Adam Fucking Schiff Is A Tour De Force An Amazing Amazing Man

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Gave me goosebumps and tingles up my leg watching his Senate trial performance the last 2 days.

I didnt know he was this fucking brilliant of a strategist, litigator, and orator. He has commanded the attention of the Senate and the World. He's embarrassed Trump's lawyers made their case and law degrees look like shit. Its clear they're out of their leagues. Schiff has successfully reached the independent voters and swing states with FACT AFTER FACT in a compelling and devastating way with evidence.

What a masterful performance. I couldnt be more proud with this group that Nancy Pelosi put together. They made the Republican senators assholes squeamish. It was fucking awesome to watch.

rexdutchman's Avatar
Budman's Avatar
He is still going to lose. Maybe you can suck his cock to help him get over being such a loser.
Of course the media says that Clinton was the ultimate liar. He made it look effortless. Schitt is pretty obvious if you watch more than CNN or MSNBC.
  • oeb11
  • 01-23-2020, 08:15 AM
Grandstanding liar.

Classic fascist DPST.
Same as nadler, pelosi,Schumer.
This is a bunch of Bull Schiff, lol.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Didn’t the Republican leader also compliments Schiff?
Jaxson66's Avatar
Yeah, ole Schiffty is doing a good job.

The fat lying bastards dream team appear over matched but fanatical loyalist. In particular Pam Bondi, the ex Florida AG who ignored the trump university scam.

Viva La Shiffty Schiff
lustylad's Avatar
Adam Fucking Schiff Is A Tour De Force An Amazing Amazing Man...

...Gave me goosebumps and tingles up my leg.... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Goosebumps and tingles up your leg, eh?

But no tongue up your ass, TUMA boy?
Didn’t the Republican leader also compliments Schiff? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Yeah, he said Schiff was doing a great job of fucking up the chances for a Democrat victory in November, lol.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Grandstanding liar.

Classic fascist DPST.
Same as nadler, pelosi,Schumer. Originally Posted by oeb11
The reality, “ it’s hard to listen to things you don’t want to hear”, the truth hurts.

Keep that bucket of Vagisil handy.

Viva La Schiffty Schiff
Yes, please keep Schitt talking. He's convincing the Republicans to not call witnesses and get the fuck out of there.

Graham or someone can call Schitt to the Senate investigative hearing when this is over.
senators, and the interested alike, were falling asleep

even one such as I, inured to stoic affliction from childhood, couldn't bear the continued droning and lost all interest
  • oeb11
  • 01-23-2020, 10:31 AM
Why use sleeping pills when Adam Schiff is available to help people get to sleep . ??
Why use sleeping pills when Adam Schiff is available to help people get to sleep . ?? Originally Posted by oeb11
a thing I did pick up on however

schiff is proposing to America the leftist dream of doing away with elections

we must impeach as elections are untrustworthy

its as though the proposal is, allow us, the elite, to rule