To vac or not to vac

Willie Wanker's Avatar
There have been plenty of reports on trumplickins who say they will NEVER get the vac.


trumplickin trogs who will refuse covid vaccines. Originally Posted by Zollner
. u
Likely as wrong as the reports that Democrats, like Kamala were going to reuse it. There are antivaxxers on both sides,. so some will regardless..
Willie Wanker's Avatar Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
If you guys won't accept from Fox News or NY Post then LA Times is so unacceptable. As in all cases, we'll see what actually. happens. The liberal media doesn't have a great track record when it comes to the truth.
If you guys won't accept from Fox News or NY Post then LA Times is so unacceptable. As in all cases, we'll see what actually. happens. The liberal media doesn't have a great track record when it comes to the truth. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
NY Post:

"While polls have found vaccine hesitancy falling overall, opposition among Republicans remains stubbornly strong. A new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that 42% of Republicans say they probably or definitely will not get the shot, compared with 17% of Democrats — a 25-point split."
Look at the difference between California and Florida. One shut down all year, one wide open. From a statical stand point, not much difference. What was the point? Originally Posted by heavenlysparrow

Good luck getting Z to actually answer that....
He can't even find a cartoon for it.....

But here's one of him:
Willie Wanker's Avatar
NY Post:

"While polls have found vaccine hesitancy falling overall, opposition among Republicans remains stubbornly strong. A new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that 42% of Republicans say they probably or definitely will not get the shot, compared with 17% of Democrats — a 25-point split." Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
That's better.
We'll find out soon enough.
Zollner's Avatar
Good luck getting Z to actually answer that....
He can't even find a cartoon for it..... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
For our Rino friends it doesn't get any better and truer than this....LOL

Willie Wanker's Avatar
Natural selection in action.

NY Post:

"While polls have found vaccine hesitancy falling overall, opposition among Republicans remains stubbornly strong. A new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that 42% of Republicans say they probably or definitely will not get the shot, compared with 17% of Democrats — a 25-point split." Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
So 42% of President Donald Trump trumpites aren't following his commands to get vaccinated

Thought Trumps sheep blindly follow him in a cult fasion?
prove it.....

Again, 10% is a pandemic?
Maybe 50%, surely not 10.

And that 10% is pretty generous -- that 10% is "positive tests". No telling how many of those 10% were false positives... and really no telling how many of those 10% acdtually got any kind of sick.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
You conveniently left out of your Brilliant equation that over 200,000,000 americans have never been tested...
Zollner's Avatar
You conveniently left out of your Brilliant equation that over 200,000,000 americans have never been tested... Originally Posted by keeponrisin
Many who have attended trump U have issues with arithmetic and interpreting graphs.....js.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Many who have attended trump U have issues with arithmetic and interpreting graphs.....js. Originally Posted by Zollner
Now that math is racist, those oppressive graphs might get you canceled. Proceed with caution ⚠ 😉
So 42% of President Donald Trump trumpites aren't following his commands to get vaccinated

Thought Trumps sheep blindly follow him in a cult fasion? Originally Posted by JONBALLS

Please point me to his "commands" to get vaccinated.
Please point me to his "commands" to get vaccinated. Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
Theres no need , you and your side parrot on and on about Trump supporters being mind numb sheep that will do whatever he says
If I could and wanted to bother quoting I can start with your last post in the other thread calling people sending money to Trump SHEEP .

I'm not even including Rush , Fox news , etc. Etc

So now you have President Donald J Trump creating operation warp speed in February last year

Buying up millions of vaccines , building infrastructure, updating the manufacturing facilities and expanding the laboratories where needed. And putting a distribution system in place

Then he starts news conferences and is on tv EVERY SINGLE DAY , most days over an hour and a half to 2 hours taking questions from hostile partisan hack media .

He spent a hell of alot more time telling people vaccines were coming dwarfing any time he spent telling people about election fraud . Just in months alone

Then add in the supposed faux news ,rush Limbaugh and all conservative outlets
And after all that exposure 45% , your figures , are going against TRUMPS SIGNATURE ACHIEVEMENT.the so called mind numb sheep supporters .