nonsense Pitt Boy. this forum flows in real time, 26 minutes is a long time in this section. and even if it is not, it is still not holier than thou, you don't know what that means. what the fuck is holy about my thinking nobody cared to post? Originally Posted by Chung TranI'm sure 26 minutes "seemed" like a long time while you pounded refresh over and over waiting for everyone to drop what they were doing and jump into your thread.
And you might want to look up the definition of holier than thou and what it's synonymous with.
And seriously, take your time an re-read exactly what you wrote.
I knew it, LOL..You Knew it.
nobody cares about this subject.. offer a topic for reason, debate and insight, you guys flee. no insult material here..
I already predicted what guys would think.. I should have predicted that you are predictableOriginally Posted by Chung Tran
Nobody cares about your little project or post.
We flee from you. LOL.
You predicted it.
Yeah, I think Holier than Thou most certainly applies.
And apologies for it taking more than 26 minutes to reply to this post. LOL...