Who's the bigger idiot?

eccieuser9500's Avatar
The idiot in charge?
Or the idiots who voted the idiot to be in charge?

Trump isn’t smart enough to understand how the Supreme Court is about to disempower the presidency


A few words about Trump's I.Q. problem


themystic's Avatar
Trump is smarter than his voters whom he regularly mocks. They are just a bunch of losers who some how feel relevant. They are like WWE fans who are happy when their favorite wrestler is "World Champ"

2 years is a long time in politics.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
The idiots have it!

LexusLover's Avatar
Since this thread has no historically significant factual information and is spawned from the anxiety of not being able to reverse the 2016 election, the only true idiots are the ones who perceive such spurious observations and predictions as having some value in advancing the productivity and strength in the future of the United States of America, as opposed to the fools who are being gathered to embark upon the miserable experience of yet another embarrassment at the polls in 2020 as the Democrats and their designated cannon fodder postulate about how much better this country will be without the consumption of fossil fuels, no military, and no borders with the acceptance of MILLIONS of illegal aliens to sop up on the "free stuff" promised to them in return for their illegal vote for the disbursers of the "free stuff" after the 2020 elections.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
I feel so sad for the libs! All their marbles in one bag! Gone. Poor poor libs. Cry me a fucking river! pfffffffffhahahahahahahhahahah aahahh
themystic's Avatar
I feel so sad for the libs! All their marbles in one bag! Gone. Poor poor libs. Cry me a fucking river! pfffffffffhahahahahahahhahahah aahahh Originally Posted by winn dixie
don't feel sorry for us. feel sorry for your kids. they are all growing up liberal and many of them socialist. they see right through daddy's hateful ways
bamscram's Avatar
Well if you misspell your wife's name......................
winn dixie's Avatar
themystic's Avatar

Ditsy idiot cunt! Originally Posted by winn dixie
you kids will be voting for her LOL. Is that what Christians and Jews call women is Cunts? I guess the women killed at the Tree of Life were cunts. I get it
don't feel sorry for us. feel sorry for your kids. they are all growing up liberal and many of them socialist. they see right through daddy's hateful ways Originally Posted by themystic
Why would I feel sorry for my kids. It's part of growing up.

If you're not a liberal when 20 years old, you have no heart.
If you're not a conservative by 40, you have no brain.
The biggest idiots were the ones in 2016 who predicted that Hillary had the nomination locked up weeks before the election ..... or maybe it was the "experts" on her team who told her she had certain states "in the bag" and that she didn't need to campaign there ..... or perhaps it was Rachel Madcow and her now famous youtube video where she claimed that no matter how many ways you figured it, that "even if he carries all these states" or "even if Trump were to win Florida", that "he STILL couldn't win" .....
This OP is the intellectual equivalent of picking your nose in public.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

Says the idiot who asks . . .

Doesn't call for a lot of comments or debate. Do you believe that anyone who commits the same crime should face the same consequences? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn