Liberal College Students Love President Trump's Tax Plan!!!!

Of course, the interviewer told them it was a plan of liberal/socialist Bernie Sanders. They thought it was great, letting middle class people keep more of their money, encouraging business to hire more Americans, etc.

You can see their reactions when told it was, in truth, President Trumps Plan.

The future of our Country on display.
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  • 10-21-2017, 07:26 AM

Of course, the interviewer told them it was a plan of liberal/socialist Bernie Sanders. They thought it was great, letting middle class people keep more of their money, encouraging business to hire more Americans, etc.

You can see their reactions when told it was, in truth, President Trumps Plan.

The future of our Country on display. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Yes the future is on display...which is to lie to voters about who the tax cuts will benefit most! Sounds like Trumps tax cuts have you fooled as much as these College kids!
The tax plan that the Trump administration outlined on Wednesday is a potentially huge windfall for the wealthiest Americans. It would not directly benefit the bottom third of the population. As for the middle class, the benefits appear to be modest.
Proposals floating around Washington to cap the amount that Americans can contribute before taxes to 401(k) plans and individual retirement accounts are unsettling professionals in the retirement industry.

lustylad's Avatar
It would not directly benefit the bottom third of the population... Originally Posted by WTF
Hey fucktard, how do you cut taxes for the "bottom third" when they're already at zero?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I believe the bottom third is the 40% who don't pay taxes.
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  • 10-21-2017, 01:18 PM
Hey fucktard, how do you cut taxes for the "bottom third" when they're already at zero? Originally Posted by lustylad
You give them a 4k dipshit. Trump says his tax plan will give the middle class 4k....well then just give it to them. Give the top 1% nothing.

Or how about we lower the bottom thirds SS tax and raise the cap on the rich?

That would be another know to get more direct money to the lower third that pay no taxes but would actually spend their money back into the economy.

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  • 10-21-2017, 01:23 PM
Boy , look when the income disparity started trending upward in this country....hmmmm about the same time Reagan cut taxes and exploded the national debt.
bambino's Avatar
You give them a 4k dipshit. Trump says his tax plan will give the middle class 4k....well then just give it to them. Give the top 1% nothing.

Or how about we lower the bottom thirds SS tax and raise the cap on the rich?

That would be another know to get more direct money to the lower third that pay no taxes but would actually spend their money back into the economy.

. Originally Posted by WTF
“Their” money? How is it theirs when they don’t pay taxes you fucking idiot?
[QUOTE=WTF;1060102366]You give them a 4k dipshit. Trump says his tax plan will give the middle class 4k....well then just give it to them. Give the top 1% nothing.

Or how about we lower the bottom thirds SS tax and raise the cap on the rich?

That would be another know to get more direct money to the lower third that pay no taxes but would actually spend their money back into the economy.

I'm all for removing the limit on SS tax altogether, and making ALL income subject to SS tax. Also, make it so everybody pays in, whether you have some type of other retirement or not. That means teachers, cops, firemen, government employees, congressman,......everybody.

What would be the SS tax on Lebron James' latest contract? Or Beyonce's latest platinum album?

It would even hurt me. I generally have my SS paid up by May of each year. I'm willing to pay more.

And yes, I do draw my SS check every month.
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  • WTF
  • 10-21-2017, 05:25 PM
“Their” money? How is it theirs when they don’t pay taxes you fucking idiot? Originally Posted by bambino
It is their money if you give it to them you stupid fuck.

Just like it would be Donald Jr's money if they eliminated the estate tax and the old man left Junior all his money. Junior did nothing to earn that.

Next....I said cut their SS tax you silly ass scratching monkey. Thus you are cutting THEIR taxes.

Your homo boyfriend said there were no taxes to cut and I showed him were he was willfully ignorant or lying or maybe he really is that stupid. Who knows with that blowhard.
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  • 10-21-2017, 05:27 PM
[QUOTE=Jackie S;1060102922]

I'm all for removing the limit on SS tax altogether, and making ALL income subject to SS tax. Also, make it so everybody pays in, whether you have some type of other retirement or not. That means teachers, cops, firemen, government employees, congressman,......everybody.

What would be the SS tax on Lebron James' latest contract? Or Beyonce's latest platinum album?

It would even hurt me. I generally have my SS paid up by May of each year. I'm willing to pay more.

And yes, I do draw my SS check every month. Originally Posted by WTF
We are in agreement.
I believe the bottom third is the 40% who don't pay taxes. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The number is 47% now. Almost a mathematical majority. Soon they will be able to vote themselves more government benefits.

I see that WTF is still not thinking. Government does not give anyone $4000. That is money that they are allowed to keep instead of having government take it.
The tax plan that the Trump administration outlined on Wednesday is a potentially huge windfall for the wealthiest Americans. It would not directly benefit the bottom third of the population. As for the middle class, the benefits appear to be modest. Originally Posted by WTF
When the bottom 1/3rd don't PAY taxes as is, cause of all the credits they already get, why SHOULD they enjoy any bonus from a tax break?

The number is 47% now. Almost a mathematical majority. Soon they will be able to vote themselves more government benefits. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Which is why 95% of those in that tax bracket, vote DEM..
bamscram's Avatar
cutting 401K's from $18,000 to $2400. will help pay for it.
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  • 10-22-2017, 07:36 AM
The number is 47% now. Almost a mathematical majority. Soon they will be able to vote themselves more government benefits.

I see that WTF is still not thinking. Government does not give anyone $4000. That is money that they are allowed to keep instead of having government take it. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Yes....cut taxes and cut spending across the board, including military. I'm for that....but it is dipshits like you JD who want to cut taxes but not any benefits that you derive from the government.

You do not love this country, you love your benefits just like any other welfare taker. If one were to do a analysis on you , I would bet your financial input would be a net negative. You've taken way more from the government than you have paid in taxes.

When the bottom 1/3rd don't PAY taxes as is, cause of all the credits they already get, why SHOULD they enjoy any bonus from a tax break?
.. Originally Posted by garhkal
Because they are the ones who will actually spend that money into the economy. You think George Soros needs a tax break?

cutting 401K's from $18,000 to $2400. will help pay for it. Originally Posted by bamscram
Yes that is part of the tax break. Hopefully they will disallow all these tax breaks like Home Mortgage deductions and Child credit deductions that folks who want kids , yet want me to pay for their little fuckers.