The DWI Arrest of the Wife of Allen West...

Chung Tran's Avatar
Having seen and heard more, West looks guilty as Hell to me. Besides the visual evidence of driving on the shoulder, and stopping in the middle of a busy highhway, she refused to take a blood test at Parkland.. That is until the Cops secured an emergency warrant, waking a Judge to obtain one. The arrest affidavit says Cops immediately smelled a strong scent of alcohol when West rolled down her window. Which I believe, viewing her in the video.

Embarrassing for Allen West, having cock-postured on Facebook, and demanding the Police Chief, D.A. and Mayor apologize in person by 5:00 p.m. yesterday.

The blood test results should be the slam drunk () evidence.

Allen West said his wife submitted a 5 panel urine sample Monday morning, that backdated past last Friday, showing his wife had a clean system... Huh?

Might not have been her piss. Besides, he claimed she only drank water, they have no alcohol in their home. I don't think he knows his Lady likes to take a nip now and then. He seems far from reality in that Facebook strut.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Hit job , Hmm ,,, Bad driving don't mean your dunk
  • oeb11
  • 08-25-2021, 08:54 AM
CT - a 'backdated' sample - should not be eligible as evidence from several days previously.

ask the lawyers on forum.

awaiting the lab results from teh arrest.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yea lab test results ,,, If positive gonna be news 24/7 if not gonna be crickets
  • oeb11
  • 08-26-2021, 08:09 AM
as long as it is Evil Police white cops persecuting innocent black Peoples - Xinn will Trumpet it from the rafters.

But only if it matches their communist narrative.
AndyDufresne's Avatar
So West’s WIFE gets a DWI and it dashes his hopes, but Beto himself gets one and leaves the scene but no problem for Texas Dems? Now do Hunter Biden.
  • oeb11
  • 08-28-2021, 02:02 PM
Double standard for Justice in teh fiden DOJ!
Typical DPST hypocrisy!!!!
  • oeb11
  • 09-01-2021, 03:53 PM
Blood test results show Angela West was not intoxicated when she was arrested in Dallas, officials say

A blood test for Angela West showed she was not intoxicated when she was arrested Aug. 20 on suspicion of driving while intoxicated, officials said Wednesday.

West is the wife of Texas gubernatorial candidate Allen West.
West and her husband have insisted that she was not intoxicated when she was arrested that night. West was charged with driving while intoxicated but Dallas County District Attorney John Creuzot did not accept the charge, according to court records.
In a statement, the district attorney's office said it rejected the case after reviewing West's toxicology results "which showed conclusively that there were no drugs or alcohol in Ms. West’s system at the time of the drawing of her blood."
Angela West's attorney George R. Milner III thanked Creuzot and said they "appreciate that honest justice was swift."
"It is now indisputable Ms. West was completely innocent of any wrongdoing!" Milner said in a statement. "While I have the utmost respect for Dallas Police Chief Eddie Garcia, his officer got this one wrong! She made a mistake. A big one!"
The night of the arrest, the Dallas police officer who made the arrest wrote in an affidavit that West was driving between the right lane and shoulder of the road without a turn signal. The officer initiated a traffic stop, and after West stopped, the officer looked into the car and saw a 3-month-old baby sitting in the back in a car seat, according to the affidavit.
The officer, according to the affidavit, said that West's eyes looked "bloodshot red” and, after the officer asked West to step out of the car, she failed a field sobriety test.
After West was placed under arrest, the officer looked inside the SUV and saw a McDonald's cup in the console which smelled of alcohol, according to the affidavit.
The Dallas Police Department released a statement Wednesday saying that due process is guaranteed to everyone and Mrs. West is no different
"The officer made her decision based on the information available to her at that time," the department said. "The purpose of addressing the media and releasing the video footage of the suspected DUI arrest of Mrs. Angela West was not to prove guilt or innocence, but to show the interaction between the officer and Mrs. West because of the accusations regarding the encounter."
The department said it respects the decision of the district attorney.
Body camera video released

On Aug. 23, Dallas police released the body camera video and Chief Garcia held a news conference. Garcia said that he saw the vehicle driving erratically and that he supported his officer for believing there was probable cause in the arrest. He said in the arrest videos that he saw a courteous and professional officer.
"No police chief can sit idly by while his officers get falsely vilified," Garcia said. "False misrepresentations about my officers cannot go unchecked. They work too hard and they sacrifice too much."
Police and West's accounts of what happened that night have differed. WFAA has provided the roughly 19-minute video, which was edited down from the two-hour encounter by the Dallas Police Department, to provide additional context of what happened between West and the arresting officer.
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Angela West said on Sunday, Aug. 22 that she only had water and lemonade at a dinner before her arrest and that she had not been drinking alcohol or taking drugs, according to a statement on her Facebook page.
Garcia also said the department did not test the contents of the cup. Her attorney said that there was no alcohol in the cup.
“My client is adamant there was no alcohol either in the cup at that time or any time in the past. There was none,” said Todd Shapiro, one of West's defense attorneys. "It was a cup from McDonald's. She got an orange drink from McDonald's earlier in the day and they left the cup in the vehicle."
On Sunday Aug. 22, Allen West demanded an in-person apology from Dallas Police Chief Eddie Garcia, Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson and Dallas County District Attorney John Creuzot. He also called on the officer who arrested his wife to be fired.
After the district attorney's office declined to charge Angela West, her husband again demanded an apology.
"I stand by my assertion that a full apology to my wife Angela is warranted," Allen West tweeted. "As well, the full unedited body cam video should be released by the @DallasPD @DPDChiefGarcia to the press and the public. My wife’s honor and reputation should have never been assailed."

F/U for the vicious DPST attacks - unwarrranted and inaccurate.

Typical DPST marxist propaganda

Quote - CT - Having seen and heard more, West looks guilty as Hell to me.

Fortunately how CT 'looks at things' - is not a determinate factor of Truth adn FACT - or Rule of law.

Or CT would cheerfully have put Mrs. West in jail - since She is a republican politicians' wife -and kept her there for life under the crime of 'Conservatism"!!!!
Chung Tran's Avatar
So West’s WIFE gets a DWI and it dashes his hopes, but Beto himself gets one and leaves the scene but no problem for Texas Dems? Now do Hunter Biden. Originally Posted by AndyDufresne
Beto's was decades ago, he was not a 61 year old with a 3 month old baby in the car. Nor did Beto's wife blast away on Facebook how he was mistreated, and apologies demanded in person.

You Right-Wingers always avoid details. Damn the details.

She looked guilty to me, but I only heard today that she had explained she was engaging her GPS, and that caused her to veer off the road. No explanation why she stopped in the middle of a busy highway, though. The video still says ''guilty''.
LexusLover's Avatar

She looked guilty to me, ..... Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Have you ever seen an innocent person?

If blood and breath don't show the presence of alcohol, exactly of what does she look guilty in the pictures you saw? And I assume you didn't see her live. And before you get yourself too far buried ....

Have you ever heard of .... "The Presumption of Innocence" we enjoy in the USA?
Beto's was decades ago, he was not a 61 year old with a 3 month old baby in the car. Nor did Beto's wife blast away on Facebook how he was mistreated, and apologies demanded in person.

You Right-Wingers always avoid details. Damn the details.

She looked guilty to me, but I only heard today that she had explained she was engaging her GPS, and that caused her to veer off the road. No explanation why she stopped in the middle of a busy highway, though. The video still says ''guilty''. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
No, the video shows probable cause for an officer to pull her over and investigate.

The charge was DUI. The evidence, ie the blood test, showed she had NO illicit substance in her system.

The officer was a complete professional. Considering there was a very young child involved, she erred on the side of caution.

Retired Lt Colonel West should praise the Department for doing it’s job. The system worked.
You strike out again CHUNGSTER...charges dropped.
Hate to burst your bubble!!
Go back to the PISSANTS cheering squad with the rest of the sycophants...
LexusLover's Avatar
You strike out again CHUNGSTER...charges dropped.
Hate to burst your bubble!!
Go back to the PISSANTS cheering squad with the rest of the sycophants... Originally Posted by bb1961
And "the beat" goes on.
rexdutchman's Avatar
So in MY OPINION 3 possibilities , 1) really really bad copper with no supervision 2) Politico paid hit job
3) social justice warrior liberal progressive dumo- crap copper making feeling statement
( remember laws mean nothing )
Copper should be FIRED
And where are the race haters ,Hmm
and a ticket for not staying in lane is DIFFERENT from being arrested CT Denial of facts
texassapper's Avatar
You Right-Wingers always avoid details. Damn the details. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
LOL.. You were flat out WRONG. You libtards are always just WRONG. Not just in a minor way but completely 100% wrong. Damn the accuracy!