8 out of 10 Black Americans...

Solemate62's Avatar
...polled this week say Trump is racist. Question is who composes the 20% of the morons who think Trump gives a flying fuck about them. Of course, cabinet member Uncle Tom Ben Carson is in the 20%, for sure!! Can anyone in Trumptard City tell me (1) What cabinet position does Tom Carson hold? And (2) What does Carson actually do during a typical day in his office? No fair Googling, Trumptards, we await your answer! Drain that swamp, Trumptards - drain that swamp! MAGA, baby!
HoeHummer's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 01-19-2020, 08:57 AM
Care to provide a reference for the Poll ????
Fascist DPST's plantation politics - think they "Own" all black people.

usual CNN and LSM lies. and Propaganda per Goebbels!!!
bambino's Avatar
Care to provide a reference for the Poll ????
Fascist DPST's plantation politics - think they "Own" all black people.

usual CNN and LSM lies. and Propaganda per Goebbels!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
He’s just making shit up as usual. Here’s the facts:

  • oeb11
  • 01-19-2020, 09:04 AM
Thanks - B
The problem is they can’t name anything to base their “racist” accusation on.

They just assume it’s true because their lying poverty pimp “leaders” tell them it’s true.
Hotrod511's Avatar
...polled this week say Solemate62 is racist.! Originally Posted by Solemate62
Originally Posted by HoeHummer(Assup)

Redhot1960's Avatar
Keep sucking them toes!

bambino's Avatar
Originally Posted by Hotrod511
Solemate likes black Trannies.
...polled this week say Trump is racist. Question is who composes the 20% of the morons who think Trump gives a flying fuck about them. Of course, cabinet member Uncle Tom Ben Carson is in the 20%, for sure!! Can anyone in Trumptard City tell me (1) What cabinet position does Tom Carson hold? And (2) What does Carson actually do during a typical day in his office? No fair Googling, Trumptards, we await your answer! Drain that swamp, Trumptards - drain that swamp! MAGA, baby! Originally Posted by Solemate62
You call a black man "uncle Tom"? Why not "boy" while you're at it? Who is Tom Carson?
...polled this week say Trump is racist. Question is who composes the 20% of the morons who think Trump gives a flying fuck about them. Of course, cabinet member Uncle Tom Ben Carson is in the 20%, for sure!! Can anyone in Trumptard City tell me (1) What cabinet position does Tom Carson hold? And (2) What does Carson actually do during a typical day in his office? No fair Googling, Trumptards, we await your answer! Drain that swamp, Trumptards - drain that swamp! MAGA, baby! Originally Posted by Solemate62
Carson is just Trump's Token Negro, so Trump can hide his racism. Isn't that all you want to hear? Just vote for Biden he thinks everyone who works at Circle K should be Eastern Indian. That's not racist is it dummy?
  • oeb11
  • 01-19-2020, 01:01 PM
likely refers to Ben Carson - Secretary of HUD.

Idiots who post nonsense have no credibility
Typical Fascist DPST BS
eccieuser9500's Avatar
The problem is they can’t name anything to base their “racist” accusation on.

They just assume it’s true because their lying poverty pimp “leaders” tell them it’s true. Originally Posted by Jackie S

An Oral History of Trump’s Bigotry


The first quotation from Donald Trump ever to appear in The New York Times came on October 16, 1973. Trump was responding to charges filed by the Justice Department alleging racial bias at his family’s real-estate company. “They are absolutely ridiculous,” Trump said of the charges. “We have never discriminated, and we never would.”

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Carson is just Trump's Token Negro, so Trump can hide his racism. Isn't that all you want to hear? Just vote for Biden he thinks everyone who works at Circle K should be Eastern Indian. That's not racist is it dummy? Originally Posted by Levianon17

LexusLover's Avatar
...polled this week say Trump is racist. Originally Posted by Solemate62
Ok? Let's explore the significance of your revelation:

Let's start with the population numbers:
In 2018 US Census Bureau estimated 47,841,851 African Americans in the United States meaning that 14.6% of the total American population of 327.2 Million is Black.
For easy of computation that amounts to about 15% of the population, of which about half are younger than voting age which means 7.5% of the total population are of voting age, while of those another 20% are ineligible to vote so that leave about 6 % elgible voters with a voting rate at about a generous 60% or a voting Black population of about 3.6%. Based on your reported %'s 80% of those reported they considered Trump a racist .... that would mean about 2.9% of the Black population in this country stated they considered Trump to be a racist.

rounding up 3 % of 330 million = 10 million people out of 330 million people REPORTED they thought Trump was a racist.

In other words an insignificant number so REPORTED!

Here are some interesting statistics reported by a reliable source:


12% of the voters voting were (are) Black in 2016. Please note that was a decline from previous elections. That's total Black voters regardless of whether they voted for all contested races or not. Just using her %'s that would be 80% of those Black voters REPORTED that Trump was (or is) a racist or 9.6% of the roughly 138 million total voters in the 2016 election ....

around 13 million Black voters out of 125 million "other" voters.

Really an insignificant number even if the polling you claim is reliable and/or statistically significant regarding the polling done and the margin of error applied to arrive at a reasonable accurate rate.

In other words .... your claim doesn't matter to a hill of beans!

BTW, since you are a racist yourself, SissyChaps, there's an interesting FACT that you really ought to keep in mind while trashing "old White Men" with your soured ass, snotty attitude ..... since you weren't alive back during desegregation you wouldn't know this FACT .... and your lousy racist revisionist education you were offered wouldn't help much either .....


If it weren't for "old White Men," you would still be segregated LEGALLY!

In fact you might even be prohibited from posting on this Board~!