Trump blames Russians for Florida school shooting

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-18-2018, 09:04 AM
MAGA and GTFOH Trump.
Man the media is so screwed up. An actual article has the same title as this thread. But I read his tweet and he actually blames the FBI for missing the reported threat not the Russians. Can people not read? He states the FBI missed the info on the shooter due to their investigation on collusion with Russian election tampering. Thus, he is blaming not the Russians but the inept FBI. Reading comprehension 101.

But if the media prints it, I guess some will believe it. Shame on those who refuse to think for themselves and allows others to do it for them. I direct that at both parties.

When we as people get back to basic freedoms is when America will be great again. I do not believe abortion should he outlawed as some conservatives do, I think for myself, formulate my own opinions and act accordingly. Am I alone in doing this? Reading these threads I begin to wonder.
Furthermore, just because Trump blames the FBI, does not mean they did anything wrong. I blame Nicholas Cruz for the shooting and no one else, not the Russians, not the FBI, not the Democrats, not the Republicans, not Trump, not Obama, but wait for it..
Here it comes..
Nicholas Cruz get full blame.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Man the media is so screwed up. An actual article has the same title as this thread. But I read his tweet and he actually blames the FBI for missing the reported threat not the Russians. Can people not read? He states the FBI missed the info on the shooter due to their investigation on collusion with Russian election tampering. Thus, he is blaming not the Russians but the inept FBI. Reading comprehension 101.

But if the media prints it, I guess some will believe it. Shame on those who refuse to think for themselves and allows others to do it for them. I direct that at both parties.

When we as people get back to basic freedoms is when America will be great again. I do not believe abortion should he outlawed as some conservatives do, I think for myself, formulate my own opinions and act accordingly. Am I alone in doing this? Reading these threads I begin to wonder. Originally Posted by gentlemantoo
if you visit this forum much you will learn that posters like WTF are brain dead and can't think much outside the box

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  • WTF
  • 02-18-2018, 10:40 AM
So Trump blamed the FBI....Hmmmmm.

I guess that is much better in you guys minds!

LexusLover's Avatar
if you visit this forum much you will learn that posters like WTF are brain dead and can't think much outside the box .... Originally Posted by Hotrod511
.. he can't "think" inside the box either!

lustylad's Avatar
You're such a compassionate jackass. You said you didn't give a fuck about 17 dead kids in Florida, remember? Shit happens... no biggie, right? So why do you start a thread about it, asshole?

I do not understand wtf the big deal is. Originally Posted by WTF
Shit happens....School shooting is just something that happens. Originally Posted by WTF
I do not really understand the big deal with these school shootings. Originally Posted by WTF
Just another day in America. Originally Posted by WTF
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-18-2018, 11:16 AM
You're such a compassionate jackass. You said you didn't give a fuck about 17 dead kids in Florida, remember? Shit happens... no biggie, right? So why do you start a thread about it, asshole? Originally Posted by lustylad
It is no different than any other shooting....except Trump is trying to blame this on the Russians or the FBI.

Why is that? Is it because the FBI is closing in on his lying ass?

Btw lusty, I thought you only cared about gassed babies in Syria ! You now care about a bunch of kids in Florida? Tell me what have you done for them. Are you joining their march in Washington?

Or are you going to try and convince them that they have mass shooting in say England where they have much tougher gun control laws?
LexusLover's Avatar
It is no different than any other shooting.... Originally Posted by WTF
How many threads have you started about "other shootings"?

Have you figured out the "motive" for this one?

You were too stupid to figure out the "motive" for the Las Vegas shooting. Still stupid?

See if there is a "motive" in there VVVVVV

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-18-2018, 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
What you got is a case of the dumbass if you believe those distortions.

Do you love Trump or Putin more Iffy?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-18-2018, 11:27 AM

You were too stupid to figure out the "motive" for the Las Vegas shooting. Still stupid? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Did Law Enforcement give you a medal for figuring out the motive that they could not?

Maybe we should point all investigators to the just ask LexusLover thread#

LexusLover's Avatar
Still looking ...?

Keep up the good work!
Hotrod511's Avatar
[QUOTE=WTF;1060517878]It is no different than any other shooting....except Trump is trying to blame this on the Russians or the FBI.

Why is that? Is it because the FBI is closing in on his lying ass?

And you know this? are you one of the X-MEN?

or are you just blowing your horn
lustylad's Avatar
So you don't want the FBI to waste its time trying to stop school shootings... shit happens, deal with it... we can't pull any agents off the truly important cases - like using phony dossiers to obtain FISA warrants to spy on political campaigns!

Got it!

Now go tell that to the Florida parents who are burying their dead children, you stinking POS!