Obama wire tapped Trump Tower!!!!!

JCM800's Avatar
The Miller/Bannon team knows what a frenzy a looney story like this puts their supporters in. The whole point of releasing crap like this is to distract from any real issues that are going on.
Donald Trump is Bat Shit Crazy. Originally Posted by PrettyBoyG
That's how he won. You have to be crazier than your competition in order to be victorious. Remember Trump is still crazy. It's not smart to mess with a crazy person especially when they are much smarter than you. One day the Democrats will find that out the hard way.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No, priority number 1 is getting all of the Russian compromised operatives out of the White House, which will look like a bunch of racist white guys in handcuffs being led out of the White House, led by handcuffed Donald Trump, all going to jail. The optic will save our country letting others know, nobody is above the law! Originally Posted by StandinStraight

well now .. allow me to retort!

there is no scenario where Trump leaves the White House in handcuffs without the one thing you don't have ... PROOF.

so show me some absolute proof .. or shut the fuck up about it bitch
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The Miller/Bannon team knows what a frenzy a looney story like this puts their supporters in. The whole point of releasing crap like this is to distract from any real issues that are going on. Originally Posted by JCM800
and what might those issues be, in your erstwhile opinion?

inquiring minds want to know!
The Miller/Bannon team knows what a frenzy a looney story like this puts their supporters in. The whole point of releasing crap like this is to distract from any real issues that are going on. Originally Posted by JCM800

Since you believe that, here is some reading material to give you comfort...


The Miller/Bannon team knows what a frenzy a looney story like this puts their supporters in. The whole point of releasing crap like this is to distract from any real issues that are going on. Originally Posted by JCM800

And then you can watch this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_0HAWWeC4E

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The Obama statement
"A cardinal rule of the Obama administration was that no White House official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the Department of Justice,"As part of that practice, neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen.

Note the important stuff; Neither Obama nor any White House official...the FBI, the NSA, the CIA are NOT part of the White House.
no White House official ever interfered with any INDEPENDENT investigation led by the Justice Department. What if it was not independent or lead by the Justice Department?

This statement is full of holes so big you could drive a semi through it driven by a jihadi.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The Obama statement
"A cardinal rule of the Obama administration was that no White House official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the Department of Justice,"As part of that practice, neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen.

Note the important stuff; Neither Obama nor any White House official...the FBI, the NSA, the CIA are NOT part of the White House.
no White House official ever interfered with any INDEPENDENT investigation led by the Justice Department. What if it was not independent or lead by the Justice Department?

This statement is full of holes so big you could drive a semi through it driven by a jihadi. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

BO knew all about it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is it time again?

Is it time to say it again?

Time for the #WhinyLittleBitch to stop whining and do his fucking job?


Waaahhhh! Waaahhhh! Waaahhhhh!

What a #WhinyLittleBitch!

Making America dumb again!

JDrunk has a head start. I hear AFO is gonna be hidden under some palm fronds down near Malaysia...and Obama will put it there.

Waaahhhh! Waaahhhh! Waaaahhhh!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
wiretapper in ex-chief
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Isn't ironic that it was Obama, not Putin who tried to rig the election?
LexusLover's Avatar
BO knew all about it. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
It was reported yesterday as being SOP for the POTUS to be briefed on VISA authorizations for domestic tappings.
JCM800's Avatar
Putting the attention elsewhere is an easy way to distract from the reality of what's really going on ...but once again they know how to pander to their audience.

My guess is that an easy way to get the focus off all the current Russian news out there surrounding the Trump team is to put out a story out like this. They know that all the Trump supporters will buy into it even without a shred of evidence that it's actually true ...and all because Trump tweeted about it, right? ...so it must be true.

At some point you would think that Trump might actually focus and only focus on the issues that he ran his campaign on rather than just obsess on the previous administration or the media to try to cover up his current fuck ups and all the fuck ups yet to come.

He's going to have to own some of them at some point.
bambino's Avatar
Putting the attention elsewhere is an easy way to distract from the reality of what's really going on ...but once again they know how to pander to their audience.

My guess is that an easy way to get the focus off all the current Russian news out there surrounding the Trump team is to put a story out there like this. They know that all the Trump supporters will buy into it even without a shred of evidence that it's actually true ...and all because Trump tweeted about it, right? ...so it must be true.

At some point you would think that Trump might actually focus and only focus on the issues that he ran his campaign on rather than just obsess on the previous administration or the media to try to cover up his current fuck ups and all the fuck ups yet to come.

He's going to have to own some of them at some point. Originally Posted by JCM800
WTF do you think Trumps trying to do? How can he push his agenda when the Dems are blocking his cabinet appointments? Sessions recusing himself from the Russian investigation leaves it up to what's left in the DOJ swamp. Which was a criminal enterprise under Obama. And please, tell us how the Russians "hacked" our election. Voting machines are not connected to the internet. Did they intimidate voters at the polls like the Black Panthers did for Obama? And how did Clinton win the popular vote if the Russians rigged the election for Trump? Present facts, not opinions. The fact is there are no facts that support the Russians "Hacked" our election. But we do have proof that the DNC rigged their own election don't we?
LexusLover's Avatar
He's going to have to own some of them at some point. Originally Posted by JCM800
Yes, Obaminable is. Sooner than later.

You are actually "flipping" the activities .... the anti-Trumpers/Never-Trumpers, like you, have been creating the delays and confusion in an effort to frustrate the establishment of the current administration so it can move forward with dismantling the stupid, unAmerican crap the "Obaminable Team" has been cramming down our throats for eight years!

HillaryNoMore was nothing more than a pawn to continue Obaminable's bullshit .... and give herself and Bill an opportunity to build on their retirement account for at least another four years ..... instead of having to refund bribes like they are doing now.