42,000 dead, Trump .....

Solemate62's Avatar
....but that’s no problem, right? Main thing is you pander to your base made up of cretins and misfits, in your feeble attempt to win a re-election! Do you and your douchebag sons hold stock in a casket company, BTW? Hey! Being that fucktard governor in Florida opened up some beaches, maybe you can hit the beach to show your physique to the world! That image could make a maggot retch! With luck you will go out far enough and get mistaken for an intelligent mammal, and get harpooned!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Anyone who blames anybody besides the Chinese communists for the Wuhan covid-19 coronavirus is a complete and total idiot.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Hmmm, just yesterday the great leader placed blame on the evil Dems for the plague. So, you could be on to something.
You can tell when the Left starts running out of crap to make up. They just come up with asinine tripe such as this thread.

Of course, the word “Nazi” or Hitler wasn’t mentioned. Probably the next Thread.
Anyone who blames anybody besides the Chinese communists for the Wuhan covid-19 coronavirus is a complete and total idiot. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
They're covidiots.
these sorts of idiotic threads bore the hell out of me
HoeHummer's Avatar
these sorts of idiotic threads bore the hell out of me Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Yet yous commented.

Over the weekend, someone made the argument that there were only 400 covid deaths in the US of Eh.

And Trump and the gun lobby are fomenting protests against science. Again.

Boring? I’d say dangerously ignorant.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
....but that’s no problem, right? ... Originally Posted by Solemate62

My rudimentary understanding of math is that 42K is a lot, lot, lot less than 2.2M.
  • oeb11
  • 04-21-2020, 08:53 AM
S is just broadcasting the usual fascist DPST propaganda - no FACTS behind any of their made up assertions .

They just "Want" - therefore it must be truth in their propaganda narrative.
Boring? I’d say dangerously ignorant. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
we are in agreement here, the thread is dangerously ignorant as it perpetuates unreasoned hate
Most of the dead are from New York City and California. I guess that means according to liberal logic, Gavin Newsome and Andrew Cuomo are to blame. After all, they have a state budget for medical supplies that they spent on something else more important.
  • oeb11
  • 04-21-2020, 08:57 AM
NGIT - You have a point - unreasoned hate is the raison d' existance of the Fascist DPST's and their lying propaganda.

The gov's of kalifornia and NY have been in opposition to everything Trump has done - except for money - and it is never enough for them. They claim all the authority and None of the responsibility for their flagrant mismanagement.
Flaming Hypocrites!!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
My rudimentary understanding of math is that 42K is a lot, lot, lot less than 2.2M. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

do we have numbers to compare with the flu season. the number is prolly similar.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
speaking of maggots... looks like solemate62's brain is fill with TDS maggots.

this strain is different from TDS-2016 virus.

what it does is makes him jittery and does the jitterbug whenever trump is mentioned.
Most of the dead are from New York City and California. I guess that means according to liberal logic, Gavin Newsome and Andrew Cuomo are to blame. After all, they have a state budget for medical supplies that they spent on something else more important. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
52-53% of the fatalities are from the NYC Metro/Upper NJ area. Yet, NY media outlets along with their Dem masters are insisting all the country stays shut down.

More than time for the rest of the country to move on.

In Europe, more people over 100 died than under 30.