Sandra Bland, what really happened?

This is for all the anti cops..Are you glad that he got a driver off the road who was in no condition to drive and shouldn't have been on the road? Originally Posted by brianjackson
Glad he's off the road, at least for now....
LexusLover's Avatar
Glad he's off the road, at least for now.... Originally Posted by andymarksman
More gossip. There's no evidence that Bland was a tranny.
Texanbychoice's Avatar
He also told her to put down or turn off her phone. The Supreme Court just decided that a police officer had no authority to issue such an order. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Actually I believe the court ruled that officers do not have the right to tell people who are not detained and under investigation to put down their phones. (Yes you can video the nice officer doing his job now...btw...expect it to be confiscated for evidence if there is a serious crime taking place.)

If you are legally detained and under investigation (nod your head yes that pertains to traffic stops) then you are interfering with the investigation and inherently placing yourself and the officer in danger (your in traffic - how many vidoes have you seen on tv where cars slam into cops and people on traffic stops?) by continuing a phone conversation while said officer is attempting to complete the stop and get both of you on your way. (Yes .you actually HAVE to do what the nice officer tells you....and then file your complaint later when no one is in danger in traffic.)

Now I have not seen the video. So I am withholding judgement. But i am willing to bet if she had laid the phone down so he could conduct the stop and get done. She would likely be alive today.

It amazes me how dumb people are thinking that the police dont have any right to do their jobs. Ohhhhhh. But dont let someone be breaking into my house with a gun to kill me. Wheres the popo now?
Texanbychoice's Avatar
SCOUS has ruled a officer cannot prolong the traffic stop beyond intended reason, once that has concluded then it is over. The officer after writing the ticket has no authority to ask her to put out her cigarette. Anything after that was a ego trip. Rodriguez vs the US....... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You sir are correct...and wrong.

Correct - police may not prolong a traffic stop any longer than necessary to conclude the detention.

Wrong - if during the detention the officer observes another offense in view then the officer is allowed to further legally detain the subject while investigating the offense on view.

In this case...she was stopped on a traffic stop. From there we do not have all the facts yet. Did he smell "a forbidden subject?" if so then he his further detention and investigation is perfectly legal as the offense is on view (yes smell counts).
Now I have not seen the video. So I am withholding judgement. But i am willing to bet if she had laid the phone down so he could conduct the stop and get done. She would likely be alive today.


Considering, by the autopsy report, she was high on the way to that interview, she probably would not have got that job. Being as unstable as she was, who is to say she would not have committed suicide after that?

Would then the College she was interviewing for be culpable in her death?.

I am not trying to minimize the tragedy that has occurred here. But just as in so many of these deaths that have occurred while citizens are interacting with police, the majority of the blame starts with the citizen.

I go back to what I have said before. When you have Government Officials, even those in Law Enforcement, seemingly telling people that it's all the cops fault, (that's the way it is perceived), then you will have the inmates running the asylum.
LexusLover's Avatar
Now I have not seen the video. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The YouTube version has audio, although some of it is difficult because of background noise. Try to find the version that shows his stop immediately before the stop on Bland. He gave the first violator a "warning ticket" and he was trying to give Bland a "warning ticket" also when she went viral on him.

Until she slapped him his tone was respectful, and the more she resisted and called him names with fuck this and fuck that he got louder and more aggressive in tone.

Apparently the anti-police, whining liberals on here think that the police should be punching bags and tolerant of insulting and disparaging profanity directed at them personally, and refrain from arresting Black people regardless of how they behave and what they do to the officer.

Their "common" response ... "the officer "over-reacted" ...."
Question never asked, and the officer does not report it, was what offence did he observe Bland doing to prompt him to make a u turn and swiftly come up behind her. Did he have his lights on then, or only after she changed lanes without a signal?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Question never asked, and the officer does not report it, was what offence did he observe Bland doing to prompt him to make a u turn and swiftly come up behind her. Did he have his lights on then, or only after she changed lanes without a signal? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Cops on traffic detail usually stake out a particular location that provides them a field of view, multiple offenders, some concealment from oncoming traffic and shade, Ekim the Inbred Chimp. This officer in question had just stopped a motorists, and he was probably intent on returning to his stake out position when happenstance Bland made her illegal lane change, Ekim the Inbred Chimp.

One thing I do know is that he made a u-turn, raced up after Ms. Bland, creating the illusion that he's responding to an emergency call. In her hurried state to get out of the way, she failed to signal as a result. In reality this cop is the one who has endangered the "public safety" of Ms. Bland and other motorists with his reckless driving at excessive rate of speed. Just wondering if his brakes ever fail on him this one time....

And this tactic is well known as "zoom stop"....
Originally Posted by andymarksman
Smoking and the possession of certain illicit substances just prior to being stopped and detained by LE also creates, in some, delusions and a sense of extreme paranoia.
The YouTube version has audio, although some of it is difficult because of background noise. Try to find the version that shows his stop immediately before the stop on Bland. He gave the first violator a "warning ticket" and he was trying to give Bland a "warning ticket" also when she went viral on him.

Until she slapped him his tone was respectful, and the more she resisted and called him names with fuck this and fuck that he got louder and more aggressive in tone.

Apparently the anti-police, whining liberals on here think that the police should be punching bags and tolerant of insulting and disparaging profanity directed at them personally, and refrain from arresting Black people regardless of how they behave and what they do to the officer.

Their "common" response ... "the officer "over-reacted" ...." Originally Posted by LexusLover

Bingo..Anti cops always amaze me with how irrational they are. Here what I have from this case.

1- If you are pulled over by a cop for doing something wrong they should be forced to work through your smoke if you are smoking. You can blow the smoke in his face is you feel like it. You can push his buttons all you want because he is supposed to be a pro.
2- If you are pulled over by a cop for doing something wrong you should just be able to start making phone calls and talk to whoever you want doing the stop. The Cop has no right to your attention.
3- If he asks you nicely to put cigarette out then its a sign he is evil.
4- He you don't put cigarette out and he asks you to do business outside of the car instead of in the smoke he is evil.
5- If he does ask you to get out of car he is evil and you don't have to do it. He might say pretty please a few times but dragging you out is evil. You can kick him also if you feel like it because he is a pro.
6-If he threatens you with a tazer because he can't wrestle you out then he is evil.
7- When you do finally get out instead of getting tazed you can swear at him and wrestle as much as you like and if the cop gets rough because of this the cop is evil and on a power tripp.

Interesting world these anti cops live in.

By the way has any of the anti cops said they are glad the cop got this women who was obviously not fit to drive, off the road. Can someone point that out to me.
Cops on traffic detail usually stake out a particular location that provides them a field of view, multiple offenders, some concealment from oncoming traffic and shade, Ekim the Inbred Chimp. This officer in question had just stopped a motorists, and he was probably intent on returning to his stake out position when happenstance Bland made her illegal lane change, Ekim the Inbred Chimp.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
It is in the area of the black college, did he prey on young college women? How many "warning" tickets did he write compared to actual citations, so he could "chat" them up. I have relations on the job chicken dick, and am aware of procedures. Nice of your comment as it contained no actual facts.
I B Hankering's Avatar
It is in the area of the black college, did he prey on young college women? How many "warning" tickets did he write compared to actual citations, so he could "chat" them up. I have relations on the job chicken dick, and am aware of procedures. Nice of your comment as it contained no actual facts. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Have your "relations" explain the "actual facts" to your stupid ass, Ekim the Inbred Chimp.
Have your "relations" explain the "actual facts" to your stupid ass, Ekim the Inbred Chimp. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Usual shit from chicken dick, just insults devoid of substance. Your so called brain must be on life support chicken dick.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Usual shit from chicken dick, just insults devoid of substance. Your so called brain must be on life support chicken dick. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You'd be the unusually stupid jackass arguing that cops do not stake out a particular location that provides them a field of view of oncoming traffic; do not pick a place where they are likely to stop several offenders during the course of their duties; do not seek some concealment from oncoming traffic and always choose to park in the broad, unshaded daylight of a withering Texas sun, Ekim the Inbred Chimp.
  • shanm
  • 07-27-2015, 10:15 AM
You'd be the unusually stupid jackass arguing that cops do not stake out a particular location that provides them a field of view of oncoming traffic; do not pick a place where they are likely to stop several offenders during the course of their duties; do not seek some concealment from oncoming traffic and always choose to park in the broad, unshaded daylight of a withering Texas sun, Ekim the Inbred Chimp. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
What does that have to do with anything, you stupid inbred fuck. As usual, IBchickenshit is in full-on hijack mode.
I B Hankering's Avatar
What does that have to do with anything, you stupid inbred fuck. As usual, IBchickenshit is in full-on hijack mode. Originally Posted by shanm
Noticed how your non-substantive, stupid-ass post didn't have a fuckin' thing to do with Bland, the police, or police procedures, shamman, while you stupidly and hypocritically declaimed a post that dealt specifically with the police and police procedures, you stupid-ass jackass.