i used whispers as my personal ball of internet yarn for weeks and never heard a peep from the san antonio mods. what does that say about the quality of our west texas staff?....
Originally Posted by john_deere
based on a very short evaluation I would say they are not totally in line with what the owner desires Mods to do.
If they are locking threads and stifling conversations they do not agree with it probably means their actions here have not gotten the attention of others. It may also mean that members simply know no betterin regards to questioning them. 3 members now have a reached out to ask questions of me regarding if some things are actually allowed.......... It could be simply that the Mods do not know.....
It took a couple of months for the San Antonio staff to learn as well as the membership that locking threads was very frowned on as was editing materials or removing threads.
Over time the membership learned they actually could question the actions of staff as well as how to do so properly..... Locked threads were unlocked and stuff that vanished reappeared..... one mod left and a new one stepped in that has done a much better job than others before him.
Your thread should not be locked. The topic is worthy of discussion and although others may be afraid of voicing a dissenting opinion so as to not get shouted down I have no problem sharing my opinions.
I will draft a new version of the topic and start a new thread on the subject in the coming days. Members should be free to review as they see fit, within the guidelines of the board of course, without being bullied by other members....