lol I'm just pointing something out. I don't care about how much money you make. Tell it to a dumb bitch and get your dick sucked. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDongI never talk about my money to a chick. You take them over to your house and they look at what you are driving and they will count it for you.
I had a chick over last week who asked for a tour of my house. I knew exactly what she was doing. She was counting my fucking money. I hate gold digging bitches like that. But she was a decent fuck but I haven't returned any of her calls because I know what she is about.
Edit: WD, you really have a weird obsession about posting right under me. I really don't think I'm that interesting but apparently you do. I may have to start calling you my bottom bitch because you always seem to be under me after I post. I'll just call you BB.