And why does Covid wait until after 10 to visit bars. Cu omey the Clown science Originally Posted by steinThe behavior of the patrons changes as the night goes on.
So you would take those peoples rights away....You sound like my father who used to rail against the prohibition against smoking in restaurants, claiming it was his constitutional right. Same with seat belts ("I have a right to do what I want in my own car.")
Got it....
Some liberal stance that is.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Don't worry woke senior citizens, Letitia James will be taking over in no time to completely exorcise the white guilt out of you, by force.
Awesome. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
And that's the unfortunate reality that most people are missing. As horrific of a governor that Cuomo has been, he still wasn't "progressive" enough for the Democrat criminal party machine. Things are only going to get worse for NY. Originally Posted by SeekingFun69Fear not. Rep. Tom Reed will run for Gov and save you from the sniffles....LOL
Here's a couple of scientific facts:How much more shame is Andy going bring on his family name before this is over. I thought that was Fredo's job.
with pictures.....
That should be enough facts so that I don't need to order Cuomo Fries just so I can order a Hayburner..... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
I guess democrats are 19% more likely to approve of a womanizing murderer. Congratulations! Originally Posted by Willie WankerYet you have no problems with 47% rep-tards approving an orange womanizer accused of dozens more sexual assaults/pussy grabbing and a orange murderer with 10 times MORE Deaths during his last year in office?!?!!?!
Yet you have no problems with 47% rep-tards approving an orange womanizer accused of dozens more sexual assaults/pussy grabbing and a orange murderer with 10 times MORE Deaths during his last year in office?!?!!?!Then why is Cuomo the one in trouble?
Sooooo much winning! Congratulations! Originally Posted by Zollner