Anyone watching the debates on Fox News?

Rey, you're doing a yeoman's job today!

You're juggling 3 simultaneous libtard meltdowns at once - woomby, suckclown and banana sling! And it looks like the 3-time DOTY assup rideme is on the verge of melting down too! Who do ya think's minding the store over at tallywackers? The line must be backing up around the block!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Big Dir said you were over there, and things were going fine. like you've been doing it all your life.
And, yet another thread is flushed down the "you are gay. No, you are gay" toilet. Originally Posted by timpage
It's neverending with this cocksucker. He's as bad as IB. I think you know what needs to happen.
What is it with you liberals and you FAILS at armature psychology ? Always trying to "pshrink" someone and failing miserably !! And your constant "transference" of YOUR afflictions and psychosis on others ! So tell us there lib, how many times have you been busted for trolling the airport men's rooms or the public parks or the truck stops ? Maybe if you keep WKing for woomby, he'll give you a good deal on a franchise of gloryholes of your own, of course for a "small" nominal fee, in YOUR hometown !! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
armature psychology? What the fuck is that. You do realize that ALL you talk about are men sucking off other men. That's ALL you talk about. You disguise it by projecting it onto me, so that it doesn't look like you're the one who really wants it. You are the first one who brought up gloryholes, not me. You are obviously a self-hating homosexual. YOU transferred your preferences, not me. You know far more about gay life than any straight man should.
I hear ya, timmy - but it's the only way the sewer rat (aka freelance faggot from Arkansas) knows how to hit his 40+ posts a day quota. Trying to stay on point or talk substance slows him down.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
Lying cocksucker. I made a joke in post #4 of this thread. A joke that was on topic. And in the very next post, it was your shitsucking friend who started with the same goddamn shit he always does. So if you want to blame someone, quit WKing for a fucking retard and blame him.
gfejunkie's Avatar
24 million viewers last night. A new record for any prime time newscast ever.

Something tells me there's more than just "entertainment value" involved.
24 million viewers last night. A new record for any prime time newscast ever.

Something tells me there's more than just "entertainment value" involved. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Something tells you wrong. People tuned into watch the trump make a buffoon out of himself. Don't overestimate the american people. They made stars out of the kardashians, after all.
You are a disgrace to yourself, your family and your branch of service, if you even served. You tell a litany of lies every single time you post. And that doesn't seem to bother you. Yet you persist in calling ME a liar, when the only one lying here is YOU. I'd love to watch them whoop your ass thought. It would be an honor and a privilege. I'd like to see you call them faggot one time. Originally Posted by WombRaider
"I'd like to see them whoop your ass THOUGHT " SO WHERE IS THAT ATTENTION TO DETAIL THAT YOU SO RAG ON OTHER'S FOR NOT HAVING WOOMBY. UNDERCUNT / RUSTY BALLOON KNOT /WANNA-BE JALAPENO SUCKER ? !!!!! No sabes que SPELL CHECK,PUTO ? Do you make that many mistakes in your "freelance travel brochure writing ' job ' " ? And going from gloryhole to gloryhole in Arkansas and writing about them ISNT being "a freelance writer for travel brochures." And get help for those thoughts of having some imaginary "Marine friends" woomby. You had a friend and fiancé in shammy before you "split the brown crusty sheets" with him ! You're much too young to have to face dementia alone ! Who's gonna take care of you in the "old fudge packers home " ? Big Sir ? Will he makes sure that you get those "ropey loads " that you SOOO love and the ATM that you just GOTTA have ?
And don't make me laugh about a liberal and "honor" because YOU all have none ! That's why YOU'RE liberals !! And the only "privileges" your ilk have are from SOMEONE ELSE putting THEIR asses on the line for YOUR sorry, swishy walking, lying liberal asses.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Something tells you wrong. People tuned into watch the trump make a buffoon out of himself. Don't overestimate the american people. They made stars out of the kardashians, after all. Originally Posted by WombRaider
"You're fired!"

"You're fired!"

Originally Posted by gfejunkie
That proves my point...
"I'd like to see them whoop your ass THOUGHT " SO WHERE IS THAT ATTENTION TO DETAIL THAT YOU SO RAG ON OTHER'S FOR NOT HAVING WOOMBY. UNDERCUNT / RUSTY BALLOON KNOT /WANNA-BE JALAPENO SUCKER ? !!!!! No sabes que SPELL CHECK,PUTO ? Do you make that many mistakes in your "freelance travel brochure writing ' job ' " ? And going from gloryhole to gloryhole in Arkansas and writing about them ISNT being "a freelance writer for travel brochures." And get help for those thoughts of having some imaginary "Marine friends" woomby. You had a friend and fiancé in shammy before you "split the brown crusty sheets" with him ! You're much too young to have to face dementia alone ! Who's gonna take care of you in the "old fudge packers home " ? Big Sir ? Will he makes sure that you get those "ropey loads " that you SOOO love and the ATM that you just GOTTA have ?
And don't make me laugh about a liberal and "honor" because YOU all have none ! That's why YOU'RE liberals !! And the only "privileges" your ilk have are from SOMEONE ELSE putting THEIR asses on the line for YOUR sorry, swishy walking, lying liberal asses. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You are a disgrace to yourself, your family and your service branch (if you served). Beau Biden, the VPs son, served in Iraq. Perhaps you'd like to tell him to his face that his son didn't put his ass on the line. You are a disgrace to this country. You are everything that is wrong with this country. You have no honor. You are a disgrace.
LexusLover's Avatar
You are a disgrace to yourself, ... Originally Posted by WombRaider
The only way he could possibly is to give you 2 seconds of his time.

Perhaps he just feels sorry for you, so he gives you 4 seconds of attention.
The only way he could possibly is to give you 2 seconds of his time.

Perhaps he just feels sorry for you, so he gives you 4 seconds of attention. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Get the fuck out you dimwitted cum guzzler. Come back when you can construct a sentence that makes fucking sense. 4 seconds is how long you last with one of these dirty whoooores.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Say what you will about Trump. Once again he has served his purpose.
He brought eyes and ears to the GOP. 24 million pairs of them to be exact.

Time will tell if the dummycraps can even come close.
Well WK, if THE LADY feels in anyway insulted , SHE can address me. As to my response to one of your fellow lying liberals, I don't think I've given up MY first amendment right to you or anyone else.... No, now that I've checked, I HAVEN'T. So go down to Talleywackers for your free BJ from woomby. He'll give you one for your post to me and defending his lying ass. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
First off I am not a White Knight. Elizabeth is quite capable of taking care of herself.
I am however someone that will call out someone that is childish and disrespectful.
I imagine she is amused at your antics more than offended.
AS for your gay bashing babbling it has become so common it really has no effect on anyone.
By the way your faux ellipsis are pretty telling of whom else you may be on here.
LexusLover's Avatar
Get the fuck out you .... Originally Posted by WombRaider
I've never been in any of your stalls ..... you are confused again.