The Schumer Shutdown

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  • 01-19-2018, 08:00 PM
Once again, I have to remind you - I'd rather be grabbed by the pussy then governed by one. When will you ever learn. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

Right now you are being governed by a bully waiting to set his own Reichstag fire to blame on the dark state and try and seize total control.

Trump love Dictators and wants what they have, complete power.
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  • 01-19-2018, 08:03 PM
Once again, I have to remind you - I'd rather be grabbed by the pussy then governed by one. When will you ever learn. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

that's funny Originally Posted by Hotrod511

Trump can grab you two by your pussies and shake the cobwebs out !
Last time one party controlled all three houses, and there was a shutdown they lost their asses in the next election. Originally Posted by bamscram
Ummm...when do you think that was and give us details.
  • grean
  • 01-19-2018, 09:30 PM
Like the man told CNN's Jim Acosta today, you know better than that. You know that it takes 60 votes in the Senate to move a bill forward. You know that so why are you pretending otherwise? Almost all republicans voted for the House bill. Almost all republicans will vote for the Senate bill. Why won't it advance beyond a vote in the Senate? Democrats like Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin who would rather have an issue than to really help non-Americans stay in this country.

The democrats will be voting against our military men and WOMEN. They will be voting against children. They will actually be voting against illegal aliens. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Acosta, I think is unredeemably biased. Its personal between him and the WH staff. It should not be tbat way. All reporters have their personal biases but do better at trying to be objective. He walked right into that one.

He could have asked what republicans are doing to try to get the 10 democratic votes needed. He could have asked why, if democrats are getting what they want, why republicans feel they are balking. He should be asking why those running the government are letting it shut down and how they plan to keep it running. Blame isn't news worthy. It does nothing to inform the public; he asked a dumb question that everyone understands and looked stupid.
  • grean
  • 01-19-2018, 10:12 PM
4 republicans voted against as well....
lustylad's Avatar
That jackass Senator from CT, Richard Blumenthal, was saying the same thing as Acosta today. Blaming the Republicans since they "control" both Houses and the executive branch. Imagine that - a fucking US Senator pretending he doesn't know what a filibuster is in order to push a false talking point.
It's even worse than that. Repubs agreed to fund the CHIP program for 2 years! So Schumer & Co. will be voting against children's healthcare in this country! Hahaha... they're being outplayed. Originally Posted by lustylad
It was actually 6 years, not two..

Why is it that a predator like you is even breathing free air. You should be locked up in segregation. Gen pop would ice your sick ass Originally Posted by themystic
Exactly how am i a predator??
Right now you are being governed by a bully waiting to set his own Reichstag fire to blame on the dark state and try and seize total control.

Trump love Dictators and wants what they have, complete power. Originally Posted by WTF
More of the moronic buffoon "mind reading" of what others desire or think. Also comparing Trump to Hitler, Trump a man who has blessed his daughter marriage to a Jew and helped Israel.

Unconscionable even for an idiot who is often unconscious. Laughable that he complains that people change his quoted material, as if they could make it even more damaging.

His credibility only exists in the Austin Reacharound Crew.
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Ummm...when do you think that was and give us details. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Don't you claim to be an educator?
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  • 01-20-2018, 09:07 AM
More of the moronic buffoon "mind reading" of what others desire or think. Also comparing Trump to Hitler, Trump a man who has blessed his daughter marriage to a Jew and helped Israel.

Unconscionable even for an idiot who is often unconscious. Laughable that he complains that people change his quoted material, as if they could make it even more damaging.

. Originally Posted by gnadfly
His actions show what he really thinks...

Trump wants total power.

That is why he admires Putin so.

He will use the Jews until he no longer needs them and they him.

Trump was not for the Iraq war....which was more for Israel's benefit than the US. He is no true friend of Israel.

Trump cares about Trump....just like Hitler cared about Hitler , neither give a fuck about the people of their country

Trump is using false nationalism to consolidate power just like Hitler. Hitler used Jews, Trump the Mexicans. Next Hitler used the Reichstag fire to go after the left in Germany who opposed him . Trump would do the exact same thing given the chance. My comparison was more than valid. I could have compared him to any Tyrant, they're all the same.

Now if you want to change my material, go ahead. I will do the same to yours and like Trump, I like to do it a tad harder.
That jackass Senator from CT, Richard Blumenthal, was saying the same thing as Acosta today. Blaming the Republicans since they "control" both Houses and the executive branch. Imagine that - a fucking US Senator pretending he doesn't know what a filibuster is in order to push a false talking point. Originally Posted by lustylad
The SAME Blumenthal that claimed to be a Vietnam war hero ! ?
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lustylad's Avatar
His actions show what he really thinks...

Trump wants total power.

That is why he admires Putin so.

He will use the Jews until he no longer needs them and they him.

Trump is using false nationalism to consolidate power just like Hitler. Hitler used Jews, Trump the Mexicans. Next Hitler used the Reichstag fire to go after the left in Germany who opposed him. Trump would do the exact same thing given the chance. My comparison was more than valid. I could have compared him to any Tyrant, they're all the same. Originally Posted by WTF
^^^ Wow... lookee at that, folks... the moronic buffoon is so completely out of touch with reality that he doubles down on stupid... even after I started a thread dedicated to his collossal stupidity!
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  • WTF
  • 01-20-2018, 12:11 PM
^^^ Wow... lookee at that, folks... the moronic buffoon is so completely out of touch with reality that he doubles down on stupid... even after I started a thread dedicated to his collossal stupidity! Originally Posted by lustylad
Trump is for the little guy and LexusLover is a Bookie, right lustylad.

^^^ Wow... lookee at that, folks... the moronic buffoon is so completely out of touch with reality that he doubles down on stupid... even after I started a thread dedicated to his collossal stupidity! Originally Posted by lustylad
Every WTF post is a testament to his collossal stupidity!