I'll just put this right here...

so pot, black, kettle?
Candidate, stone, glass houses???
YOUR guy is a draft dodger..... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree with your comment.
Who is "WE"?

And what is to disagree about? Biden is a draft dodger.... it's simply a fact....

That you choose to not believe facts is your issue....
Vote Biden, so son Hunter can keep up on his bad habits
On welfare will not cut it with out robbing Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
And your broke ass would be dead in a gutter without welfare. What, exactly, do don Jr. And inbred Eric do, other than defraud charities? Youre a shill for a man who doesnt care for you. Quick question: which president passed more gun control regulations, Obama or Trump? Yeah, real conservatove, you disingenuous botches abortions. You enjoy your trunp steaks? Trump vodka? Trump water? You fail to obtain your GED from Trump U? Yeah, nice fanboy love for a fat orange failure. Took $400 million from daddy and turned it into 50 rubles. Some genius. Fuck you and yours.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
which president passed more gun control regulations
which guns kill more, legal or illegal???? gun control does not work
lilylivered's Avatar
And your broke ass would be dead in a gutter without welfare. What, exactly, do don Jr. And inbred Eric do, other than defraud charities? Youre a shill for a man who doesnt care for you. Quick question: which president passed more gun control regulations, Obama or Trump? Yeah, real conservatove, you disingenuous botches abortions. You enjoy your trunp steaks? Trump vodka? Trump water? You fail to obtain your GED from Trump U? Yeah, nice fanboy love for a fat orange failure. Took $400 million from daddy and turned it into 50 rubles. Some genius. Fuck you and yours. Originally Posted by Carminethebowler
I think you dropped your bowling ball on your head.
Quite disrespectful
Real bad case of TDS
I think you dropped your bowling ball on your head.
Quite disrespectful
Real bad case of TDS Originally Posted by lilylivered
Yes. You would think that because you lack critical thinking skills. Must be that Trump University education, huh? You fucking bootlicking fascist. Enjoy irrelevancy as you die alone and unloved because you chose to worship a man who literally paints himself. Fucking gullible republicans.
Plastic Man's Avatar
yeah damn ...that fascist startin alls them ...wars an forcin ...the states ta makes people's wears ...useless ...masks against a flu that only kills 80 year ...olds ...ans damn em fer ...riotin ins the ...streets ans pullin downs ...statues ans murderin cops ins cold ...blood!

...damn that fascist
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Yes. You would think that because you lack critical thinking skills. Must be that Trump University education, huh? You fucking bootlicking fascist. Enjoy irrelevancy as you die alone and unloved because you chose to worship a man who literally paints himself. Fucking gullible republicans. Originally Posted by Carminethebowler
Meengyahh Cohhr-mine!! Wuht da fuk ar ya losin ya shit fuh?
At first I jus' dought yoo was bustin boll's ah sumptin.
Fongoollla!!! Dis kids got ah fukin' tempah.
lilylivered's Avatar
Meengyahh Cohhr-mine!! Wuht da fuk ar ya losin ya shit fuh?
At first I jus' dought yoo was bustin boll's ah sumptin.
Fongoollla!!! Dis kids got ah fukin' tempah. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
I think he needs a nap
or maybe a hug...
Ya just gotta feel sorry for the guy
I think he needs a nap
or maybe a hug...
Ya just gotta feel sorry for the guy Originally Posted by lilylivered
The only thing i need from you mouthbreathers is either your quick departure from this mortal coil or for you and yours to admit youve been conned like the fuckong rubes you are. But you wont, cause you love the taste of daddy donnys cock. Youd shit your pants to make the libs smell it. Youre social cancer amd should be treated as such.
gman44's Avatar

Please chill out and stop insulting everyone. Everyone here has a right to their own opinions and should not be insulted for expressing them..

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offshoredrilling's Avatar
Gman for mod... errrr never mind
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Please chill out and stop insulting everyone. Everyone here has a right to their own opinions and should not be insulted for expressing them..

#3 - Disrespect to others, IN GENERAL, will be considered an item of low tolerance, especially when posting in our coed forums. Follow the Golden Rule and treat others as you wish to be treated yourself. This applies to fellow members as well as staff. We do not require that you have respect for us, but we do require that you treat us respectfully in the public forums. If you feel the need to vent, gripe, or blow off some steam regarding a staff member's action or decision, we ask that you keep it private. Email, RTM, or the PM system would be the appropriate avenue to take in such cases. In cases where you would like to request additional clarity about a staff decision, you are free to pursue an answer in either a public forum or private means of communication. If handled publicly, post your inquiry in a respectful manner.
#4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention. This applies to using our coed forums for name calling, personal attacks, or vulgar slang terms to describe fellow members. If you have legitimate concerns about another member here, share them tactfully in the appropriate private forums or with staff.
Originally Posted by gman44

I'm TWK and i liked this post.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 09-20-2020, 07:12 AM
I don't see where he said that nobody who is killed in battle is a hero. I see it as saying that being killed in combat doesn't automatically make someone a hero any more than being captured does. Originally Posted by big daddio

So Memorial Day is just a waste of an exercise? Newsflash - going to war on your and my behalf, and being killed in battle while doing so, absolutely *does* qualify someone as a hero. Everyone. And i have zero doubt in my mind that you thought the exact same thing - up until Donald Trump, Waco Kid and this thread required you to think otherwise. There's a douche here alright, and it ain't me.

You seem to have anger issues, possibly partly due to your poor reading comprehension.

Oh, i have anger issues alright. Anger issues with phony pissants whose values are subject to the whims of the conversation.

Where have I defended Trump in this discussion?

So, you're not defending Trump calling our war dead losers, and you're not defending our war dead who are called suckers and losers....so what exactly is your purpose in this thread? Besides, of course, getting pissy at me for pointing out that Donald Trump and Waco Kid have no respect for our war dead?

And I did not call you mental I simply stated that I'm realizing that liberalism is a mental disorder. This is a generality and my opinion. Your poor comprehension or maybe your guilty conscience made you think I was referring just to you. You know the old "if the shoe fits"

I'm not the one who resides in a cult, so....

I did not defend him. Maybe you could show me where I did, Originally Posted by big daddio


I don't see where he said that nobody who is killed in battle is a hero. I see it as saying that being killed in combat doesn't automatically make someone a hero any more than being captured does. Originally Posted by big daddio

Sounds like defending him to me. You? By the way, that seems to also contradict what you say below.

I'm not just "throwing out terms. Unlike you, I can back up what I say.

Then why don't you? Sure, it's easy to claim in post 85 that something was said in post 15, knowing nobody will go back and look, but the facts are these. First, i pointed out that if you claim, as Trump did, that being captured doesn't make one a hero (as a sign of failure), then it follows that he feels being killed doesn't make one a hero (as a sign of failure). Not sure how that's a "false equivalency" because you never explained it. Feel free to try. Instead, you went on a rant about 1 guy who got killed pointing out he's a hero. You went on to say, and i quote:
"Actually you're the only one claiming that getting killed doesn't make you a hero. Liberalism really is a mental disorder."

Pretty clear what you meant. See the contradiction from above? Anyways, I then pointed out i never said any such thing (lie #1 on your part), but Waco Kid did. You then went on to say, and i quote again:

"Nice try, but when I posted that you were the only one (who said getting killed doesn't make you a hero). Try to keep up."

Lie #2, because A)I never said it, as was pointed out to you prior to your making that comment and B)Waco Kid *did* say it before your first comment. Try to keep up.

This is what happens when you put yourself in the position of needing to defend comments made by Donald Trump. And Waco Kid, for that matter.

You could have saved a lot of typing by just saying "I know you are but what am I"

So sad.
And you could have saved me a lot of typing just by being intellectually honest. I won't hold my breath.

So sad.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
putting words into others mouths again ????