CNN Quickly Pulls Cameras Off Nancy Pelosi Has ‘Brain Malfunction'

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Nancy Pelosi has a brain freeze and its getting worse. she needs to retire.

"The congresswoman appears to be suffering from “expressive aphasia,” also known as Broca’s aphasia, which is “characterized by partial loss of the ability to produce language (spoken or written), although comprehension generally remains intact. A person with expressive aphasia will exhibit effortful speech.”

I do think this will affect her reelection chances. as voters become aware of her health issues.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Nancy Pelosi has a brain freeze and its getting worse. she needs to retire.

"The congresswoman appears to be suffering from “expressive aphasia,” also known as Broca’s aphasia, which is “characterized by partial loss of the ability to produce language (spoken or written), although comprehension generally remains intact. A person with expressive aphasia will exhibit effortful speech.”

I do think this will affect her reelection chances. as voters become aware of her health issues. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
the msm and even the psychiatric profession is quick to leap on any indication Trump is suffering mental issues. where are they now ???

We may see the old adage that the democrats would elect a gibbering idiot over a competent republican.
the msm and even the psychiatric profession is quick to leap on any indication Trump is suffering mental issues. where are they now ???

bahahyaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Silent as always..
We may see the old adage that the democrats would elect a gibbering idiot over a competent republican. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
That's been exemplified in Vermont. They keep reelecting Babblin' Bernie to be one of their Senators !
RyanFromTER's Avatar
Wait?. Nancy Pelosi had a brain to begin with? When was this?
bambino's Avatar
I love when she does her Leonard Nimoy Vulcan finger split. She's such a Treky
I disagree with any notion that Peloci should step aside. Leave her right where she is. Give her as much TV time as possible. Put no restrictions what so ever on her comments.

Heck, team her up with Jimmy Kimmel and the entire Hollywood crowd. Have some concerts with her as special guest.

Team her up with Hillary. Have them go on a Nationwide tour spouting their trip, we could call it the great "croneathon".

After all. There are still some Counties in that Electorial Map that have yet to turn Red.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I am no fan of Pelosi. I think she is:

But that video wasn't that big of a deal
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 10-09-2017, 02:47 AM
We may see the old adage that the Republicans would elect a gibbering idiot over a competent republican. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Fixed it for you, since that's what yall did. Plenty on that side are already saying it. This time next year (if dumb ass hasn't gotten us killed) the repubs will be cutting each others throat. Thats if the moron isn't run out of town by then.
Remember when SNL had some skits with her character.

They were so funny....the goofy blink and all.

I wonder why NBC stopped that so abruptly.

No..not really. I'm not wondering why.
I can't tell the difference. If true, she needs to fight through this and continue being one of the faces of the Dimocratic party. C'mon Rep Ellison be ready to lead. Run, Michelle, run!