For those who wish to bid the Jewish Lawyer Adieu

I B Hankering's Avatar
Put up or shut up chicken dick the chicken shit pussy. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Follow your own advice, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp. Until you prove otherwise, you're a liar in addition to being stupid, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp.
Follow your own advice, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp. Until you prove otherwise, you're a liar in addition to being stupid, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Chicken dick the pussy whiner walks it back one more time. If he can't prove it he blames someone else.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Chicken dick the pussy whiner walks it back one more time. If he can't prove it he blames someone else. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You're the stupid jackass that needs to produce this so called evidence that will substantiate your claim, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp. Until you do you you are both stupid and a liar, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
why is the lawyer leaving eccie? Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
I'm not leaving eccie, just this ridiculous forum for a mere 5 years.
BigTex is afraid to debate me, he is a pussy.
And a faggot. (as are AssupIdiot & his other handles such as Uncle Han, and BigTex's other handle, Ekim008/Ivabiggen)
Also, he is unable to advocate very effectively, and he knows it.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
I'm not leaving eccie, just this ridiculous forum for a mere 5 years.
BigTex is afraid to debate me, he is a pussy.
And a faggot. (as are AssupIdiot & his other handles such as Uncle Han, and BigTex's other handle, Ekim008/Ivabiggen)
Also, he is unable to advocate very effectively, and he knows it. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
thanks for the info
these threads just turn into name calling, and I can' figure anything out, so I dont think anyone reads them
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
thanks for the info
these threads just turn into name calling, and I can' figure anything out, so I dont think anyone reads them Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
I believe you are correct!
It is essentially a waste of everyone's time, except for blowing off steam.
why is the lawyer leaving eccie? Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
BigTex is afraid to debate me Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
JL lost a wager, fair and square. A debate never entered into the equation and is little more than a figment of JL's over-active, childish imagination. It is an attempt on his part to deflect attention from the fact that he lost the bet. Saving face, if you will!

As for the wager itself. It actually began at Post #46, located at the following link:

Without going into too much detail, it started off as a $500 bet. We could not agree on who would hold the money until a winner could be determined.

We finally scrapped the money wager and it evolved into a self imposed restriction from posting in the ECCIE Political Forum for a five year period. No exceptions!

The final terms and conditions were agreed upon by both JL and I and approved by an ECCIE Moderator.

One of the conditions agreed upon was that the loser would be allowed to post for a 5 day period, once the official winner was determined.

JL's 5 year restriction from the Political Forum begins at 10:08 PM, this evening.

Let me know if you have any further questions!
Hey JL !!! Goodbye dick head.
JL lost a wager, fair and square. A debate never entered into the equation and is little more than a figment of an over-active, childish imagination. It is nothing more than an attempt on his part to deflect attention from the fact that he lost the bet.

Saving face, if you will!

As for the wager itself and without going into too much detail, it started off as a $500 bet. We could not agree on who would hold the money, until a winner could be determined.

We finally scrapped the money wager and it evolved into a self imposed exile from posting in the ECCIE Political Forum for a five year period. No exceptions!

The final terms and conditions were agreed upon by both JL and I and approved by an ECCIE Moderator.

One of the conditions agreed upon was that the loser would be entitled to post for a 5 day period, following the official winner being declared.

JL's 5 year ban from the Political Forum begins at 10:08 PM, this evening.

Let me know if you have any questions! Originally Posted by bigtex

So you guys had a ELE bet..nice. Thanks for taking that scrotum hawk down I'm going to say all types of horrible stuff about him at 10:09 pm. Lol what a loser couldn't have happened to a better loser.

So you guys had a ELE bet..nice. Thanks for taking that scrotum hawk down I'm going to say all types of horrible stuff about him at 10:09 pm. Lol what a loser couldn't have happened to a better loser. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Actually, I would have preferred the $500 wager but JL's 5 year restriction from posting in this forum is a very sweeeeeet consolation prize.
Actually, I would have preferred the $500 wager but JL's 5 year restriction from posting in this forum is a very sweeeeeet consolation prize. Originally Posted by bigtex
Do you think he'll honor it?
Do you think he'll honor it? Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
The mutually agreed upon terms and conditions were spelled out by the Moderator in the following quoted post:

Here is how it will be.

The wager is for the time period of 12/1/14 thru 1/31/15. If BigTex has an infraction (active or reversed) on ECCIE of any kind during that time period, he loses the wager. If BigTex does not have an infraction in his profile for the time period of 12/1/14 thru 1/31/15, Jewish Lawyer loses the wager.

By agreeing to the wager, BigTex and Jewish Lawyer voluntarily submit to a directive that can be enforced by the moderators of this forum and myself.

The directive of the wager shall be as follows: The loser of the wager shall not post in the ECCIE political forum (under the losers present and/or any subsequent handles) for a period of 5 years. The time will start at the posting of information settling the wager.

Settlement of the wager will be decided by me. If either party has cause to dispute my findings, simply RTM your grievance and modtardville will decide.

Here are the penalties for violating the directive:

1st violation of the directive is a 30day ban from ECCIE.

2nd violation of the directive is a 60day ban from ECCIE.

3rd violation and each subsequent violation of the directive is a 90day ban from ECCIE.

To be clear, if the loser posts in the Political Forum (even if he deletes his post immediately), it will be a violation of the directive.

The loser will be allowed a 5day 'goodbye period'. He will be allowed to whine and bitch for 5 days about how much of a loser the winner is. After that, he is done.

If you both agree to the wager, quote this post and state "I agree". Originally Posted by dearhunter
The mutually agreed upon terms and conditions were spelled out by the Moderator in the following quoted post: Originally Posted by bigtex

All because he couldn't afford $500 lol.

All because he couldn't afford $500 lol. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
And he claims it was because I didn't want to debate him! All things considered, what joy could I possibly get after winning a debate against a mental midget?

Winning the bet was much more merciful.
You're the stupid jackass that needs to produce this so called evidence that will substantiate your claim, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp. Until you do you you are both stupid and a liar, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I am right till proven wrong chicken dick. Why didn't you bid your butt buddy and nut nuzzler Adieu also, or you two rooming together?