Gabs, I honestly feel bad for you.
Originally Posted by spazzer
Aww well isn't this nice of you?
You make things so tense and difficult.
Originally Posted by spazzer
I wouldn't have to if one of y'all would have some balls a little bigger than mine and police your own to make this place better and safe for all... you know think beyond the tip of your cock?
Believe you me, you have zero worries about me meeting you. If you were the last woman on earth and I was offered a million dollars to get together with your sorry ass, it would still be a hard pass.
Originally Posted by berryberry
Oh isn't it nice of you to confirm what I already said, and you did it in a way that makes it seem like it was your idea? It wasn't. The offer was never there. So your little rant is rendered completely useless.
instead of relying on your imaginary snapchat collective
Originally Posted by berryberry
Maybe you should put your time to a productive use instead of couch surfing and insulting everyone here.
Originally Posted by berryberry
I am, but hey thanks for telling me what I need to do as if you somehow know anything about me or my needs or my desires.
Here's a hint though to help you get on the right path.. the MOBCJC days of grand are coming to an end and the abuse is gonna stop...or y'all will be the only ones here to play with each others wee-wee's.
So y'all members of that group can go feel bad for someone else as you "pull" all these strippers that are lined up to date y'all.