Let's Get Back to Normal

Lucas McCain's Avatar
lol I'm just pointing something out. I don't care about how much money you make. Tell it to a dumb bitch and get your dick sucked. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
I never talk about my money to a chick. You take them over to your house and they look at what you are driving and they will count it for you.

I had a chick over last week who asked for a tour of my house. I knew exactly what she was doing. She was counting my fucking money. I hate gold digging bitches like that. But she was a decent fuck but I haven't returned any of her calls because I know what she is about.

Edit: WD, you really have a weird obsession about posting right under me. I really don't think I'm that interesting but apparently you do. I may have to start calling you my bottom bitch because you always seem to be under me after I post. I'll just call you BB.
winn dixie's Avatar
I never talk about my money to a chick. You take them over to your house and they look at what you are driving and they will count it for you.

I had a chick over last week who asked for a tour of my house. I knew exactly what she was doing. She was counting my fucking money. I hate gold digging bitches like that. But she was a decent fuck but I haven't returned any of her calls because I know what she is about. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Such a gentleman! snick
I didn't know they allowed such racist language as used by Chuck. White trash<<<<<<<racist term.
i know the term for a guy acting like a woman on the internet...catfish, right?

so whats the term for pretending that you are rich, smart, family's smart and you have to fend off women?

i think i know....has to be.... sad
  • oeb11
  • 11-02-2020, 08:58 AM
I have a new goal for this thread. I think it can hit 200 posts after the election... I just need to think of some really fucked up shit to get there. Fortunately, that will probably be easy for me to do thanks to Trump. With Trump's crazy ass, I may hit that goal before the election. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

'think of some fucked - up shit" - ah yes - the classic DPST response instead of cogent adn constructive debate on issues confronting the nation.

Very well indoctrinated by Trump Hate, the LSM and DNC and XiNN.

This from a person with supposedly 'three Ivy league degrees" - shows the value of ivy League socialist indoctrination - they don't teach anything involving critical reasoning - just socialist dogma.

arrogant Liberal elitist.

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I never talk about my money to a chick. You take them over to your house and they look at what you are driving and they will count it for you.

I had a chick over last week who asked for a tour of my house. I knew exactly what she was doing. She was counting my fucking money. I hate gold digging bitches like that. But she was a decent fuck but I haven't returned any of her calls because I know what she is about. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I mean, that's kind of my point, but I am happy for you. Congratulations .
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I didn't know they allowed such racist language as used by Chuck. White trash<<<<<<<racist term. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
That's not a racist term. That is simply a socioeconomic term. Don't worry though, Trump still loves you. You are his typical fan base as far as intelligence.

This from a person with supposedly 'three Ivy league degrees" - shows the value of ivy League socialist indoctrination - they don't teach anything involving critical reasoning - just socialist dogma.LOL Originally Posted by oeb11
Calm down Rain Man and go watch Judge Wapner and then go to Kmart. You'll feel better.
texassapper's Avatar
so whats the term for pretending that you are rich, smart, family's smart and you have to fend off women? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
It's called being a Democrat. See Weiner, Anthony; Biden, Hunter; Epstein, Jeffrey; Weinstein, Harvey; Lauer, Matt; et. al.
  • oeb11
  • 11-02-2020, 10:50 AM
That's not a racist term. That is simply a socioeconomic term. Don't worry though, Trump still loves you. You are his typical fan base as far as intelligence.

Calm down Rain Man and go watch Judge Wapner and then go to Kmart. You'll feel better. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Thank u - faux ivy league arrogant elitist DPST!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
You people obsessed with my degrees are funny. I swear you fools care more about them than my employer and they are actually paying me and they know my real name, DOB and SS#.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-02-2020, 11:10 AM

so whats the term for pretending that you are rich, smart, family's smart and you have to fend off women?
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I nevergaveitathought...:wavetow el2:
sportfisherman's Avatar
The Rifleman Rules !!

You can tell by the way the Trumpers get riled up and all they can do is try to diminish him in some way.

Normalcy will return.

Trump has already been Fired !!

He be cleaning out his office !!

The Spray Tan gear and Hair Salon stuff is moving out !!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
They're easy, SF. The Trump retards always go nuts about the slightest things I post. They're just kind of like a sociology experiment to me now. I can get to them, but they still haven't realized they will never get to me. You can never get to a man who is not insecure about himself. I know they are and I just run with it for my own fucked up entertainment.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I don't really understand why the Trump Lovers dislike me so much. Is it because I come across as an arrogant prick? You fools love Trump so what the fuck am I compared to him as far as arrogance? He beats everyone by a mile.