the world, including american dimocrats, is rising to condemn and kill the jews once again

we have to stand with the Jewish state and Jews here in American being attacked by the left and stand with the constitution and freedom of speech

the times are perilous

what we tolerate

the next generation will accept
rexdutchman's Avatar
Well YES the world needs to wake up and stand with Isreal ( the issue is they are a "free state " and the leftist are against any freedoms )
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That is utter bullshit, and you know it.

If any country shows a rise in white supremacy, it's this one.

If you're so worried about the Jewish people, you might want to talk to a few.

And it's ISRAEL.

winn dixie's Avatar
That is utter bullshit, and you know it.

If any country shows a rise in white supremacy, it's this one.

If you're so worried about the Jewish people, you might want to talk to a few.

And it's ISRAEL.

Sheesh. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

How can ANYONE compare anything to what Israel and the Jewish faith face everyday?

There are people who want to exterminate Israel and its people! The left defends and funds these people!
Look up exterminate SIR!
I stand with Israel against all its enemies!
Some are in our Congress!
winn dixie's Avatar
There is a major rise in anti-semetism while white supremacy is on the decline!
Those attacks are coming from the left...just like in Germany.
winn dixie's Avatar
I'am part Jewish. I know many Jews and quite a few folks that live in Israel! They live in constant fear! Real fear! Not fucking fear mongered fear that the libs push!
Thats what they live with 24 7 365!

No other Country or citizens live like that!
Is the left in this country protesting against Israel or it's right wing government?

I think the left got it's panties all up in a bunch, when Netanyahu came to America and spoke against them in the congress.

the times are perilous

what we tolerate

the next generation will accept Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I don't like the discrimination one bit, but let's not get our panties in a bunch, they've been kicked out of 109 countries in the last ~3000 years. And frankly, they haven't been as entrenched as they are now since Solomon.
my thought is. the left attacks Jews in this country, verbally and physically

they are attacked in nyc, they are attacked in l.a.

they are attacked when identified walking down the street

they are verbally attacked by college professors and their students

are you a jew one was asked the other day by men with a knife, he lied and said no

and its only getting worse

and the left has developed a "white supremacy" boogieman they use for political purposes

you know its true, and as they say in haughty dismissal of truth , "some people did some...thing"

there was an ellipse, a halt, in her speech, between the words some and thing, which gave it an even more increased back of her hand dismissal
winn dixie's Avatar
Is the left in this country protesting against Israel or it's right wing government?

I think the left got it's panties all up in a bunch, when Netanyahu came to America and spoke against them in the congress.

Thoughts... Originally Posted by beguilingeyes
I remember obama not seeing Netanyahu leaving him literally at the back door of the WH! He had no choice but to turn to his GOP friends in Congress to give him an audience.
More lunacy from the party known for their lunatics.
and the left has developed a "white supremacy" boogieman they use for political purposes

you know its true, and as they say in haughty dismissal of truth , "some people did some...thing" Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Who's been attacking the Jews for the last year for being Jews?
Black People.

Who's been attacking Asians for the last year for being Asian?
Black People.
Who's been attacking the Jews for the last year for being Jews?
Black People.

Who's been attacking Asians for the last year for being Asian?
Black People. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
for the most part yes

but hatred for Jews is seemingly deeply imbedded in the left
rexdutchman's Avatar
There is a major rise in anti-semetism while white supremacy is on the decline, oh course the supremacy issue is ANYONE that says anything different from the hatful liberal narrative that is controlled
Some on this board watch to much cnn