Has Obama grown a spine?

It appears that Obama might have accepted the voters' mandate and decided act like a real Democrat- after four years of trying to work deals with backward thinking obstructionist GOP'ers. ...much to the disdain of sour puss Mitch McConnell (this guy really needs to get laid). God bless America.
joe bloe's Avatar
It appears that Obama might have accepted the voters' mandate and decided act like a real Democrat- after four years of trying to work deals with backward thinking obstructionist GOP'ers. ...much to the disdain of sour puss Mitch McConnell (this guy really needs to get laid). God bless America. Originally Posted by Seeker
Obama's victory was not even close to a mandate. He won by 50.4% to 48.1%. An example of a mandate would be Reagan over Mondale 58.8% to 40.6%. Reagan won 49 states. Mondale was only able to carry his home state of Minnesota.

Another mandate presidential election was Nixon over McGovern. Nixon got 60.7% of the vote compared to 37.5% for McGovern, with McGovern carrying only Massachusetts.

Obama is still required to govern within the limits of the Constitution, whether he won by two percent or twenty two percent doesn't matter.
Democrats are the ruling party and hopefully they will start to act like it.

As far as mandates, Bush won by 50% and drug us into two wars and the brink of economic collapse.

I like your Yeats quote.
  • Laz
  • 01-22-2013, 07:05 PM
Democrats are the ruling party and hopefully they will start to act like it. Originally Posted by Seeker
"Ruling party" This not a monarchy. We do not have ruling parties.
They have the presidency and the senate. In common parlance in the US they are the ruling party.
Look it up.
ncrtt1's Avatar
In the first two years, it was Obama and congress. The voting public has not trusted the Democrats since. The great thing about our country is checks and balances, extremes either way seldom last. Both parties obstruct as their voters demand. The only thing a politician cares about is getting re-elected, except second term presidents.

You can't put lipstick on a pig but you can send a horse's rear end to congress.
Mark Twain
joe bloe's Avatar
They have the presidency and the senate. In common parlance in the US they are the ruling party.
Look it up. Originally Posted by Seeker
I Googled "governed by the Democratic party" and got 256,000,000 hits. Then I Googled "ruled by the Democratic party " and got 13,300,000 hits.

I'd say ruling is probably not a good choice of words to describe the use of power in our system. We are governed by elected representatives not ruled by them.

The Democrats are the majority party, for the moment. After four more years of Obama, who knows.
Ok Joe- semantics..whatever. I want a smart, ethical guy in power, whoever the party... time will tell. I do know his predecessors were a disaster so I'm hopeful for the future.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I'll believe it when I see it. But hope springs eternal.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah. Look how well one party rule worked in the Soviet Union and Cuba. That's what they want for us. Actually, we essentially have one party rule now, the Republicrats. Which is why America is deteriorating so quickly.
LexusLover's Avatar
Democrats are the ruling party .... Originally Posted by Seeker

BL ... unemployment rate ...

November 2012 = 7.8%
December 2012 = 7.8%

"When Obama first took office in January 2009, the unemployment rate was 7.8 percent. Today the unemployment rate is once again at 7.8 percent."
joe bloe's Avatar

BL ... unemployment rate ...

November 2012 = 7.8%
December 2012 = 7.8%

"When Obama first took office in January 2009, the unemployment rate was 7.8 percent. Today the unemployment rate is once again at 7.8 percent."
http://washington.cbslocal.com/2013/...t-took-office/ Originally Posted by LexusLover

Anybody that calls the last four years a "recovery" is being dishonest. If a patient is in coma today and you come back four years later and he's still in a coma, he's not recovering.
Yeah. Look how well one party rule worked in the Soviet Union and Cuba. That's what they want for us. Actually, we essentially have one party rule now, the Republicrats. Which is why America is deteriorating so quickly. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Well we haven't started any new wars,like we did with the last one party rule.
joe bloe's Avatar
Well we haven't started any new wars,like we did with the last one party rule. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
The Democrats signed off on both wars. You may have amnesia, I don't.
Amnesia is these parts is Extremely Selective -- all around.