West Texas!

Whispers's Avatar
Gentlemen, keep your animosity towards each other off the open board. If you must have a ball busting contest, please do so off the board or via PM, etc. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
With all due respect to you sir, I have displayed no animosity towards anyone in this forum or thread.

I posted a general topic and have seen hostility, rudeness and disrespect from another member. Please leave me out of addressing his infractions.

I understand that Moderating a forum is work at times if you choose to do so within the guidelines of the board.. It is however a position you volunteered for.
Well just my opinion but I'm seeing a West Texas coed forum that seems very stifled by it's moderation, I've seen a thread disappear, one locked now, seems like over zealous moderating to me. I'm not sure that the way it's is being bullied is a good thing. It seems a bit like censorship to me. It doesn't seem like you can have differing opinions from the staff in West Texas. But they always end their post politely
CryptKicker's Avatar
And hopefully decorum can be maintained throughout and a discussion of the hobby we so enjoy can continue. My PM box is always open for further discussions.
john_deere's Avatar
i'm glad ck stepped in and he actually warned me. i'd have been disappointed if he didn't.

i used whispers as my personal ball of internet yarn for weeks and never heard a peep from the san antonio mods. what does that say about the quality of our west texas staff?

this board needs more, not less moderation.

and, rick....i find it interesting that you're defending your buddy whispers. less than a few days after your resurrection and a few odd posts out here.....
busternutzs's Avatar
It seems like the board has been running pretty smooth lately and not in need of a lot of moderation.

Its good to know the john_deere of old still exists. If you know what I mean.
Not defending Whispers, I had an actual alert vanish from here. It's in every other forum in Texas with mods posting in it, what does that tell you about the decision making of West Texas staff? It tells me they are not in tune with the rest of Eccie!
There's a guideline 22 that states staff will go to great lengths to not delete post or lock threads, they clearly have violated that.
john_deere's Avatar

Its good to know the john_deere of old still exists. If you know what I mean. Originally Posted by busternutzs
heh. i'm always here....just you gents are too squared away to ever trip the wire.
john_deere's Avatar
Not defending Whispers, I had an actual alert vanish from here. It's in every other forum in Texas with mods posting in it, what does that tell you about the decision making of West Texas staff? It tells me they are not in tune with the rest of Eccie!
There's a guideline 22 that states staff will go to great lengths to not delete post or lock threads, they clearly have violated that. Originally Posted by rockerrick
man, i myself have accused ol' cryptie of being a bit uptight on occasion, but he's fair and i doubt you'll find anybody who knows the letter of the law better. he runs a tight ship and doesn't stand for any shenanigans.

honestly, i read your alert and was like....wat? why out here?
busternutzs's Avatar
[QUOTE=john_deere: just you gents are too squared away to ever trip the wire. [/QUOTE]

Me afraid to trip the wire? That's a good one!
I put it in every forum in Texas because BP chicks travel around. That pimp threatened me in 3 cities. There's only 8 markets in Texas, what's stopping them from shooting up the 35 to Dallas, lots do it. What's to stop them from hitting the 10 and coming here? Nothing! This site is here for information in making decisions, if you don't want the information pass it by. But others have the right to be informed, if they choose it. Who gave these mods the right to decide what you get to read or don't read? And before you say St. Chris, I doubt seriously he came up with that guideline 22 if he wanted censorship happening.

John I have no beef with you, nor will I be arguing with you.
But your thread should have not been closed either.
john_deere's Avatar
dude, it's absolutely st. chris. people forget… this is someone else's house and we are all just guests here. the owners are under no obligation whatsoever to allow us to say whatever we want to. they have a business interests and the constant worry of legal hassles and scrutiny by parties not interested in the welfare of this community.

you know I don't have a beef with you either… we just have different philosophies in this respect.
john_deere's Avatar
Me afraid to trip the wire? That's a good one! Originally Posted by busternutzs
that's not what i meant....i'm just saying that this group of people is cool and not interested in a bunch of drama. the west texas forum is an effective information exchange without a bunch of fuss or bullshit.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Not defending Whispers, I had an actual alert vanish from here. It's in every other forum in Texas with mods posting in it, what does that tell you about the decision making of West Texas staff? It tells me they are not in tune with the rest of Eccie!
There's a guideline 22 that states staff will go to great lengths to not delete post or lock threads, they clearly have violated that. Originally Posted by rockerrick
Hmmm-- not sure what post you are talking about Rick. Is it something other than the alert that is there now? Maybe you posted it somewhere else (like COED) and we moved it to alerts? If not, not sure which you are speaking of. Sorry...
Whispers's Avatar
i used whispers as my personal ball of internet yarn for weeks and never heard a peep from the san antonio mods. what does that say about the quality of our west texas staff?.... Originally Posted by john_deere
based on a very short evaluation I would say they are not totally in line with what the owner desires Mods to do.

If they are locking threads and stifling conversations they do not agree with it probably means their actions here have not gotten the attention of others. It may also mean that members simply know no betterin regards to questioning them. 3 members now have a reached out to ask questions of me regarding if some things are actually allowed.......... It could be simply that the Mods do not know.....

It took a couple of months for the San Antonio staff to learn as well as the membership that locking threads was very frowned on as was editing materials or removing threads.

Over time the membership learned they actually could question the actions of staff as well as how to do so properly..... Locked threads were unlocked and stuff that vanished reappeared..... one mod left and a new one stepped in that has done a much better job than others before him.

Your thread should not be locked. The topic is worthy of discussion and although others may be afraid of voicing a dissenting opinion so as to not get shouted down I have no problem sharing my opinions.

I will draft a new version of the topic and start a new thread on the subject in the coming days. Members should be free to review as they see fit, within the guidelines of the board of course, without being bullied by other members....
john_deere's Avatar
so exactly who appointed you arbiter of all that's eccie, consultant of cooch, and mentor to the moderators?