NYC will require vaccination proof for indoor dining, gyms

  • Tiny
  • 08-03-2021, 07:59 PM
Here in Florida's Broward county ( Ft. Lauderdale ) the school board had decided that all school children would be required to wear a mask for the coming school year. Gov. DeSantis told them "either resend that mandate or I will cut your funding". Damn!!! The Governator has spoken!

It will be very interesting to see if the teachers strike. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
DeSantis should keep his nose out of it. That's something the local school boards and local elected officials should decide, not politicians and bureaucrats in Tallahassee.
HedonistForever's Avatar
How is this for irony. What will they call it when large numbers of Blacks who are "vaccine hesitant" are not allowed into places that require proof of vaccine? "Systemic racism"?

1blackman1 was making the case about disproportionate disparities. So if a higher percentage, no matter the raw numbers 1blackman1 tells me, of Blacks refuse to get vaccinated, will they call that systemic racism?

Keep it up Democrats, everyday you move us closer and closer to retaking the House and Senate in 2022.

How many more New Yorkers will just throw up their hands and say "fuck this state" and come join the land of the free and home of the brave in Florida? On second thought, go to Texas, we don't need any more liberals in Florida.
HedonistForever's Avatar
DeSantis should keep his nose out of it. That's something the local school boards and local elected officials should decide, not politicians and bureaucrats in Tallahassee. Originally Posted by Tiny
Gotta disagree with you here Tiny

Then so should Cuomo who just mandated masks for everybody using indoor facilities and the Governor of Louisiana mandating the same thing.
Gov. Edwards Temporarily Reinstates Louisiana's Statewide Mask Mandate as COVID Cases and Hospitalizations Threaten Hospitals' Ability to Serve Communities...

Should these Governors keep their noses out of local decisions? Sometimes on some issues, "mandating freedom for all" is the right choice for a Governor to make and not taking away freedom to choose.

Error on the side of freedom is what I say. If you want to vaccinate your child and send them to school still wearing a mask, you make the choice not impose what you choose on others who choose different.
  • Tiny
  • 08-03-2021, 08:40 PM
Gotta disagree with you here Tiny

Then so should Cuomo who just mandated masks for everybody using indoor facilities and the Governor of Louisiana mandating the same thing.
Gov. Edwards Temporarily Reinstates Louisiana's Statewide Mask Mandate as COVID Cases and Hospitalizations Threaten Hospitals' Ability to Serve Communities...

Should these Governors keep their noses out of local decisions? Sometimes on some issues, "mandating freedom for all" is the right choice for a Governor to make and not taking away freedom to choose.

Error on the side of freedom is what I say. If you want to vaccinate your child and send them to school still wearing a mask, you make the choice not impose what you choose on others who choose different. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Did you see my reply to your post in the Elizabeth Warren abortion thread?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
How is this for irony. What will they call it when large numbers of Blacks who are "vaccine hesitant" are not allowed into places that require proof of vaccine? "Systemic racism"?

1blackman1 was making the case about disproportionate disparities. So if a higher percentage, no matter the raw numbers 1blackman1 tells me, of Blacks refuse to get vaccinated, will they call that systemic racism?

Keep it up Democrats, everyday you move us closer and closer to retaking the House and Senate in 2022.

How many more New Yorkers will just throw up their hands and say "fuck this state" and come join the land of the free and home of the brave in Florida? On second thought, go to Texas, we don't need any more liberals in Florida. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

yeah, you got all them NY snowbirds down there. lol!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
its sucky that my governor is following biden's mask mandate.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Did you see my reply to your post in the Elizabeth Warren abortion thread? Originally Posted by Tiny

Yeah and pondered this quote

But I don't agree on masks. Uniformity in the school system sounds like something a communist totalitarian state would impose.
Uniformity by the federal government, NO. Uniformity by states, Yes, that's how it was designed to work. You don't like how one state is run, you have 49 others to choose from. America, ain't she great!
HedonistForever's Avatar
yeah, you got all them NY snowbirds down there. lol! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

We like their money but they can keep their damn liberal politics in New York where they belong

ICU 812's Avatar
Wait for it . . .

By 2022, NY will require proof of vaccination before entering a voting place.
winn dixie's Avatar
Anyone with a vacc card can vote. Those with id's neednt apply.
rexdutchman's Avatar
SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS ,,,, Shhh now where in history did marking people and papers NOT work out so well FOR the WORLD
And no ID needed to legally enter county or vote BUT I need ID to go anyplace People need to wake up
  • Tiny
  • 08-04-2021, 08:04 AM
Yeah and pondered this quote

Uniformity by the federal government, NO. Uniformity by states, Yes, that's how it was designed to work. You don't like how one state is run, you have 49 others to choose from. America, ain't she great!
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
It works at the state level too. If you don’t like Austin you can move to Amarillo. I’d make a Florida analogy but don’t know the state well enough.