Donald Trump - Capitulating Vagina

Willie Wanker's Avatar
the Fraudchi

guess as you go

when all else fails move the goal post Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Each night before I go beddyby, I ask the great wizard in the sky to please reveal what Putin has on our great leader Orangetop. Originally Posted by buffalomw10
Not saying there's any truth to this, just passing on what "people are saying"

Rumors are that putin has a video of a nude trump in a Moscow hotel room playing pee (urine) games with Russian prostitutes. Known as the "pee tape".

If true, ole plastic man might have a link to it. lol

Also, if true, I bet putin will "wiki-leak" it as soon as trump takes his name off the oval door because...well...just because his name is putin and that's what he does!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-02-2020, 04:06 AM
And destroying a couple of pussified republican senators who want to replace Columbus Day with Juneteenth whatever the fuck that is.

Tucker is the first news opinion individual who has correctly pointed out that no normal person ever fucking heard of the term Juneteenth until the left wing media douchebags started pushing it forward, because they are knee-jerk cowards. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Yeah, but i'm sure Willie Wanker and Lilylivered will be eager to point out how the left is full of anger and hate. And Willie Wanker will also add how you're typically so agreeable. I'm sure of it.

Fauxchi Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Another piece of shit trump lie directly from trumps lips to our ears yesterday: people see him wearing masks.
And, once again, repeating his dumb as fuck claim that the virus is just going to disappear.

How interesting that all of a sudden so many republican senators are on board with masks. Kinda makes it look like they're falling in line with the idiot Dems. Again!!

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Yeah, but i'm sure Willie Wanker and Lilylivered will be eager to point out how the left is full of anger and hate. And Willie Wanker will also add how you're typically so agreeable. I'm sure of it. Originally Posted by Doove
You're thinking about this too much.

I'd have to recheck but I'm pretty sure I was named "most agreeable" board participant the last time the end of year awards were voted on by the membership however.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Tucker for President.

Mark Steyn for VP.

Drain the swamp for real. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
the illegal alien Canadian is awesome funny IMHO

rather him for President
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Another piece of shit trump lie directly from trumps lips to our ears yesterday: people see him wearing masks.
And, once again, repeating his dumb as fuck claim that the virus is just going to disappear.

How interesting that all of a sudden so many republican senators are on board with masks. Kinda makes it look like they're falling in line with the idiot Dems. Again!!

AND FOX NEWS!! SUDDENLY!! MASKS ARE A GOOD IDEA!! Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
I hope" ya forgot that part
I hope" ya forgot that part Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

Okay, you got me. He did say "I hope" this time. But my point in the post is that he suddenly started new lies about "people" see me wearing a mask.

I bet the only person who sees him wearing a mask is Melania.

"People say" she and don have a marriage contract that states she has to give him sex one time semi-annually.

"People say" she has a clause in said contract that states he has to wear a full face mask during the event so she doesn't have to see his face.

"People say" that's why he said yesterday his mask makes him look like the "lone ranger". Yeah, he really really said that!

"People say" she uses a female condom AND makes him wear a condom too. Double protection because he says he's allowed to touch any pussy he wants.

"People say" (and it's not fake news) that he's a fucking asshole!

For the "inquiring minds who want to know" the answer is no; she DOES NOT give him MSOG.
"People say" she's a 1 and done girl (for donny anyway)
Next Best Thing's Avatar
These holiday rituals.

I wonder what the male lesbians have planned for the next Juneteenth if they remember that it's happening and don't have anything else to pretend to be outraged by at that precise moment. Probably assembling search parties to find minorities to prostrate themselves to?

I fully endorse US Independence Day as worth being acknowledged but I'm not into the fireworks, especially when people inconsiderately detonate them all hours of the day and night.

They also upset my dogs.

No problem with getting the complimentary day off from work though. Even though this year I'm able to fuck off even more than usual because I almost never have to travel or meet with people, other than remotely via the computer from the comfort of home.

I will be slamming a large amount of cheap American beer in honor of Independence Day however. I find this completely harmless, an utterly victimless endeavor.

I don't even have any desire to watch the fireworks displays on television, it's so juvenile to be entertained by something like this.

However, if it upsets the male lesbians I'm all for it. I'm even in favor of it if the male lesbians are only pretending to be hurt by it which is what I actually think. Still not subjecting myself to it, regardless.

Melania Trump is probably the second hottest piece of ass in the history of wives of American presidents.

Hussein Obama's wife is a repulsive pig who comes dangerously close to looking like a large man wearing a silly wig. Hussein's most stunning accomplishment was his ability to maintain an erection long enough to slip his cock inside that macabre thing.

God bless the United States of America.

Thank you.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Yeah, but i'm sure Willie Wanker and Lilylivered will be eager to point out how the left is full of anger and hate. And Willie Wanker will also add how you're typically so agreeable. I'm sure of it. Originally Posted by Doove

The left is full of anger and hate.
NBT seems like an agreeable fellow.
I'm here to help!
Next Best Thing's Avatar
The left is full of anger and hate.
NBT seems like an agreeable fellow.
I'm here to help! Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Thanks Willie.

Male lesbians hate me.

Whores want me.

Everyone carries a cross.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Tremendously strong June jobs report! So much opportunity for those willing to apply whew
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I'm enjoying the moves the Trump DOJ is making on the democrat party unwashed for destroying or defacing our national monuments.

This is a step in the right direction for Trump.

Maybe it was a good idea to allow the moronic democrats to blatantly display their commitment to fucking up the large cities that they have deceived their ignorant constituencies into voting them into power in.

I could not possibly care less about the animals in Chicago and to a lesser extent New York City but it's swell to see them being hilariously mismanaged into the ground.

I wanted the military to roll in the tanks and steamroll the rioters into oblivion but maybe that was a reactionary, emotional response to watching filthy democrat party scumbags running amok.

I'm just curious if it would be possible for DeBlasio or that unpleasant gray haired old black woman(?) mayor from Chicago to be more destructive of their own dung heaps.

Mayor Jenny 2020
Willie Wanker's Avatar
I'm enjoying the moves the Trump DOJ is making on the democrat party unwashed for destroying or defacing our national monuments.

This is a step in the right direction for Trump.

Maybe it was a good idea to allow the moronic democrats to blatantly display their commitment to fucking up the large cities that they have deceived their ignorant constituencies into voting them into power in.

I could not possibly care less about the animals in Chicago and to a lesser extent New York City but it's swell to see them being hilariously mismanaged into the ground.

I wanted the military to roll in the tanks and steamroll the rioters into oblivion but maybe that was a reactionary, emotional response to watching filthy democrat party scumbags running amok.

I'm just curious if it would be possible for DeBlasio or that unpleasant gray haired old black woman(?) mayor from Chicago to be more destructive of their own dung heaps.

Mayor Jenny 2020 Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
It was a good move to hold off on taking down the CHAZ/CHOP Block Party. The mayor looks like a complete idiot for letting it go on as long as she did. No one to blame but herself.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-03-2020, 06:46 PM
I don't even have any desire to watch the fireworks displays on television, it's so juvenile to be entertained by something like this.

However, if it upsets the male lesbians I'm all for it. I'm even in favor of it if the male lesbians are only pretending to be hurt by it which is what I actually think. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Not sure who's pretending to be hurt by it....but since we're on the topic of pretending...

I'm enjoying the moves the Trump DOJ is making on the democrat party unwashed for destroying or defacing our national monuments.

This is a step in the right direction for Trump. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
And then there's....

Hussein Obama's wife is a repulsive pig who comes dangerously close to looking like a large man wearing a silly wig. Hussein's most stunning accomplishment was his ability to maintain an erection long enough to slip his cock inside that macabre thing. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Willy Wanker? Got anything? Anything at all?