DACA, the dreamers act

According to the Constitution, all immigration law comes from the Congress. Understand, all immigration law starts in the Congress with no exceptions. Trump has until 5 Sept. to decide whether to extend the illegal Obama executive order for dreamers. It is a lie to say that Trump has to do something. It is up to Congress to make the law that Trump will enforce.

You may feel bad for the kids or young adults but was their parents who fucked up. You recover the loot from a robbery after five years does not mean it belongs to children of the robber. Ask Bernie Madoffs family about that.

So where do you stand? United States law, the Constitution, the rule of law or banana republic pandering?
LexusLover's Avatar
DOJ and Solicitor General file a suit for declaratory judgment as to its validity and allow an intervening party to request a court order to suspend any deportation of those children and their IMMEDIATE PARENTS while the case is pending, which the DOJ AND SG will not oppose .... and suggest Congress fix the dilemma while the litigation is pending and the status quo is maintained.
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  • 09-03-2017, 01:18 PM
The right thing in this regard is Banana Republic pandering.

Congress should get off their ass and do the right thing, until hopefully Trump will do so.

If congrees really wanted to do the right thing, they'd deport your ass!

Speaking of rule of law, I noticed you didn't chime in on the Utah officer arresting the nurse despite the rule of law.
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Is WTF still posting in his stupid thread? So why is he posting here?
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  • 09-03-2017, 01:37 PM
Is WTF still posting in his stupid thread? So why is he posting here? Originally Posted by LexusLover
People pick and choose just what rule of law they want to apply. So yea....I'm pointing out your hypocrisy in both threads.

goodolboy's Avatar
I would end this illegal "Dreamer" BS right away. I might consider some kind of deal for the existing "dreamers" but end this shit now.
President Trump will do the common sense thing. Tell all of the "Dreamers" that are already here that they can stay and get legal.

But as of that moment, the program ends. Come later, you're getting turned around.

Of course, the Liberal Media will say that President Trump will aggravate his base. That will be the headline. "TRUMP GRANTS AMNESTY"

But, sorry. We understand that the President has to use common sense, and do the right thing. We will stick with him.

And guess what? Hillary is still not President. That makes it all worthwhile.
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  • WTF
  • 09-03-2017, 02:46 PM
Jackie understands....hell LL understands on this issue.

Be stupid as fuck from a political pov to end DACA and send kids that have been here their whole life "home"....this is home.
LexusLover's Avatar
President Trump will do the common sense thing.

... Trump will aggravate his base. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Not if he does the "common sense things" and explains his good reasons for doing so ... but ends the program from this point forward based upon it being a violation of Constitution for Obaminable to have used an EO to do it ...

... that is in part why I suggested a declaratory judgment action that freezes the the status quo and prevents any deportations.

What the Hell does the Menstrual Media know about his base .... these are the same goofballs predicting a HillariousNoMore landslide .... "based" on what THEY THOUGHT the voters do in the FALL! It doesn't take a genius to figure out they don't know shit!

Which is why they are trying to blame the Russians .... so they won't have to admit they DON'T KNOW SHIT! And they still DON'T KNOW SHIT!
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  • WTF
  • 09-03-2017, 03:00 PM
Not if he does the "common sense things" and explains his good reasons for doing so ... but ends the program from this point forward based upon it being a violation of Constitution for Obaminable to have used an EO to do it ...

... that is in part why I suggested a declaratory judgment action that freezes the the status quo and prevents any deportations. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Jesus LL we get wtf Trump is going to do , a blind man could posted as much. You act as if Trump is reading this forum just waiting on your words!

LexusLover's Avatar
WTF ... why don't you let the adults in the room have this conversation?
According to the Constitution, all immigration law comes from the Congress. Understand, all immigration law starts in the Congress with no exceptions. Trump has until 5 Sept. to decide whether to extend the illegal Obama executive order for dreamers. It is a lie to say that Trump has to do something. It is up to Congress to make the law that Trump will enforce.

You may feel bad for the kids or young adults but was their parents who fucked up. You recover the loot from a robbery after five years does not mean it belongs to children of the robber. Ask Bernie Madoffs family about that.

So where do you stand? United States law, the Constitution, the rule of law or banana republic pandering? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I stand with enforcing our bloody laws.. AND Daca is not only unconstitutional (since it was just an EO, not a congressional law)< BUT IT was also "DEFERRED" deportation. NOT "never deport"...

The right thing in this regard is Banana Republic pandering. Originally Posted by WTF
The right thing for WHOM??

President Trump will do the common sense thing. Tell all of the "Dreamers" that are already here that they can stay and get legal. Originally Posted by Jackie S
We already had several rounds of "Amnesty's", and look at what we go from it.. MORE ILLEGAL invaders than before..
AMNESTY is not a common sense thing. ITS A SPINELESS Caving in thing.

Not if he does the "common sense things" and explains his good reasons for doing so ... but ends the program from this point forward based upon it being a violation of Constitution for Obaminable to have used an EO to do it ... Originally Posted by LexusLover
I don't care if he explains it or not. IF he caves in and effectively grants them amnesty, he's lost my vote PERIOD.
AND LOOK at what happened last time we did amnesty "on the promise of securing our borders:> THEY ARE MORE FUCKING Porous now than they were before!..
SO I will never, ever, ever, support any form of amnesty again. EVEN IF WE secure the border first.

... that is in part why I suggested a declaratory judgment action that freezes the the status quo and prevents any deportations. Originally Posted by LexusLover
So basically you are all for letting people who've broken the law, get 'legal'.?
WHY THE FUCK EVEN Have laws then?
Banana republic rules...The ruler decides one morning that WTF is offensive and should be banned with prejudice. So much for the rule of law and the Constitution.
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  • WTF
  • 09-03-2017, 04:16 PM
Banana republic rules...The ruler decides one morning that WTF is offensive and should be banned with prejudice. So much for the rule of law and the Constitution. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I'm hoping he hangs you before me!

The rule of law is very subjective on who interperts those laws.

That is why Clinton should be shot for her over confidence in winning the election and being greedy and thinking she would have a Democrat majority in Congress. She pucked the worst VP in the history of VP's. Trump on the other hand made a great choice. I think Pence a phoney but he was a grwat middle of the road pick for folks that do not pay that much attention to policy.
LexusLover's Avatar

So basically you are all for letting people who've broken the law, get 'legal'.?
WHY THE FUCK EVEN Have laws then? Originally Posted by garhkal
No, I'm not. But I can discuss intelligently THE ISSUE of whether or not an UNDERAGED PERSON can "break the law" when the UNDERAGED PERSON is physically put in a position over which they have no control to be in violation of "the law" while at the same time when being put in that position lacks the mental capacity to knowingly and intentionally violate that "law"!

I said nothing about making them "legal" ... I said temporarily not deport them until Congress has addressed the issue .... what ever that final legislation says.

Whether you vote for Trump again, or not vote for him again, is not relevant to the discussion. I can also address the "issue" of voting or not voting for someone over just one issue when most or all others are acceptable with regard to that candidate.

Each person has their own reason for voting or not voting for someone running for office.