6 month Covid19 report card

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-05-2020, 05:29 PM
Obama "I'll have more flexibility after the ... " ahem to who ? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
More than a year before he announced his presidential campaign, Trump told an Irish television station that he would "absolutely" release his tax returns if he entered the race.
"If I decide to run for office, I'll produce my tax returns, absolutely," he said. "And I would love to do that."

Jan 24 2016

Asked if he would release them publicly, Trump said, "we're working on that now."
"I have very big returns, as you know, and I have everything all approved and very beautiful and we'll be working that over in the next period of time, Chuck," Trump said. "Absolutely."

May 11 2016:
"I would release my tax returns when audit is complete, not after election!" he tweeted about the interview.

Sept 27 2016:
"I don't mind releasing. I'm under a routine audit, and it will be released. As soon as the audit's finished, it will be released," he said.

Oct 4 2016:
"Look, Donald Trump has filed over 100 pages of financial disclosure, which is what the law requires," Pence said. He added that trump is "going to release his tax returns when the audit is over."

And now? He's running to the Supreme Court to prevent the release of his taxes to investigators. LOL.
Like he said "I'm the most transparent president ever"

Everyone has to sign a non disclosure agreement
Carlos Danger's Avatar
It’s a beautiful V shaped virus and tremendous pandemic. The 401-k should be renamed the 401-V. What a wonderful quarterly statement in a systemic economy whew
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-05-2020, 06:22 PM
Trump Tariffs have brought Billions of $$ back to the USA... The industry im in buys a lot of metal we used to get EVERYTHING from China now its about 60% Domestic 20% South Korean and 20% from the EU... Originally Posted by ben8888
Let's revisit this, shall we?

Oh and how we made $$ in my company i work for about 4 years ago we had a Major defect in aluminium from China. It hurt us but one of my corrective actions i proposed was to diversify our procurement of raws. Now when you make a product and its made with Aluminium from China you cant just substitute any other aluminium in it you have to go through a proving and testing phase before a that raw can be recognized as a suitable replacement. So i admit when i first proposed this plan it was pretty arbitrary because nobody could compete with the pricing from China. But getting new raws vendors is simple because most of them will give you the trial material for free in hopes of getting your business. So during that time we got suitable suppliers from the US,Europe and South Korea... Mexican and Canadian never passed the testing so when the Donald Slammed his Tariff Down on Chinese imports of Aluminium Raws it left companies scrambling to qualify alternatives which mine already had done and many companies fell behind on orders because they were scrambling and we scarfed up Emergency orders and business through our competitors in ability to find alternatives that were cheaper than the tariffed Chinese aluminium. So we also out priced them out of business. So yeah we made and are still making a fuck ton of $$ thanks to the Donald and his Tariff. Originally Posted by ben8888
So, contrary to your boastful pro-Trump claim, the tariffs had absolutely nothing, zero, zip, nada to do with "The industry im in buys a lot of metal we used to get EVERYTHING from China now its about 60% Domestic 20% South Korean and 20% from the EU". But instead, the tariffs helped you out by fucking over your competitors by allowing your company to "price them out of business". And you're here, now, lying about it in an effort to make Trump look good. Gotta admit, when it comes to all things Trumpian, that's right up there with the best.
Not to be outdone, however, is your Trumpian move of trying to make yourself look smart and accomplishing the exact opposite. Truly well played.

So saying his tariffs have only passed on the cost to americans is dumb
You might wanna rethink that one.

And to think, i wasn't even gonna bother reading your comment.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
The stimulus checks were mailed just in time to buy the dip in the tremendous markets. Second wave is priced in. Whew
ben8888's Avatar
Let's revisit this, shall we?

So, contrary to your boastful pro-Trump claim, the tariffs had absolutely nothing, zero, zip, nada to do with "The industry im in buys a lot of metal we used to get EVERYTHING from China now its about 60% Domestic 20% South Korean and 20% from the EU". But instead, the tariffs helped you out by fucking over your competitors by allowing your company to "price them out of business". And you're here, now, lying about it in an effort to make Trump look good. Gotta admit, when it comes to all things Trumpian, that's right up there with the best.
Not to be outdone, however, is your Trumpian move of trying to make yourself look smart and accomplishing the exact opposite. Truly well played.

You might wanna rethink that one.

And to think, i wasn't even gonna bother reading your comment. Originally Posted by Doove
Youre right you do know what domestic is right so 60% of what we would be spending in china is staying in the US are your really that fucking dumb? Youre general overall lack of comprehending shit amazes me... i now see why you are made fun of on this board for thinking shit providers do with you is only done with you...lmfao

You really think jw and granges are pouring millions of dollars into their business in the US because its not going to pay off...

Let me Dumb this down for you Dove....

Trumpy passes Tariff

Companies start buying domestic

Companies cant Meet Demand

Companies Expand and reopen closed Plants Creating jobs because moneys staying in MERICA

and Tariff was better for US vs China....

Now my company being able to swap faster was great but we still spend 60% of what we would of in China in the US now...
i now see why you are made fun of on this board for thinking shit providers do with you is only done with you...lmfao.. Originally Posted by ben8888
ben8888's Avatar
One more for ya Dove because i know your prob still need help comprehending.

So say my Company spends $100 on aluminum

Pre Tariff that would be
100 to china
0 to US
0 to EU
0 to South Korea

Post Tariff
0 to china
60 to US
20 to EU
20 to South Korea

So i think the tariff is working as intended...
ben8888's Avatar
One last thing baby dove... So my companies ability to switch to alternate suppliers faster than others.... Was COMPLETELY necessitated by TRUMPY TRUMPS Tariff... How the fuck do you live being as dumb as you are? So EVERYTHING i said was caused by the Tariff...So yeah....
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-06-2020, 04:18 AM
Youre right you do know what domestic is right so 60% of what we would be spending in china is staying in the US are your really that fucking dumb? Originally Posted by ben8888
Dude, you claimed, very clearly, that Trump's tariffs were the reason that your company went from 100% China to 0% China. You then, in your zest to tell us how smart you think you are, told us, very clearly, that you went from 100% China to 0% China before the tariffs were even put in place. And you told us, very clearly, that the tariffs allowed your company to drive other companies out of business when they were still buying from China when the tariffs went down. You gave the game away. You can't put the proverbial toothpaste back in the tube. It's over.

i now see why you are made fun of on this board for thinking shit providers do with you is only done with you...lmfao
Point us to one post, just one, where i said providers do anything with me that they don't do with the general customer base. Anything. Just one post. And until you do, i'm going to keep coming back to this.

You really think jw and granges are pouring millions of dollars into their business in the US because its not going to pay off..
You're the one who said the tariffs helped your company put other companies out of business, not me.

Let me Dumb this down for you Dove....

Trumpy passes Tariff

Companies start buying domestic

Companies cant Meet Demand

Companies Expand and reopen closed Plants Creating jobs because moneys staying in MERICA
You skipped the part about how tariffs allowed your company to put other companies out of business. Interesting, that.

Now my company being able to swap faster was great but we still spend 60% of what we would of in China in the US now...
But not because of the tariffs. At least not according to your own braggadocio.
ben8888's Avatar
Never said we switched before the tariff, we qualified alternatives before in case we had a quality issue and that plan helped us when the tariff hit because we already had approved alternatives ... jesus youre fucking dumb read man read you want to borrow my nephews baby Einstein toys to help you develop comprehension?

Show me one post where i said we put other out of business? we took business from them but i dont think we put any out... We would have had quite the party if we did.

I am by no means dead set on trump but like i said hes got the economy booming and why should i vote for biden? what has he done or said hes going to do that proves he won't foster the same shitty economy obama had? Im sorry but i need a lil more than hes not trump and "cause reasons" to get my vote to change..
Carlos Danger's Avatar
I'm gonna speak my peace and go back into hiding. Originally Posted by Doove
Don’t forget to pick up the Dino-nuggets. Whew
lilylivered's Avatar
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-06-2020, 02:35 PM
Never said we switched before the tariff, we qualified alternatives before in case we had a quality issue and that plan helped us when the tariff hit because we already had approved alternatives ... jesus youre fucking dumb read man read you want to borrow my nephews baby Einstein toys to help you develop comprehension? Originally Posted by ben8888
Alright, your initial wording was vague enough that you left yourself an out irrespective of what the actual circumstances were, so whatever. I don't care to argue with you about it any further. Either way, you are now paying more for aluminum than you would be without the tariffs - and so is everyone else. To suggest it's dumb to claim those additional costs are being passed on to the consumer is.....dumb. And then there's......

Show me one post where i said we put other out of business?
So we also out priced them out of business. Originally Posted by ben8888
we took business from them but i dont think we put any out...
And if *that's* what you actually meant originally, then you are just absolutely god-awful at explaining yourself. Do a better job of saying what you mean and we won't have these issues. But then, i can't figure out why you even found it necessary to tell us all that since it did little but to pat yourself on the back.

I am by no means dead set on trump but like i said hes got the economy booming and why should i vote for biden? what has he done or said hes going to do that proves he won't foster the same shitty economy obama had? Im sorry but i need a lil more than hes not trump and "cause reasons" to get my vote to change..
Well, if you think 11% unemployment and multi trillion dollar deficits along with 2% growth is "booming", then yeah, it's "booming". As far as Obama's "shitty" economy, give me one economic metric, just one, that was turned around under Trump and not just a continuation of the 6 year trendlines under Obama. Just one. Besides the deficit, which has skyrocketed since Trump took office. Kind of like the unemployment rate.

Now, about your suggestion that i claimed favorable treatment from providers that is above and beyond what they do for any other guys. I'm waiting.
ben8888's Avatar
Alright, your initial wording was vague enough that you left yourself an out irrespective of what the actual circumstances were, so whatever. I don't care to argue with you about it any further. Either way, you are now paying more for aluminum than you would be without the tariffs - and so is everyone else. To suggest it's dumb to claim those additional costs are being passed on to the consumer is.....dumb. And then there's......

And if *that's* what you actually meant originally, then you are just absolutely god-awful at explaining yourself. Do a better job of saying what you mean and we won't have these issues. But then, i can't figure out why you even found it necessary to tell us all that since it did little but to pat yourself on the back.

Well, if you think 11% unemployment and multi trillion dollar deficits along with 2% growth is "booming", then yeah, it's "booming". As far as Obama's "shitty" economy, give me one economic metric, just one, that was turned around under Trump and not just a continuation of the 6 year trendlines under Obama. Just one. Besides the deficit, which has skyrocketed since Trump took office. Kind of like the unemployment rate.

Now, about your suggestion that i claimed favorable treatment from providers that is above and beyond what they do for any other guys. I'm waiting. Originally Posted by Doove
You really are a diluted moron... Trump had the lowest unemployment in decades and lowest minority unemployment ever i think... show me one country without skyrocketing unemployment? You dumb fuck liberals want everything shut down but are bitching about unemployment being high now? Its that high because of your dumb fuck democrat governor's... jesus you really do lick the fucking Windows dont you