Well WK, if THE LADY feels in anyway insulted , SHE can address me. As to my response to one of your fellow lying liberals, I don't think I've given up MY first amendment right to you or anyone else.... No, now that I've checked, I HAVEN'T. So go down to Talleywackers for your free BJ from woomby. He'll give you one for your post to me and defending his lying ass.
Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
First off I am not a White Knight. Elizabeth is quite capable of taking care of herself.
I am however someone that will call out someone that is childish and disrespectful.
I imagine she is amused at your antics more than offended.
AS for your gay bashing babbling it has become so common it really has no effect on anyone.
By the way your faux ellipsis are pretty telling of whom else you may be on here.