
C@r@m3lTWIX's Avatar
Don't make me think so hard! It hurts my "pretty little head". LOL (before your time, inside joke) Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
LOL, OK, time for a sitdown....with that wine (only YOU should get that LOL)
C@r@m3lTWIX's Avatar
Ive had enough civie woman and close to 70 providers in my life, (yes don't ask me why but I counted them) Originally Posted by smokeater donned on me.......I don't know how many providers I've been with, but I have a pretty good idea of how many X's I've had sex in my's a VERY scary number and I think I'm conservative in that area. Is that weird? Makes me realized how blessed I truly am! LOL