Gop say get back in the kitchen and know your place woman. Old white men are in charge of your freedom don't even know what is in the amendment anymore. It died back in the 80s when time elapsed.
Gop say get back in the kitchen and know your place woman. Old white men are in charge of your freedomOriginally Posted by Tsmokies
Does not include a provision to grab women by the pussy. Originally Posted by BrotTo rehash, Trump said that women come to California and allow someone to "grab them by the pussy". No admission of guilt or any bragging. Just a statement supported by many including some lesbians and democrats before the shit storm began. You know that Trump used to be their friend and benefactor.
You don't even know what is in the amendment anymore. It died back in the 80s when time elapsed.
As for the title of the OP: Anytime a democrat supports the "rights" of a transgender over women, that is telling women to eat shit...and like it. Otherwise, you must be a transphobe for standing up for yourself. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn