Encounter: Ms. Karen

LOL. Alright.

Ok, let me rephrase:
That said, since girls are no longer allowed to advertise here, i'm curious as to what argument the board would use to require the girls to allow themselves to be reviewed if they'd request otherwise. Basically, you can't refuse to be reviewed if you're a member, in spite of there being no real benefit to being a member, and you can't refuse to be reviewed if you're not a member because....you're not a member.
Perhaps a mod can clarify. Originally Posted by Doove
Oh Doove.... I knew whut ya meant.... I'm not stoopid....
But it's fun getting you to splain yerself sometimes!!

And I agree with ocd about the pretty bambi eyes!!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
LOL. Alright.

Ok, let me rephrase:
That said, since girls are no longer allowed to advertise here, i'm curious as to what argument the board would use to require the girls to allow themselves to be reviewed if they'd request otherwise. Basically, you can't refuse to be reviewed if you're a member, in spite of there being no real benefit to being a member, and you can't refuse to be reviewed if you're not a member because....you're not a member.
Perhaps a mod can clarify. Originally Posted by Doove
off topic here Please ask in Questions for the Staff - Upset New York

Would that be ok or you want me to do that Sir irresistible to women muscular man????
offshoredrilling's Avatar

And I agree with ocd about the pretty bambi eyes!! Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
more fun slamming a DEAR then hitting a DEER with car ????
but I love the look of her DEER in the headlight eye's for sure
I have never been asked to "not review" by a provider. How the heck would a provider differentiate one hobbyist review from another?

I can think of only a few providers who even know I have an account on here. I rarely repeat anyways.

Whole thing sounds dumb.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
off topic here Please ask in Questions for the Staff - Upset New York

Would that be ok or you want me to do that Sir irresistible to women muscular man???? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
done please no REVEIWS
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Moral arguments on a SHMB?
What didja thinck ya signed up for? Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
SHMB isn't on the eccie acronyms list.
Crap, that list is already too long.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Someone. posted a link to Karen a few months ago. In the photos she had an emo thing going on and I wasn't impressed. I thought she looked kind of boyish. I've seen different photos since then including the. op's link and she's actially very attractive. She's got the cute girl.next door look. Very sexy.
lilylivered's Avatar
Someone. posted a link to Karen a few months ago. In the photos she had an emo thing going on and I wasn't impressed. I thought she looked kind of boyish. I've seen different photos since then including the. op's link and she's actially very attractive. She's got the cute girl.next door look. Very sexy. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Oh but you posted on her review so now she wont see you lol
Willie Wanker's Avatar
I 'll betcha she will.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
There is no "No Review Policy" on ECCIE period. Providers cannot requrest it and reviewers cannot have their review removed because the provider is upset they got reviewed.

The Dr Originally Posted by Dr-epg

I think n hope term used loosely so all

thanks for report Sir Op
oh well mmmm I see only one tweet, and not so bad Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
What is her twitter name?
What is her twitter name? Originally Posted by Ranger Dog
offshoredrilling's Avatar
@dovesmynx Originally Posted by Notuagain
is that the fans only pay for view ????
is there a pay ta look????
gabby views for one report 45,454. This report 2,035
one good leak could be AWESOME for press n Time Share Sales

just sayin
I know. But she says if you review her she will review you. Originally Posted by Rainbird4668
Always a great idea for a restaurant to review the customers.....

What could possibly go wrong?